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Elements of the Gothic Novel Robert Harris Version Date: June 15, 2015 The gothic novel was invented almost single-handedly by Horace Walpole, whose The Castle of Otranto (1764) contains essentially all the elements that constitute the genre. Walpole's novel was imitated not only in the eighteenth century and not only in the novel form, but it has influenced the novel, the short story, poetry, and even film making up to the present day. Gothic elements include the following: 1. Setting in a castle. The castle may be near or connected to caves, which lend their own haunting flavor with their darkness, uneven floors, branchings, claustrophobia, and mystery. Translated into the modern novel or filmmaking, the setting might be in an old house or mansion--or even a new house--where unusual camera angles, sustained close ups during movement, and darkness or shadows create the same sense of claustrophobia and entrapment. 2. In modern novels and filmmaking, the inexplicable events are often murders. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1.

The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time | Teaching Ideas Fifteen-year-old Christopher has a photographic memory. He understands maths. He understands science. What he can't understand are other human beings. When he finds his neighbour's dog lying dead on the lawn, he decides to track down the killer and write a murder mystery about it. But what other mysteries will he end up uncovering? Book Author: Mark Haddon See More Books from this author English Read the first paragraph where Christopher discovers the dead dog. Maths Why is the numbering system for each chapter unusual? Geography Christopher likes to visualise and make plans of places. Christopher has Asperger's, a form of autism.

La Navidad: Presentación y Actividad La Navidad es una fiesta cristiana muy popular en todo el mundo. La forma de celebrarla cambia muy poco entre los países de habla hispana, aunque siempre hay alguna peculiaridad. Oficialmente, la fiesta de Navidad empieza el 25 de diciembre con el nacimiento del niño Jesús, y termina el 6 de enero con la llegada de los Reyes Magos. Aunque durante todo el mes de diciembre, incluso desde noviembre, se pueden ver calles iluminadas y casas decoradas. Uno de los elementos más característicos del mundo católico es el Belén, también llamado “nacimiento”, “pesebre” o “portal”. Hay belenes de todos los tipos y tamaños, pero las figuras que nunca pueden faltar son estas: la Virgen María, San José el niño Jesús y, a su lado, la mula y el buey. En algunas zonas, además de los personajes habituales como los Reyes Magos o los pastores, también aparecen otras elementos curiosos: el “caganer”, de origen catalán, pero ya extendido en España, o la flor de cocotero en Paraguay.
