Citizens Against Strip Mining - Boularderie Island, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia Animal Liberation Front 15 Current Environmental Problems That Our World is Facing Our environment is constantly changing. There is no denying that. However, as our environment changes, so does the need to become increasingly aware of the problems that surround it. With a massive influx of natural disasters, warming and cooling periods, different types of weather patterns and much more, people need to be aware of what types of environmental problems our planet is facing. Global warming has become an undisputed fact about our current livelihoods; our planet is warming up and we are definitely part of the problem. Our planet is poised at the brink of a severe environmental crisis. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14: Public Health Issues: The current environmental problems pose a lot of risk to health of humans, and animals. 15. The need for change in our daily lives and the movements of our government is growing. Image credit: retinalfetish , 36747988 Rinkesh Rinkesh is passionate about clean and green energy. Latest posts by Rinkesh (see all)
Front Liberation Animal Bill Gates sparks multinational plan to spend billions on clean energy tech Government and business leaders are banking on clean energy technology to fight global warming, kicking off this week's high-stakes climate change negotiations by pledging tens of billions of dollars for research and development. Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates, U.S. President Barack Obama and French President François Hollande will announce the new initiative on Monday, committing to spend tens of billions of dollars for a technological fix to the planet's climate woes, three current and former officials have told The Associated Press. "It's quite a big deal," said Jennifer Morgan, global climate director for the World Resources Institute. "It brings a new kind of burst of energy into the conference right at the beginning on something very important." The United Nations climate summit formally opened Sunday afternoon with a minute of silence for the victims of this month's Paris attacks and vows not to let terrorism derail efforts to slow or stop climate change.
La Nazification de l’Amérique, une réalité cauchemardesque Détails Catégorie parente: Billets d'auteur Catégorie : Géopolitique Écrit par Hieronymus Du choix délibéré du mot « nazification » : Nazi n’est bien sûr pas à prendre dans le sens historique de « national socialisme » mais dans son sens violent qui frappe les esprits comme lorsque l’on traite quelqu’un de « facho » à fin de stigmatisation, le nazisme étant considéré encore plus que le fascisme comme l’archétype du système totalitaire, dictatorial à l’intérieur et avec une volonté implacable de puissance hégémonique, de domination forcenée et absolue à l’extérieur, régime honni d’entre les régimes honnis, sans doute un des pires de tous et c’est bien pourquoi ce terme s’applique pour caractériser la tendance prise par le régime actuellement en place aux Etats Unis, cette qualification infâmante de « nazification » ne doit évidement concerner que l’élite dirigeante des USA et non les Américains qui sont et restent un grand peuple valeureux aujourd’hui dramatiquement abusé. Sur ce, Bonne Année