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Storytlr : portail perso, mashup web2.0

Storytlr : portail perso, mashup web2.0

Mister Wong : social bookmarking SurveyMonkey - Powerful tool for creating web surveys. Online survey software made easy! SurveyMonkey™ Thanks for completing this survey.Now create your own—it's free, quick & easy! Create free surveys in just a few minutes Ask questions in over 15 formats(configured for you and ready to go!) Get answers to any type of question Register with SurveyMonkey today! Sign Up FREE »

We Are Social Group News 9 tools for journalists to produce immersive stories Tools to help journalists produce content which readers can deep-dive into Credit: ThinkStock With publishers keen to keep viewers engaged, many are looking at opportunities to offer more immersive storytelling experiences, and add greater depth to the content they are producing, be it text, video or images. A number of news outlets have worked to produce content which delivers a more immersive experience than traditional templates or styles may allow, such as the oft-cited New York Times Snow Fall feature, which it later followed up with its Jockey piece. And there have been plenty of other similar projects before and since by other outlets as well, from Pitchfork's Bat For Lashes feature to the Guardian's Firestorm package. While the full-screen design of these features is a significant contributor to the feeling of a more immersive environment, this is not the only factor. This feature looks at a handful of online tools already available, or due for public launch soon. 2. 6. 7. 9.

Start Here : I'm an Organizing Junkie I hope my site can offer you some encouragement and humor as you set out on the journey of creating organized solutions and systems that work specifically for you and your family. In addition to saving you time, money and sanity, organizing can also be fun, it can be addictive and it is most definitely pleasing to God (1 Cor 14:40). All terrific reasons to organize our spaces and our lives. I truly believe organizing is a PROCESS not a destination. I’m here to help. I’ve created an acronym to help you conquer any space or system easy and efficiently. PROCESS is defined as a series of actions used to produce something or reach a goal. That is what we want to do when organizing. The Organizing PROCESS is Your Force…Use It How to Get Organized Using PROCESS Steps Linen Closet Organization with PROCESS Steps The Rewards of Living an Organized Life When You Don’t Know Where to Start Clothes Purging – How to Let Go (free printable) Top 4 Reasons Why You Have So Much Clutter Are You Consumed by Stuff?

Three beautiful storytelling approaches from the web This is a post about three lovely things that are all about using technology to help tell stories in new ways. Storify In private alpha development at the moment, Storify looks like a wonderful way of tying together different bits of your and other people’s content on the web (photos, Tweets, videos) to tell a story, and package it up. Its classic curating behaviour, but in a really simple package – I really hope i get to try it out soon. The example they use in the video is telling the story of a conference, which it would seem to be a perfect solution for, but I imagine using it also to tell the story of big projects. I always fancied doing that for the story of writing Me and My Web Shadow, but I’ve not got round to it. Keeping stories about projects and experiences would be a lot better for organisations than dull, dry reports. Storify demo from Burt Herman on Vimeo. via Adam Tinworth (who also has a video interview with the Storify guys on his blog). Via Creative Review.

Netvibes : portail perso Shutterfly | Help Q: Do my photographs have to be in any particular format to share and print? A: Yes, Shutterfly currently supports only JPEG (.jpg) images. Go to top Q: Why did I receive a JPEG error when uploading an image using the Browse Upload? A: The image you attempted to upload was either not a JPEG or was a broken JPEG. Q: What are the minimum recommended resolutions for JPEG images? (Please note that our recommendations are based ONLY on the overall resolution of your picture, and not on the overall quality or clarity of the original picture. Pictures that fall below our recommended resolution guidelines may look okay when viewed online, but will appear blurry and pixelated — that is, the image will appear blocky, with jagged rather than straight edges — when enlarged and printed. For large-format prints (11x14, 16x20, and 20x30), our recommendations are similar to those for an 8x10, although you may wish to help ensure the best possible print by using an image that is 3 megapixels or larger.

What is The Story? « The Story The Story is a one-day conference about stories and story-telling, to be held at The Conway Hall, London, on Friday, February 21st, 2014 The Story will be a celebration of everything that is wonderful, inspiring and awesome about stories, in whatever medium possible. We’re hoping to have stories that are written, spoken, played, described, enacted, whispered, projected, orchestrated, performed, printed – whatever form stories come in, we hope to have them here. The Story is not about theories of stories, or making money from stories, but about the sheer visceral pleasure of telling a story. There have never been so many stories, never so many ways to tell them. If you’d like to get in touch with us, please send us a message using the form below. Like this: Like Loading...

The Leader's Guide to Radical Management: Why did I abandon storytelling and get entangled in management speak? One reader has written to me asking: “Why have you abandoned storytelling? Why have you in the last eighteen or so months allowed yourself to be drawn into 'management speak' and that has diluted the impact of your original approach that was so special, attractive and accessible to the many people who do not read management books and who are not comfortable with that vocabulary?” Fair question. Why did I get entangled in all this management gobbledygook? Why did I abandon the pure air of storytelling and wallow in this horrible swamp? Why did I abandon storytelling and start talking about a strange thing called radical management? In 2008, looking back over the previous ten years, I saw that I had had considerable success in promoting storytelling in organizations, had inspired and trained many individuals and had established oases of excellence in many organizations. This happened over and over. So I started to ask myself: why is this? In any event, I haven’t abandoned storytelling.

是一个tumblelog服务平台,类似tumblr,用户可以添加个人动态、链接、图片、音乐和日志,另外还支持导入个人blog,以及twitter、Delicious等其它服务。 1. 用户可以添加个人动态、链接、图片、音乐和日志; 2. 支持导入个人blog feed,以及twitter、Delicious、Google Reader、Youtube、Picasa、Flickr等10项服务; 3. 自带备份功能,支持将内容以CSV文件导出,日后将支持 图像和视频; 4. 系统有三个主题供选择,可以上传顶部banner及背景图对个人页面外观进行简单的定制; 5. 侧边栏分解为不同的widgets,可以自由选择以及更改显示顺序; 6. 在个人页面浏览者可针对每一条目添加评论,亦可收藏再分享; 7. 可以免费绑定域名。 by laoxiuwu Aug 1
