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iPad Apps for English teaching and learning

iPad Apps for English teaching and learning
In our prospective iPad project in our English and Media faculty we are currently trailing the best apps to use in the teaching of English and Media Studies. Here is a useful top ten list (with a few extras with honourable mentions!): Pages: The basic word processing package that is really essential for any and all types of writing. Easily transportable by email to Dropbox etc. with the capacity to convert to Microsoft Word if required. Safari: The essential internet browser for the iPad for all required research essential to presentations etc. Dropbox: The best Cloud app to save work and create an accessible area to share work, ideas etc. iBooks: The essential e-reader and book library for the iPad. ExplainEverything: A brilliant app for individual or group presentations. iFPoems: A fantastic anthology of poems is available on the app. iMovie: A smooth and easy app that allows students to create films instantly, with an array of editing facilities. I hope these ideas are useful.

StoryKit Teaching English with the iPad Digital literacies in the language classroom A brief introduction to digital literacies Gavin Dudeney, an IH Trustee and the Director of Technology at The Consultants-E, provides us with a snapshot of digital literacies and what they mean for English language teachers. When I grew up and went to school in the seventies and eighties, discussions of literacy and numeracy were limited to what we used to call the ‘three Rs’ (reading, (w)riting and (a)rithmetic), but times have changed, and the notion of ‘literacy’ in the wired world of 2014 is a completely different beast. Take a quick tour around the education systems of the world and you’ll increasingly hear talk of ‘21st century skills’ (the USA and the UK), ‘new media literacies’ (the USA), ‘digital literacy skills’ (Australia) and, perhaps more commonly, discussions to ensure that learners acquire the ‘digital competences’ (Norway and Spain, to name but a couple) they will need in an ever-more connected world, and workplace. What are these ‘new’ literacies? Well, everything.

iPad English Innovative Projects & Lessons These technology integration projects and activities engender student creativity & empowerment. For more examples, visit our partner sites: Best of History Web Sites , The Center for Teaching History with Technology , and Teaching English with Technology . ETT Indicates a project from the EdTechTeacher Team. Books for Babies Creator: Suzy Brooks ( @simplysuzy ) Suggested Grade Level: Elementary Subject Area: English/Language Arts & Service Learning Project Description Students research and reflect on early literacy environments including their affect on children and their reading ability. Students reflect on their research, as well as their experience, and write a persuasive letter to new parents that might convince them to read to their babies. >>>Find out more about this Books for Babies project on Suzy's blog. Extending the Project Students could leverage mobile technology to provide audio recordings of books to younger students in the school or after school programs. Living Wax Museum

Mark Anderson's Blog | education, learning & technology iPad Published on September 8th, 2011 | by Mark Anderson I’ve been asked to make a case for the use of iPads in English by a member of my PLN, @learningspy (David Didau) or more specifically, how they could be used. This could turn in to a very lengthy post if I was to write my entire case for the iPad, but I’ll break it down by making this statement: All choices to do with technology in the classroom should be directly linked to the benefits that it will bring to the students and how it will improve learning. In the following seven examples of how iPads can be used in the classroom, I hope to make a case for how using these devices, learning can be made interesting, fun, relevant and powerful for the students in the classroom. I cannot take credit for all of the ideas that I’m giving here either – and where due, credit will be given. 1. 2. This app can be used in many different ways. 3. “I’ve been using iPads with my Year 8 class to record narrative writing that they have created. 4. 6.

The Best Tools and Apps for Flipped Learning Classroom July 25, 2014 Following the posting of "Managing iPad Videos in Schools" somebody emailed me asking about some suggestions for tools and apps to create instructional videos to use in a flipped learning setting. In fact, over the last couple of years I have reviewed several web tools and iPad apps that can be used in flipped classroom but the ones I am featuring below are among the best out there. 1- Educlipper Educlipper is a wonderful tool for creating video tutorials and guides to share with students. As a teacher you can create an Educlipper board for your class and share the link with them. Now that you have a shared space with your students, you can go about creating instructional videos using the iPap app of Educlipper. Pixiclip is another wonderful tool to create step by step instructional videos to use in your flipped classroom. 3- Explain Everything Knowmia Teach is a new free lesson planning and recording tool for teachers and their students. 6- Educreations

Ten Ideas for Using Instagram in the Classroom I didn't understand the pull of Instagram the first time I heard about it. To me, it sounded like a fancy app that would take regular pictures and make them look like they were crappy, old photographs. Eventually, though, I changed my mind. I saw the artistic side of the app and eventually began to see the social interaction. Instagram became another layer of sharing our world and telling our stories. After spending a few months using it, I see a powerful element that I had failed to understand before. And yet, for me, Instagram has done the opposite. So, with that in mind, I'm thinking of ten ways I might use Instagram with my students next year: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Just Let Them Take Pictures: I'm thinking of letting kids take pictures for the sake of taking pictures.
