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Apprendre rapidement une langue (anglais, espagnol, italien, chinois...)

Apprendre rapidement une langue (anglais, espagnol, italien, chinois...)
Que va m'apporter ce site ? Un cours d'initiation complet et gratuit à une vingtaine de langues Vous souhaitez avoir un premier déclic dans une langue et si possible de manière ludique ? > vous trouverez de vraies phrases de la vie de tous les jours, et adaptées au voyage. > vous découvrirez des nuances propres à chaque langue. > vous mémoriserez les expressions plus facilement grâce aux illustrations. > vous vous entraînerez avec le "QUIZZ Express". Un pack mp3 et pdf à télécharger pour vous entraîner partout Où que vous soyez et dans toutes les situations vous parviendrez à : > avoir une bonne prononciation > trouver rapidement la bonne expression > réussir à mémoriser facilement les phrases > vous entraîner à la compréhension A qui s'adresse cette méthode de langues ? Que vous partiez à l'étranger pour quelques jours ou plusieurs semaines, un contact véritable avec les habitants n'est possible qu'avec un minimum de pratique de leur langue.

Frequency Word Lists | Invoke IT Limited Go to skydrive download page I originally created the word lists while I was trying to improve the dictionaries I used for my windows phone app called Slydr. Of course there were commercial options – however I was quoted about £500 per language for a nice / cleaned wordlist.. Me of course being a cheap git.. decided to create my own. If you decide to use it, please let me know what you are using it for. Note: I used public / free subtitles to generate these and like most things, it will have errors. I would like to thank as their subtitles form the basis of the word lists. While the subtitles are free, donations do motivate further work. If you like to create you own word lists, here’s something to get you started. Format of the frequency lists: word1 number1 (number1 represents occurance of word1 across all files) word2 number2 (number2 represents occurance of word2 across all files) Like this: Like Loading...

Frequency lists Counting words and lemmas: The following frequency lists count distinct orthographic words, including inflected forms. For example, the verb "to be" is represented by the conjugations "is", "are", "were", etc. English[edit] TV and movie scripts[edit] Most common words in TV and movie scripts: Here are frequency lists comparable to the Gutenberg ones, but based on 29,213,800 words from TV and movie scripts and transcripts. Here's a fuller explanation of how the list was generated and its limitations: Wiktionary:Frequency lists/TV/2006/explanation. Here are the top hundred words (from tv scripts) in alphabetical order: Here they are in frequency order: From the 10,000th to the 40,000th : 40001-41284 (the dregs that were tied for the final place) That'll probably be it. Specific TV Series Dictionaries[edit] 5000 frequency dictionary based on all episodes of The Simpsons Project Gutenberg[edit] Most common words in project Gutenberg: Frequency lists as of 2006-04-16: Frequency lists as of 2005-10-10:
