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Maki : a free web design mock-up tool for pixel perfect layouts

Maki : a free web design mock-up tool for pixel perfect layouts

IxEdit CSS Standards & Best Practices CSS is used to define the User Interface of a Website & to separate content from presentation. CSS is something that is extensively used on almost every site. Lets take some time to ensure that our stylesheets are built with some good standards. This definition helps you & others understand more about the Site as well as the CSS file rather than the content in the CSS. Gives Credit to the Author of the CSSDefines the Layout of the site [columns, static/liquid]Keep track of the file Version [really helps in case of multiple authors & future updates] Anchors are just like bookmarks within the same CSS. The anchors are defined in the index of the CSS [above]. The idea is to define comments with a unique character. Classitis is a term used to describe the over use of class definitions in HTML. One of the beauty in CSS is Contextual Selectors, lets us it: Giving precise and clear class names to your elements is a key. Further Reading: Image: Further Reading:

Home - Pencil Project Offline Apps with Application Cache: Quickstart, Tips, and Deep Dive I’ve been mucking with AppCache, aka ApplicationCache. It’s the secret sauce that lets you build offline apps, which is great for performance and fabulous for pretending to be an iPhone app when you’re not. Quickstart an Offline App As with most HTML5 technologies, the basic usage is quite simple: Create a trivial trio of HTML, CSS, and JS files, maybe with an image or two. That’s it. It works the same on your app-phone – on iPhone or Android (or others maybe), load the site, switch to airport mode, go back to the browser and reload … the site’s still there. On iPhone, bookmark the site with the Safari “+” button, choose “Add to Home Screen”, and the app will be sitting alongside all your other apps on the home screen.On Android, bookmark the app in the browser. You could do the same with any website of course, but it’s particularly cool when the website is an offline one…it works just like a regular app! Practical Tips and Troubleshooting Purging the Cache Simple. Ridding yourself of Errors

MockFlow - Online Wireframe Tool Css Drop Down Menu Generator : Free CSS Menu Maker ul, colour value, hex, li li li, background colour, pxs, li li, test, font family, text colour, dropdown menu colour, level menu, font weight, flyout, vertical padding, suckerfish, menus, download, css menu, menu generator website menus, menu maker, software, web menus, horizontal menu, vertical menu, gallery, customize, custom menu, neat package tools, cross browser, custom css, web developer, map, tweak, demo, active content, locally, drop down computer, dhtml css, tab, tree, gradient bar, content option, browser feature, blocks, yellow bar, internet css drop down menu, menu css, disabled, javascript menu, html tags, css drop down menus, menu builder, platform compatibility, standard html, css dropdown menu parameters, visual appearance, drop down menus, website menu, blue dawn, blitz, adobe, marketing opportunity, company website, competitors quickbooks, employs, wholesale, dhtml navigation, dropdown menus, web tools, my menu, menu creator, drop down menu, script menu

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