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Educational Jargon Generator

Educational Jargon Generator

How To Engage With Active Learners In The Classroom Students are currently enjoying the last gasps of summertime in most countries right now. They’re outside, engaging in social activities, and constantly on the move. So what would happen if these students were thrown into a slow-moving and old-fashioned classroom? Luckily, most classrooms are aggressively pursuing a relatively new type of approach to keep students engaged. To get you a bit more excited about engaging active learners, Blackboard and JESS3 created a new video that I thought would be helpful to share. Whether it’s through the use of technology (iPads, IWBs) or trends (flipped classrooms, 1:1), the key is to just focus on what’s resonating with students. So be sure to check out this video (which is basically a video infographic and chock-full of interesting tips and factoids) and get inspired to engage your students in a whole new way. Whatever you do, use the below video as inspiration on how to engage with active learners, digital natives, whatever you wanna call them.

How to Make Friendship Bracelets - in 7 Easy Steps - StumbleUpon Anyone can learn how to make friendship bracelets with beautiful intricate patterns. Let me show you how, with easy step by step instructions. Which design would you like to make? Even if you’re a complete beginner, you can make a pretty bracelet like one of these: It’ll probably take you an hour or so to make your first bracelet. The technique is so easy that you can watch TV at the same time (seriously!). There are some great books on making friendship bracelets, like the enormously popular Klutz Friendship Bracelet Book , but to make the bracelets on this page you won’t need to buy any books or special equipment. On this page, I’ll show you how to make friendship bracelets in 8 different designs. Friendship Bracelet Designs Here are all 8 friendship bracelet patterns: Hearts - great for Valentine’s Day Flowers Diamonds Rainbows Stripes - great for sports team colors Stripes and Dots Chevrons Checkered The trick is something called a braiding disc, or braiding loom. Got your embroidery floss?

web > web economy bullshit generator Here's what the critics are saying: Your site is brilliant! The bullshit generator made me feel right at home!— Josh K. I love the web bullshit generator. I've been dared to write a spec for our site that includes at least one per paragraph — it's too tempting not to take the challenge. This is very clever, but your verbs are often real verbs. This is awesome! Congratulations! "Seize mission-critical convergence" — I just about peed in my pants! Thanks for bringing so much pleasure to so many with your one-click make-bullshit™ technology.— Jeremy S. I'm gonna copy and paste this stuff when I get to writing my own business plan. Do you realize you are going to crash 99% of the Internet Strategy Consultancy? I am considering initiating action toward your organization on the basis of copyright infringement on my last twelve RFPs. You have done a masterful job in the ongoing effort to "deploy innovative content I laughed so hard my paradigm shifted and I spent a week in the hospital.— Mark S.

Chuckwagon Apple Fritters | Scarletta Bakes I’ve been thinking about the Good Humor truck a lot lately. Like, a lot. This happens to me almost every summer. I get super hot. Every summer when I was a kid, we would spend our days at the local pool. I was a champion eater. Around 11:19 a.m., I’d start to get excited. Waiting. And then, in the far-off distance, I heard it… Diddly ding da ding da ding ding-a-ling a ding dongggggggggggggg (Whatever. I have to be first in line. Wait – who is that chubby girl standing on curb, sobbing and clutching two melted Push Pops? Sigh. Why am I talking about the Good Humor truck? Seriously, these fritters are simple and simply amazing. I came into the kitchen and found A. sitting next to an empty fritter bowl. M.: “Hey, what’s that chile sugar all over your face?” A.: “It’s not chile sugar. For reals. Chuckwagon Apple Fritters Prepare the apples by peeling all 5, shredding 2 of the apples, and roughly chopping 3 of the apples. Meanwhile, heat your peanut oil in a large, heavy-bottomed pan. 1.

My collection of funny emails from my inbox. Subject: 5 MINUTE MANAGEMENT COURSE Lesson 1: A man is getting into the shower just as his wife is finishing up her shower, when the doorbell rings. Before she says a word, Bob says, "I'll give you $800 to drop that towel." After thinking for a moment, the woman drops her towel and stands naked in front of Bob. After a few seconds, Bob hands her $800 and leaves. The woman wraps back up in the towel and goes back upstairs. "Great!" Moral of the story: If you share critical information pertaining to credit and risk with your shareholders in time, you may be in a position to prevent avoidable exposure. Lesson 2: A priest offered a Nun a lift. The priest removed his hand. Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way. On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. Moral of the story: If you are not well informed in your job, opportunities for advancement will pass right by you. Lesson 3: "Me first! "Me next! Lesson 4: The eagle answered: "Sure , why not."

100 Amazing How-To Sites to Teach Yourself Anything | Rated Colleges Posted by Site Administrator in Online Learning May 7th, 2009 Learning new skills and expanding your knowledge doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are loads of free resources on the Web that can help you find instructional videos, tutorials and classes to learn a wide variety of skills from fixing basic car problems to speaking another language. With 100 sites to choose from, you’re bound to find something here that will help you learn just about anything you could want. General Tutorials These sites offer a wide range of tutorials and videos. Around the House Want to know how to fix that broken cabinet or hang up some great wallpaper? Business and Management If you feel like you’re seriously lacking on business and management skills at work, no need to worry. KnowThis? Language and Writing Those who want to learn a new language, improve their writing skills or just learn more about literature will be well-served by these instructional sites. Technology Math S.O.S. Science Creativity

printer.php from Eating 10 hot dogs in 6 minutes and belching the national anthem may impress your friends, but neither of those feats will do much for your body—at least not much good. Instead, why not train yourself to do something that may actually pay off? We're not talking bench presses and interval training (though those do help). You can teach your body to cure itself from everyday health ailments—side stitches, first-date jitters, even hands that have fallen asleep. Just study this list, and the next time your friends challenge you to an ice cream eating contest, chow down: You know how to thaw a brain freeze—and 17 other tricks that'll make everyone think you're the next David Blaine. Do Them Right: To mazimize your workout, good form is a must. Cure a Tickling Throat When you were 9, playing your armpit was a cool trick. Experience Supersonic Hearing If you're stuck chatting up a mumbler at a cocktail party, lean in with your right ear. Overcome Your Most Primal Urge Need to pee? Feel No Pain

Learn to Talk Like Yoda with the Yoda-Speak Generator Homemade Oreos | Flour Child Fact #1: I made Oreos. I didn’t think it was possible, either. Fact #2: They tasted just like the real ones.. on crack. So much better. So. Much. Fact #3: They are extraordinarily better for your body than those blue plastic wrapped gems. Fact #4: You will become 700 times more popular if you bring a batch of these to school/work/anywhere else where humans congregate. Sorry about all the paparazzi. Falling short in the friends department? Just kidding.. obviously Oreos. From Smitten Kitchen Makes 25 to 30 sandwich cookies For the chocolate wafers: 1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup unsweetened Dutch process cocoa 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 1/4 cups sugar 1/2 cup plus 2 tablespoons (1 1/4 sticks) room-temperature, unsalted butter 1 large egg For the filling: 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) room-temperature, unsalted butter 1/4 cup vegetable shortening 2 cups sifted confectioners’ sugar 2 teaspoons vanilla extract Set two racks in the middle of the oven. Jordana

21 Things You Can Do Today to Change Your Photography Forever | Improve... Would you pin this on Pinterest? Photographers these days spend so much time on the Internet learning good things about photography that they never make the time to do the things that would be really great for their photography. I’ve compiled a list of 21 things in this article that you can do today that would completely change your photography forever. THIS is how you learn photography! If you like these tips, I hope you’ll consider learning photography with me in one of my 6 online photography classes. Action #1: Learn every function your camera is capable of performing (2 hours) You know what I mean… not just aperture, shutter speed, and focus. Action #2: Prepare your work for exhibition (Several hours) This is probably the most difficult action suggested on this page. The first time I sold a photo was life-changing for me. Action #3: Enter a photography contest (25 minutes) Photography contests can be a great way to learn digital photography. Action #20: Rent a new lens
