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10 ways journalists can use Storify

When Storify appeared on the collective journalism screen a few weeks back at TechCrunch Disrupt, it inspired a lot of oohs, ahhs and speculation as to how it would work for journalists. There are similar curation tools out there, like KeepStream and, though they focus primarily on collecting tweets (Correction: KeepStream also allows for Facebook integration). Storify, on the other hand, allows a user to organize various media (text, documents, video, images) and social media (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) into an orderly, linear presentation. The story pieces retain all of their original links and functionality – and the full presentations are embeddable on any site. It has a couple of downfalls, the biggest of which, to me, is the lack of hard timestamps on content from Twitter (though that’s largely Twitter’s fault). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. These are likely just the beginning of what’s been done or could be done using Storify. 8. 9. 10.

(1) What are the best content curation tools for daily use The Role of Curation in Developing and Transmitting News A new frontier of opportunity is in the ways news is being developed, packaged, and transmitted. Curated filters are becoming more interactive. From the New York Times offering personalized news recommendations, to this past week's launch of TheDaily, a subscription-based app for the iPad indexed by Andy Baio on the Web, and the upcoming release of Personalization has been around for a while. However, there is some increasing experimentation on listening to and picking up or playing the news as it happens. Increasingly, the opportunity is in the field, where the news is developing -- commentary, expertise, imagery, first person accounts, and so on. Forget the press release. All those pitching with one, do you copy this? Curating news delivery People are getting used to seeing what other people are reading and talking about out in the open -- in public streams like Twitter and Facebook, as well as deeper features on blogs. Business is social

Social Media after the volcanic. I’m speaking tomorrow morning at the Social Media Breakfast for the San Francisco East Bay. It will be the third time in as many weeks that I’ve been asked to discuss social media trends. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Yes, it’s partly because we are at the beginning of the first year of the second decade of the Conversational Age. But more than that, there is a collective sense that one major phase of social media is ending and a new one is starting. I share that viewpoint. But now, volcanoes are starting to quiet down. The era of upheaval, trauma and drama is ending. If there is one over riding trend, that I see it is that we have entered into an Age of Social Media Normalization. Their is much less excitement in this new era–and far greater value. The value comes in every day work and personal life, being easier, more productive than ever before. I try never to repeat myself in my writing and speaking–but it is sometimes inevitable. They include–but are not limited to:

Backchannels for et mer interaktivt foredrag Med apps og Web2.0 tjenester kan du samle backchannel-dialogen effektivt! Hva er Backchannel? Har du holdt en presentasjon engang så har du sikkert lagt merke til at det foregår mye i salen. Noen visker, snakker litt seg i mellom, noterer av og til hva du sier på et papir, mens andre kanskje noteter digitalt. Det engelske uttrykket for alt som foregår «utenfor» presentasjonen er backchannel og ble utviklet innenfor lingvistikk tilbake i 70-årene for å beskrive lytterens atferd under verbal kommunikasjon. I dag er det feks ikke uvanlig at mange som deltar på en konferanse er ivrige under hele eller deler av foredraget med å oppdatere foredraget via Twitter eller Facebook, for å oppdatere og informere omverden om hva som skjer, nyheter som blir lansert, eller bare for å gi en status om hvor man er. Utnytt backchannel-diskusjonen til å skape en bedre presentasjon Web-tjeneste & App Todays Meet Backchannel app til iPhone & iPad

Will robots replace journalists? No. Well, maybe a few. First let me just say that no, robots will not replace journalists. Robots will likely only replace jobs with particularly low cognitive loads. So, maybe press release re-writing bloggers, but not thinking, analyzing, interviewing, friendly journalists. In an on-going experiment called “My Boss is a Robot,” an alliance of journalists and computer scientists aim to combine the distributed human brainpower of Amazon’s small-task outsourcing engine, Mechanical Turk, with a robot boss pre-programmed to absorb a myriad of discrete human-accomplished tasks into something resembling the work of a single person. We’ve seen automated “robotic journalism” before. The Mechanical Turk has even written a simple encyclopedia entry about New York City. Are we confident that our experiment will work? If it works, the result will likely be something similar to AOL‘s Demand Media-style content generation efforts, also known as “The AOL Way.” Non-mechanical fingers crossed.

What is Echo StreamServer? Yesterday we announced a new Echo product called StreamServer . There is very little more I can say that Khris Loux has not already said so eloquently on stage at the #e2 launch event When you work so hard and long on something (depending on how you look at it, StreamServer was either 15, 2.5 or 1 year in the making) its hard to sum it all up in one, 1 hour event. But that’s what we tried to do. We tried to thread the needle between a contemporary story about activity data, the existential change (read: opportunity or threat) occurring on the web as traffic and monetization flows to proprietary social networking platforms, the opportunity for every major node on the web to be just as powerful and innovative, the need for open standards and powerful cloud services as the basis of the the rebuttal and our deep desire to make this an industry wide effort. We also tried to communicate that this was not just a pipe dream, but rather a commercial reality for major customers.

Echo Prepares World for Migration to a Web of Streams The foundation of the Web is moving from one of unchanging static pages to continually updated streams fed by external services. Gone is the time when publishing an article or a site was the final step in creating content. Instead, this can often signify the beginning of the content's life, as it is shared, retweeted, liked, commented on, and further distributed. Companies like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn have unlocked billions of dollars in revenue around user streams of content, while traditional publishers have often held to traditional business models, unable to keep pace, said Echo's CEO, Khris Loux. What Echo recommended was to give publishers, ecommerce sites and startups the capability to craft user-centric, stream-centric experiences themselves, tapping into activity stream data as the unit of currency to power interactive next generation sites. "We have coded up to the API and no further," said Loux. "It's the beginning of a new way to look at software," Loux said.

Echo Integrates Janrain Engage for Social Login and Sharing We are excited to let everyone know about an expanded relationship with Echo, a leading provider of real-time social technologies including comments, recents comments and news rivers. In October 2010 we announced the availability of an integration between Janrain Engage and Echo to make it easy for organizations using both Janrain and Echo products to enable users to link their site level authentication with the embedded Echo functionality. Today we are excited to announce that Echo has chosen to use Janrain Engage as the default, bundled login technology for the next version of its products – echo 2. Users will be able to easily login using an existing identity from major providers such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Twitter to comment and share their activity across their social networks. “The web is evolving to offer a set of powerful cloud building blocks, such as Echo’s StreamServer Real-time as a Service. » Watch Echo’s launch event for the e2 platform

Synaptic Web Stay updated about the Synaptic Web on Twitter via @SynapticWeb The Synaptic Web By Khris Loux, Eric Blantz, Chris Saad and you... The Internet is constantly evolving. As the speed, flexibility and complexity of connections increase exponentially, the Web is increasingly beginning to resemble a biological analog; the human brain. In the brain, neurologists now believe that it is the density and flexibility of the connections between neurons, not simply neurons themselves, which are at the root of intelligence. Even if the total number of brain cells, or neurons, begins to diminish in early adulthood, our ability to generate new connections between neurons and between different parts of the brain – what neurologist call “plasticity” - persists throughout life. We believe that this evolving view of neural science provides an increasingly apt metaphor for what we call the "Synaptic Web" in that the connections between objects are more important than the objects themselves. Additional Reading

Announcing Echo StreamServer, AppStore 02.08.2011– SAN FRANCISCO—Echo ( today launched StreamServer, a new cloud platform that gives media companies, brands and startups the power to aggregate and control content and activity from their site, social networks, applications and more into one real-time database. Echo unveiled the new platform this morning before a large audience at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art alongside NBC, Reuters, Sports Illustrated, Interscope, and other customers already working with the new service. Like never before, the Internet is awash with activity information. Those that have determined how to capture this data and create highly relevant social experiences have prospered. They are now household brand names. In response, many have tried to integrate simple Facebook, Twitter and other social media point solutions into their sites — but point solutions are not enough. Given the power but elusive nature of social media, today’s brands want: Control of the user experience
