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Mobile learning is for everyone

Mobile learning is for everyone

mobile learning Qu'est-ce que c'est ? Le m-learning est, en quelque sorte, une évolution extrême de l'e-learning. On ne se contente plus de pouvoir délivrer une formation sur n'importe quel poste informatique. L'apprenant peut suivre sa formation où qu'il se trouve grâce à un terminal mobile. documents texte avec une mise en forme compatible avec des terminaux mobiles,contenus vidéo sur téléphone portable ou tablette, préchargés ou en streaming,contenus audio téléchargeables sur un baladeur,formations complètes adaptées à des terminaux mobiles comme des tablettes… Etat des lieux Le m-learning est encore à ses débuts. Avantages Flexibilité Le contenu de la formation est réellement accessible n'importe quand. Accessibilité Le contenu en m-learning est également accessible de partout. Apprentissage informel L'apprentissage nomade est par nature plus informel qu'une session de formation sur un poste de travail. Inconvénients et limites Aliénation des utilisateurs Environnement peu propice Perspectives

Progress or Regress at Los Montanas, Part 2 Judgments about the use of technologies in schools, past and present, are never value-free. So let me deal with the ideological underpinnings of technological “progress” and “regress.” By ideological I mean ideas that are political and value-driven. For example, as Judi Harris, an expert on technology integration, pointed out (see post August 27, 2010) most advocates for more technology in schools (e.g. educators, vendors, academics) are “techno-centrists” (think Seymour Papert, Nicholas Negroponte, and the latest champion of online instruction to replace teachers and schools). Techno-centrists, she says, seek “educational uses for particular technologies,” i.e., technical fixes for school problems. They have ideological blinders that lead them to celebrate the next new gadget in the name of better student learning. The second ideological blinder technological-driven educators wear is “pedagogical dogmatism.” So was there progress or regress? Consider: Like this: Like Loading...

M-learning ou l’apprentissage nomade En complément des dispositifs d’apprentissage à distance, le mobile-learning intéresse DRH et universités. BYOD, e-learning et m-learning Porté par la croissance des parcs de smartphones et tablettes en entreprise, et du phénomène Bring Your Own Device, l’apprentissage sur terminaux mobiles apparait pour les spécialistes en formation et les DRH comme une nouvelle opportunité et une ressource supplémentaire aux solutions de « blended-learning » (apprentissage mixte avec des dispositifs traditionnels en présentiel et des outils de formation à distance). Michel Diaz, Directeur associé de FéFAUR*, cabinet indépendant français de conseil en e-learning en précise les enjeux : « le Mobile Learning est un formidable outil de support à la performance pour des salariés en quête d’informations, de connaissances et d’évaluation en situation de travail. Etiquettes : ApprentissageBring Your Own DeviceE-learningFormationM-learningmobilitésmartphone Description de l'auteur

Preparing Your School for an iPad Implementation Planning is imperative for any technology initiative - iPad or otherwise. You need to ensure that you clearly understand and communicate how the technology integrates with your overall pedagogical objectives. Too many institutions purchase technology and then search for ways to utilize it ... or leave it collecting dust on the shelf. Planning needs to consider both infrastructure needs and the educational applications of the new technology. Without the proper preparation, technology initiatives are liable to become expensive failures. Campus Infrastructure Considerations Signal Strength: If you’re using wifi iPads then you’ll need a strong and reliable connection to the web. Pedagogical Considerations: Pedagogical Models:Have you discussed how the use of iPads will be integrated into your educational processes? Your iPad implementation plan requires careful thought and preparation.

Lessons From The Best: 2012 Bersin & Associates Learning Leaders Back in 2006 we had a dream of building a new type of industry recognition program that would use the rigor of our research to recognize leading L&D, HR, and talent management programs around the world. This program, which we call theBersin & Associates Learning Leaders®, is now in its sixth year and today I am very excited to announce the winners and highlight the 108 page best-practice report highlighting these fantastic programs. About the Learning Leaders Program There are many recognition programs in the industry. Our goal with the Learning Leaders program is to make the entire effort a valuable learning experience for all: for those who apply, for those who read the final report, and for us as a research organization. The 2012 Winning Organizations and Programs This year the winning programs were truly amazing. Performance-driven learning drives business results, even during a recession. Please take a few minutes to download the report and pass it around within your organization.

Programs for Educators Tips for Teachers Development for Educators February 27, 2014 We are thrilled to announce the release of our entire Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum as a set of eight interactive, multimedia iBooks Textbooks, available for free in the iBooks Store... read more March 31, 2014 Imagine … a school district that is teaching Digital Literacy and Citizenship lessons to 28,000 K-12 students, with 1,800 trained teachers. Categories:
