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$10 Smartphone to digital microscope conversion!

$10 Smartphone to digital microscope conversion!

Transformer son smartphone en détecteur de rayons cosmiques - 22 janvier 2015 PROTONS. Les rayons cosmiques, découverts il y a un siècle par le physicien autrichien Victor Franz Hess (voir encadré), sont des particules à haute énergie qui bombardent la Terre en permanence. Elles proviennent, pour partie, de supernovæ. Les protons constituent jusqu'à 90% des rayons cosmiques qui frappent l'atmosphère terrestre. Des télescopes au sol répartis sur plusieurs milliers de km carrés et des ballons sondes permettent de les étudier. Après le calcul, la détection distribuée Ce ne sont pas les rayons cosmiques qui sont directement détectés au niveau du sol mais des particules secondaires formées lorsque les protons interagissent avec l’atmosphère terrestre. SPECTRE. VOYAGE EN BALLON. Comment ça marche ? RÉSEAU. Pour télécharger DECO (Androïd) ICI Pour téléchager CRAYFIS (IOS, Androïd, Window) ICI Il s’agit pour le moment de version beta qui doivent être finalisées en 2015

MAKE HOMEMADE SCIENCE TOYS AND PROJECTS Lancement du MOOC «Smartphone Pocket Lab» par Joël Chevrier (Univ. Grenoble et CRI Paris) Les smartphones sondent en permanence le monde autour de nous pour nos usages personnels quotidiens. Et s’ils nous servaient dans nos apprentissages ? Voir le teaser: En les utilisant comme des laboratoires de poche avec capteurs intégrés, le MOOC "Smartphone Pocketlab" explore scientifiquement les gestes et les mouvements qui sont à la base du transport, du sport, de la pratique artistique... Pour le suivre, il faut avoir un smartphone, un ordinateur portable et... c’est tout. Pour la première fois, ce MOOC s’appuie sur le Do It Yourself (DIY) « à la maison ». Nul besoin de disposer d’un laboratoire de physique, avec un matériel coûteux et inaccessible, pour faire de la science et analyser efficacement les données collectées : avec un simple smartphone et votre ordinateur portable, votre « labo mobile », vous pouvez faire tout cela chez vous et partager ensuite sur le forum du MOOC vos expériences et vos idées.

The Kitchen Pantry Scientist VOIR A propos Il existe un monde merveilleux plein de surprises et d'opportunités. Pourtant ce monde est inaccessible au commun des mortels. Pour accéder à ce surprenant monde, il vous faut un portail : votre smartphone et sa clé : Voir Libérez le scientifique qui est en vous où que vous soyez tout en partageant instantanément ce que vous avez découvert avec le plus sexy microscope du monde via l’application Voir. Les micoscopes Voir sont disponibles dans une palette de cinq coloris soigneusement choisis : Pour concevoir Voir nous avons travaillés avec les smartphones suivants : iPod Touch 6, iPhone 6/6S, HuaweiP8lite. Commencez le voyage avec Voir Élargissez votre horizon, Changez votre monde. Voir App Partagez vos découvertes avec vos amis, likez, commentez, et téléchargez les créations d'utilisateurs du monde entier. Champ d’application Voir peut être utilisé dans de nombreuses professions. Technologie Open Source K A N T U M Kill Malaria Ils nous font confiance Ils en parlent Comment contribuer?

Lab charts the anatomy of three molecular channels Using a state-of-the-art imaging technology in which molecules are deep frozen, scientists in Roderick MacKinnon's lab at Rockefeller University have reconstructed in unprecedented detail the three-dimensional architecture of three channels that provide a path for specific types of ions to travel across a cell's protective membrane. Because such ions are central to biochemical messaging that allows cells to communicate with one another, the findings have implications for understanding how muscles contract, how the heart maintains its rhythm, and many other physiological processes. In all cases, researchers used equipment at the Evelyn Gruss Lipper Cryo-Electron Microscopy Resource Center to capture and compile images of the molecules while they were frozen in a thin layer of ice. With this data, they determined the channels' structures in three dimensions, down to the level of individual atoms. The chloride ion channel: A subtle change, another way of working

Cheap, small and uses a smartphone: a new microscope to fight antibiotic resistance - Technology Org The new microscope is small, portable and affordable, which makes it extremely useful in poorer parts of the world. Image credit: Scientists developed a new microscope, which can be used to diagnose cancerous tumours and infections. It is quite impressive, because it allows health practitioners to see how the DNA chains in the sample look like, meaning that form of cancer, bacteria or virus involved in the disease can be identified very accurately. But what is so new about it? Well, it estimated to cost much less than $500 and uses a smartphone camera. It is amazing what can be achieved using simple everyday technology. The new device itself is a tiny 3D-printed microscope, which connects to the camera of a smartphone. Antibiotics still are very effective at treating bacterial infections, such as tuberculosis. There are still quite a few steps to take. Source: Comment this news or article

From mice, clues to microbiome’s influence on metabolic disease | Scienmag: Latest Science and Health News MADISON, Wis. — The community of microorganisms that resides in the gut, known as the microbiome, has been shown to work in tandem with the genes of a host organism to regulate insulin secretion, a key variable in the onset of the metabolic disease diabetes. That is the primary finding of a study published this week (Feb. 14, 2017) in the journal Cell Reports by a team led by University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers Alan Attie and Federico Rey. The new report describes experiments in mice showing how genetic variation in a host animal shapes the microbiome — a rich ecosystem of mostly beneficial microorgannisms that resides in the gut — and sets the table for the onset of metabolic disease. "We're trying to use genetics to find out how bugs affect diabetes and metabolism," explains Attie, a UW-Madison professor of biochemistry and a corresponding author of the new study. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes have long been known to be influenced by both genes and diet. Media Contact

You Physics Teachers Really Ought to Teach Numerical Calculations I love including numerical calculations in my introductory and advanced physics courses. I find that including coding in the introductory physics course forces students to think in different ways to better understand physics. Numerical calculations are such an integral part of real world physics that it would be wrong to not include them in the intro courses. And at this point, I think my colleagues have run out of excuses for not including numerical calculations in these classes. What is a numerical calculation? This is the way things work in the “real world.” I introduce students to numerical calculations by instructing them to create their own code to solve a problem. Student Feedback at the Beginning Picture the scene. At this point, students have many concerns. Other students deflect their anxiety into another issue like claiming they are a Mac person or a PC person, but python is platform agnostic (another thing that makes it great). Sometime Later, While Working on Projects

Article Nerdy Derby Fifty feet of track. No rules. Infinite attempts. That's the recipe for success at Nerdy Derby, the miniature car building and racing competition that’s speeding towards an educational event near you. Music: Devil Exit From Fashion by Messer Chups Energy: Electric, Light, Sound | VanCleave's Science Fun Objectives: 1. To describe the physical properties of the energy ball.2. To identify the the types of energy produced by the Energy Ball: electric energy, light energy, and sound energy.3. To describe the difference between electric insulators and electric conductors.4. To distinguish between an open and closed circuit diagram. Material–Mystery Ball, AKA Energy Ball can be purchased at Engage: Observe Physical Properties of the Mystery Ball 1. Move the ball in your hand so all sides of the ball are visible. color-white;shape-ball or spherical;size- ping-pong ball;other distinguishing features: 1-small hole with two silver metal strips on either side of the hole 2. Demonstration Experiment:What to Do: Spread a small amount of hand lotion on your hands.Hold the mystery ball in one hand and touch the metal terminals on the ball with the finger and thumb of your other hand.Raise and lower your index finger to turn the ball on and off. Elaborate (Enrichment): Evaluate: 1. 2.
