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10 Awesome Techniques and Examples of Animation with jQuery

10 Awesome Techniques and Examples of Animation with jQuery
jQuery can pretty much do anything you can think of. All you need is a creative imagination and some time to learn the simple and intuitive API. In this article, we share with you some innovative uses of jQuery in animating web design elements. You’ll read about some interesting techniques, tutorials, and examples that will show you how to create similar effects on your own websites and web apps. 1. This example by Dutch web developer Gaya Kessler features an impressive animation effect of cartoonish smoke emanating from factory smoke stacks. Live Demo: Smoke Effect 2. Sam Dunn of the web development duo, Build Internet, wrote a tutorial on how to create an animated landscape using transparent PNG images. Live Demo: Animated Postcard 3. In this tutorial, you will learn how to animate image elements in a smooth and fluid manner. Live Demo: Realistic Hover Effect 4. Live Demo: (web page header) 5. Live Demos: Freestyle Sample, Image Sequence Sample, Fade Text Sample 6. jQuery Blend

jQuery Twinkle, un plugin qui attire l’attention - Megaptery Twinkle est un plugin jQuery qui permet d’attirer l’attention de vos visiteurs sur certaines parties de votre site web. Le principe de l’outil repose sur des cercles animés avec jQuery et générés soit via l’élément HTML5 canvas, soit via des propriétés CSS3. Faites scintillez vos éléments HTML Le plugin possède une API assez complète avec méthodes, options, et effets. Les options Plusieurs paramètres peuvent être utilisés. widthRatio : ratio horizontal de l’animationheightRatio : ratio vertical de l’animationdelay : délai avant que le premier effet soit déclenchégap : délai entre deux effetseffect : nom de l’effet utiliséeffectOptions (radius, color, etc) : options pour un effet personnalisé Les effets Twinkle possède nativement quelques effets mais vous pouvez construire facilement vos propres effets en utilisant le paramètre effectOptions. Exemples Voici un exemple pour déclencher un effet personnalisé.

Shadowbox.js 30 Fantastic New jQuery Plugins With jQuery now being used in over 40% of all web sites, the demand for up-to-date and feature-rich plugins has never been greater. Thankfully, the community has always met its popularity head on by offering a constant influx of new jQuery plugins that constantly push the boundaries of functionality even-further. We haven’t actually had a good look at plugins in quite a while, so today, we thought we would bring you up-to-date with some of the latest and greatest. CodeExplorer CodeExplorer is an enitrely unique code formatting plugin that will not only format the code with colors and spacing, but will also display it in an entire folder structure. Subway Map Visualization Plugin The amazing Subway Map Visualization plugin allows you create, interactive subway map visualizations with HTML. Website Tour with jQuery Website Tour with jQuery allows you to, as its name clearly states, create a tour on a website with jQuery. jQuery Embedded Help System Flurid – The Fluid CSS Grid Isotope MobilyMap

Leçon 01 : Introduction | Techniques Infographiques Multimédia Pour cette leçon 1, nous nous sommes rencontrés au local B99 pour une introduction de 2 heures aux techniques infographiques multimédia. Comprendre les objectifs du cours. Découvrir le métier d'infographiste Web & Multimédia Identifier les grandes étapes de réalisation d'un site web professionnel. Notions générales de l'infographie Web & Multimédia : Un peu d'histoire, les utilisations actuelles et futures. Méthodologie pour la conduite de projet Web & Multimédia Métiers et étapes de création graphique pour le web : conception et ergonomie (wireframe) et design d'interface (layouts), découpage d'interface et feuille de style (intégrateur CSS), composantes (html, js, flash...) Grand tour des techniques de création graphique Web & Multimédia: Photoshop/Fireworks, HTML, javascript, feuilles de styles (CSS), FLASH (animation, vidéo, son actionscript), transfert de fichiers (FTP). Notions de communication visuelle créative, esthétique et ergonomique. Démonstration de sites web et outils utilisés.

Rollover jQuery Mon portfolio Mon titre Ici une petite description Thinking Outside the Grid Flying into my home city of Tucson, Arizona late one night in November, I was impressed by how rigid a grid the city’s layout is. Tucson is one of America’s planned cities, and from the sky, it’s easy to see that Tucson’s designers succeeded in creating a city in which everything is laid out according to a precise plan (figure 1). I was returning home from London, which in contrast is far from a rigid grid. London is spirals, circles, tangets, and is often seemingly spontaneous in its design (figure 2). Figure 2 Because I’d been thinking about this article for some time, the aerial view of these cities struck me as an apt metaphor for grid design on the web. Sense and the city#section1 If we extend the urban-planning metaphor to web design, there are very interesting parallels. On the plus side, Tucson certainly is easy to get around in; you needn’t have much more than a basic sense of direction or a street map. London, unlike Tucson, is a maze. Coding the grid fantastic#section2 Figure 7

Home: Silverlight.NET Skip to main content Silverlight Developer Center Sign in United States (English) © 2014 Microsoft. Trent Walton Wireframes Magazine Multi-Device Layout Patterns Through fluid grids and media query adjustments, responsive design enables Web page layouts to adapt to a variety of screen sizes. As more designers embrace this technique, we're not only seeing a lot of innovation but the emergence of clear patterns as well. I cataloged what seem to be the most popular of these patterns for adaptable multi-device layouts. To get a sense of emerging responsive design layout patterns, I combed through all the examples curated on the Media Queries gallery site several times. I looked for what high-level patterns showed up most frequently and tried to avoid defining separate patterns where there were only small differences. Mostly Fluid The most popular pattern was perhaps surprisingly simple: a multi-column layout that introduces larger margins on big screens, relies on fluid grids and images to scale from large screens down to small screen sizes, and stacks columns vertically in its narrowest incarnations (illustrated below). Column Drop Layout Shifter

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