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Thought Questions: A question that makes you think is worth asking…

Thought Questions: A question that makes you think is worth asking…
Chestnut ESL/EFL Thought Questions: A question that makes you think is worth asking… ‘At the cusp of a new day, week, month, or year, most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future. ‘Reflection is the key to progression..’ READ ARTICLE (TITLE SOURCE): Marc and Angel Hack Life Lesson Idea: Create flash cards with these Thought Questions and use them on a day with no lesson plan! Rate this: 2 Votes Share this: Like this: Related Film English -Apricot (Childhood Memories)In "ADVANCED" Dealing with Peer PressureIn "ADVANCED" LIFE LESSONSIn "BEGINNERS" ← Prev Next → Got something to say? Leave a Reply About Me Chestnut Esl- Poverty Resources Featured Posts The Louis Braille Story April 8, 2014 Learning about Amusement Parks July 10, 2013 School Children Around the World June 16, 2013 Video lesson – Stonehenge February 2, 2013 Ancient Greek Olympics Resources January 8, 2012 Learning Styles November 20, 2011 COMPARING: North Vs South November 14, 2011 Follow

Composition Classroom
