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What is ScratchEd? Launched in July 2009, ScratchEd is an online community where Scratch educators share stories, exchange resources, ask questions, and find people. Since its launch, more than 7500 educators from all around the world have joined the community, sharing hundreds of resources and engaging in thousands of discussions. Join the ScratchEd community for free at How can I learn more about what educators are doing with Scratch – and how I might use it? Not sure what might be possible with Scratch? Read a story about how educators have been including Scratch activities in a wide range of learning environments. Or explore resources across ages, disciplines, and settings.

Animation for Kids | Create an animation online with AnimateStar ABCya is the leader in free educational computer games and mobile apps for kids. The innovation of a grade school teacher, ABCya is an award-winning destination for elementary students that offers hundreds of fun, engaging learning activities. Millions of kids, parents, and teachers visit each month, playing over 1 billion games last year. Apple, The New York Times, USA Today, Parents Magazine and Scholastic, to name just a few, have featured ABCya’s popular educational games. ABCya’s award-winning Preschool computer games and apps are conceived and realized under the direction of a certified technology education teacher, and have been trusted by parents and teachers for ten years. Our educational games are easy to use and classroom friendly, with a focus on the alphabet, numbers, shapes, storybooks, art, music, holidays and much more!

Making Games: The Ultimate Project-Based Learning Gamestar Mechanic Part 6 of MindShift’s Guide to Games and Learning. As game-based learning increases in popularity, it’s easy to get pigeon-holed into one particular way of thinking about it or one way of employing it. This is true regardless of how teachers feel about gaming in the classroom, whether they’re for or against it. One common objection to game-based learning is that students will sit in front of screens being taught at. In previous posts in this series, I’ve argued that because games involve systems thinking, they contextualize learning. “Games are just simulators with an internal incentive structure (often dopamine based). However, virtual simulations of hands-on experience are not the same as tangibly engaging with the world. Fortunately, few people are calling for games to replace school as we know it. Just as there are many apps and platforms designed to teach kids coding, there are also many apps and platforms that make it easy for kids to design their own games.

The Whiteboard Blog : Stop Motion Filming with JellyCam The Whiteboard Blog JellyCam is a simple, free piece of software to allow you to make stop motion videos using a webcam. You can download JellyCam for free here. As a complete beginner, I found it very easy to use. There’s very little in the way of whistles and bells. You hit the space bar to take another frame, and the software allows onionskinning so you can get an idea of how the new frame relates to the last frame. You could use this with a webcam, a visualiser, or upload still photographs taken with a regular digital camera. JellyCam produces a Flash Video file (flv) from your movie and even links straight to YouTube so that you can upload your finished video. Here’s something I put together in about 5 minutes after installing JellyCam. You’ll need Adobe Air to be able to install it. Thanks to Angie at Edit Training for tipping me off to this software.

Le cambouis pédagogique du code Il y a quelques jours, des animateurs et concepteurs d’ateliers de programmation pour enfants sont venus au CRI (Centre de Recherche Interdisciplinaire) pour nous présenter leur travail. Les démarches et méthodes de travail présentées sont dynamiques et pertinentes, de quoi nous inspirer dans notre pédagogie et notre façon de mener la classe… récit. Au delà de la diversité des types d’ateliers présentés (en famille, en classe, en périscolaire…) et des outils utilisés (Scratch, Lego Mindstorms, outils de Mozilla Webmaker…) nous avons pu remarquer des points de convergences. Se mettre en projetEn effet, tous les ateliers partent d’un projet concret, la programmation ne s’apprend pas “hors sol” elle permet de poursuivre un but, de créer, de relever un défi : animer un personnage, faire éviter les obstacles à un robot, créer un jeu… ExpérimenterIl a été aussi beaucoup dit qu’il fallait expliquer peu et laisser les enfants expérimenter, s’entraider, solliciter l’adulte si besoin. Like this:

Domo Animate - Make your own Domo Animations and Slideshows with GoAnimate's super easy to use tools. Programming through games for Middle School students In the beginning of 2013 I was invited to offer extra-classes for Middle School students interested on programming because of classes that I had already offered about Arduino and C for High School students. Based on my experience as programmer, teacher (of Mathematics) and Scratch user, I decided to use games as the theme for the classes. The group started with 12 students, but the number lowered to 5 after August. The dynamic of the classes were: I explained the idea of the game and, usually, gave to them a few initial steps. 1) Falling balls (version not free of bugs) The initial goal was to explore basic movements in the stage and object collision. 2) Demented pixie The game was inspired in a stage of the classic Pokemon for Gameboy in which the character has to move on a ice surface. 3) Baliza com a Amanda (Parking Amanda's car) Students asked for a game involving car movements and that was my suggestion: a parking game.

Little Bird Tales - Home Les outils visuels de l'apprentissage Quels outils visuels choisir pour favoriser l’apprentissage? C’est à cette question que répond de manière synthétique la très intéressante carte mentale ci-dessus. Pour chaque outil, son utilisation pratique et ses avantages sont proposés. Cliquer sur la carte pour l’agrandir. Son auteur, Renaud Keymeulen l’a réalisée après avoir participé aux ateliers de Visual Mapping de juin 2015. Chercheur en pédagogies nouvelles et méthodologue, il a mis en pratique des activités d’apprentissage différentes basées sur les intelligences multiples et la coopération dans ses classes. Renaud Keymeulen est l’auteur de l’ouvrage pédagogique de référence « Vaincre ses difficultés scolaires grâce aux intelligences multiples« . Les prochains ateliers de Visual Mapping auront lieu à Paris les 5 et 6 octobre prochains.
