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Le contrat de travail intermittent

Le contrat de travail intermittent
Dernière mise à jour le 1er juillet 2013 Synthèse Possible dans certaines entreprises, le travail intermittent se caractérise par l’alternance de périodes travaillées et de périodes non travaillées. Il doit faire l’objet d’un contrat à durée indéterminée comportant un certain nombre de clauses obligatoires. Le salarié en contrat de travail intermittent bénéficie des mêmes droits que les autres salariés. A savoir Le contrat de travail intermittent ne peut être conclu que pour des emplois permanents qui, par nature, comportent une alternance de périodes travaillées et non travaillées (par exemple : certains emplois de formateurs). Sommaire Fiche détaillée Travail intermittent : de quoi s’agit-il ? Le travail intermittent est l’alternance de périodes travaillées et non travaillées qu’impliquent les fluctuations d’activités. Quelles sont les conditions préalables à la signature d’un contrat de travail intermittent ? Quel est le contenu de la convention ou de l’accord collectif ?

Byron Reeves: Work is a Serious Game Byron Reeves has been thinking of ways to turn work into serious play. Combining the hugely popular media of gaming with the needs of our existing workforce, he says, will increase productivity while stemming the tide of growing worker disengagement. The idea that work is work and play is play and never the two shall meet is melting quite a bit. Work is a serious game! About Byron Reeves Byron is the Paul C. Recorded Live BIF-7 Summit Total running time Questioning and facilitation techniques — E-learning modules We have seen how the role of the teacher can be more or less directive and how particular activities, and indeed complete sessions, can vary from being more teacher-centred to being more learner-centred. It is the role of the teacher to select the most relevant methods and styles for the task; good teachers can switch styles and pace to suit the needs of the learners and the moment. In the diagram above, we can see that the teacher is in a more didactic role, with interactions being between the teacher and individual learners. How can we facilitate discussions and promote the interactions that are one of the hallmarks and purposes of small groups? In addition to setting activities that encourage discussion between participants and get them engaged with the topic, one of the main techniques that a teacher can use to stimulate discussion is the use of appropriate questioning. Question strategies Evidence - How do you know that? (adapted from Brookfield 2006) Print module to PDF

Teaching Online : Pedagogy : Instructional Best Practices Using Technology Pedagogy Instructional Best Practices Using Technology The following is a list of endorsed best practices that you may wish to explore and/or implement in your online course: Guidelines for Synchronous Assignments Organization: Instructional Design Well-designed course pages, rubrics, lessons, and assignments are paramount to superior design of online courses. Organization The definition of organize is to “form into a whole.” Advance Organizers: Ausubel’s (1968) idea of an “advance organizer” is to relate what a student already knows to the new content to be learned and thus increase retention. Model/Concept Maps One way to organize a course is to provide a visual model or map of the different components, thereby, providing another learning style for your students. Interaction: One of the implicit goals of any instructional setting is to provide students with the opportunity to interact with the course content, the instructor, and other students. Social Networking Learning Contracts Simulation

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