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5 Reasons to Teach Kids to Code

5 Reasons to Teach Kids to Code

New Tool for Teaching Kids to Code [youtube] Intro to computer science just became Harvard’s most popular freshman class, outpacing economics, the campus paper reports. Yet in most K-12 classrooms, the subject is rarely taught. Instead of learning a language such as Java or Python, as they would in an Advanced Placement or college course, students manipulate blocks of logic that, if properly sequences, will draw a shape or move a character. Code Studio’s interface is similar to MIT’s Scratch, but uses HTML5 and thus can run in most browsers, and there are puzzle-based lesson plans. Meanwhile, another effort to expand the ranks of aspiring young computer scientists and engineers just received the first TechCrunch Include Grant of $50,000. Filed under: For Teachers, Grades 6-8, Grades 9-12, Grades K-5, K-12 Outreach Programs, Lesson Plans, Web Resources

Sesión 01 - Aprendo Scratch Introducción “La competencia digital” debe hacer referencia a diseñar, crear y remezclar; no simplemente a navegar, comunicar e interactuar. El poder de participar en esta competencia debe de estar al alcance de todos. Es esto precisamente, lo que motivo el desarrollo de Scratch hace seis años; crear un lenguaje de programación que permita a personas sin experiencia previa crear historias interactivas, animaciones, juegos, música y arte, así como compartirlos en Internet. Hoy esa motivación esta hecha realidad, Scratch le da el poder de la programación a todas las personas, independientemente de su edad, experiencia previa o intereses para diseñar y crear sus propios proyectos, así como remezclar proyectos de otras personas. Desde su lanzamiento al público en Mayo de 2007, el sitio Web de Scratch ( se ha convertido en una vibrante comunidad en línea, integrada por personas que comparten, intercambian ideas y remezclan programas propios con los de otros. Flexible

Paul Ford: What is Code? | Bloomberg A computer is a clock with benefits. They all work the same, doing second-grade math, one step at a time: Tick, take a number and put it in box one. Tick, take another number, put it in box two. Tick, operate (an operation might be addition or subtraction) on those two numbers and put the resulting number in box one. Tick, check if the result is zero, and if it is, go to some other box and follow a new set of instructions. You, using a pen and paper, can do anything a computer can; you just can’t do those things billions of times per second. Apple has always made computers; Microsoft used to make only software (and occasional accessory hardware, such as mice and keyboards), but now it’s in the hardware business, with Xbox game consoles, Surface tablets, and Lumia phones. So many things are computers, or will be. When you “batch” process a thousand images in Photoshop or sum numbers in Excel, you’re programming, at least a little. 2.1 How Do You Type an “A”? It’s simple now, right?

10 Creative Adobe Illustrator Tutorials This post put together some handy creative Adobe Illustrator Tutorials, mostly about retro poster style. Check out new tricks that you can learn and apply it to your own designs. These tutorials are the best from great sites such us Digital Arts online, Veerle's blog, Vectortuts+, Vectips, Pixel 77, Computer Arts magazine and GoMediaZine. Hope you like it!!! Create Retro Poster Art | Digital Arts online Elegant gradient ribbon in Illustrator | Veerle's blog Blend and Mask Yourself a Great Poster | Vectortuts+ Creating Seamless Textures In Illustrator | Vectips Tutorial: Retro vector illustration in 15 Steps | Pixel 77 Intricate Patterns in Illustrator | GoMediaZine Give Your Sketches a Facelift | Tutorial | Computer Arts magazine Design a Vintage Poster with Vector Pack 16 – Graphic design tutorials, freebies, & advice by working artists and designers. | GoMediaZine Post written by David Klhufek Freelance graphic, website designer, in the round for over more 10 years now..

JavaScript Guide The JavaScript Guide shows you how to use JavaScript and gives an overview of the language. If you need exhaustive information about a language feature, have a look at the JavaScript reference. This Guide is divided into the following chapters. Introduction Grammar and types Control flow and error handling Loops and iteration Functions Expressions and operators Numbers and dates Text formatting Indexed collections Keyed collections Working with objects Details of the object model Promises Iterators and generators Redes - Web Oficial En vivo: Nadal vs Thiem 18:38 Siga en vivo las semifinales de Roland Garros Redes Fuera de emisión Una vuelta al mundo de la ciencia a través de 'Redes' vídeo Ver vídeo Tras 18 años en emisión, Eduard Punset se despide del programa 'Redes' Eduard Punset y su programa Redes han acercado la ciencia al gran público Después de 18 años ininterrumpidos el programa ha finalizado Pero Punset ya prepara otra aventura en RTVE 'Redes' superó los 600 programas emitidos en La 2 de TVE El espacio de divulgación científica superó los 600 programas emitidos Ha traído a los hogares españoles a los más punteros investigadores Ha sido uno de los referentes de la divulgación científica en los países de habla hispana Comentar Intervenciones de Eduard Punset en otros programas de TVE Eduard Punset, en 'La Noche en 24h' "Vivimos en un mundo que había negado la intuición" Punset entra en la ficción La primera "novela científica" de Punset combina la razón con las emociones Promo de Más TVE, con Punset Pasión por leer

