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8 Tips For Creating Great Stories From George R.R. Martin, Junot Diaz, And Other Top Storytellers

8 Tips For Creating Great Stories From George R.R. Martin, Junot Diaz, And Other Top Storytellers
What the hell is a Story Lizard? In Wonderbook: The Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction (Abrams Books, October 15), Story Lizards join Prologue Fish and other infographic helpmates designed to banish dry textual analysis in favor of a kicking, screaming, slithering approach to storytelling creativity. Author Jeff Vandermeer, a three-time Fantasy World Award-winning novelist who co-directs the Shared Worlds teen writing camp, says "The way we're taught to analyze fiction is to break down and do a kind of autopsy. Enter the Story Lizard, above, illustrated by Jeremy Zerfoss. As Vandermeer tells Co.Create, "A recurring thing in Wonderbook is to think of stories as being more like living creatures than machines." Neil Gaiman. Read on for a sampling of Wonderbook tips about how to craft mind-blowing stories. Tell, don't show Hugo Award-winner Kim Stanley Robinson, author of the Mars trilogy, believes "exposition" deserves more respect. Name Wisely Build a Better Backstory Take Your Lumps

MUJERES QUE ESCRIBEN; TODA UNA AVENTURA EXISTENCIAL Por Mónica Maristainmarzo 8, 2015- 00:00h Mujeres que escriben, toda una aventura existencial. Foto: Francisco Cañedo, SinEmbargo “Del libro y del hijo no se dudan”, dijo la fantástica Marguerite Duras, ejemplo de una vida dedicada a la escritura, la gran aventura que para muchos seres humanos ha constituido una posibilidad de trascender la futilidad existencial, aunque sea por un segundo, probablemente de manera ilusoria y tan abstracta como inasible. En el Día de la Mujer, un festejo que destaca el lugar que el género ocupa en un sistema social que ofrece todavía muchas desigualdades, quisimos celebrar la presencia de las escritoras con una pregunta: ¿Qué es la escritura para ti: qué te ha dado, qué te ha quitado? No era nuestro interés acudir al cliché de explicar la condición de género, porque pensamos que ese cliché ahonda precisamente las desigualdades. Como toda selección se construye también por las ausencias. CLAUDIA MARCUCETTI. LAURA MARTÍNEZ-BELLI. SANDRA LORENZANO. Esperanza.

How Shakespeare Would End Breaking Bad - D.B. Grady The Bard would close things happily for Albuquerque, which means horribly for Walt & co. Three episodes remain of Breaking Bad, the riveting series on AMC that tracks the descent of Walter White, a high school chemistry teacher turned drug kingpin. The show has accurately been compared to a Shakespearean tragedy, and it's clear that the Bard's works have influenced Vince Gilligan, the show's creator. (If you're not caught up on the show, this is a good place to stop reading.) Let us first establish that the tragic hero in Breaking Bad is Albuquerque, New Mexico. Shakespeare crafted similar such cities and states. In Romeo and Juliet, Verona is not a place in which you would want to raise your family. Romeo and Juliet is especially comparable to Breaking Bad in that both works could have ended at almost any time and still have had reasonably happy endings. Walt threw the universe out of joint the moment he stripped to his underwear and cooked a batch of meth with Jesse.

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Building the World of Your Screenplay: Your First 10 Pages Click to tweet this article to your friends and followers! As religious lore has it, God took 6 days to build the world… You have 10 pages. You’ve all heard the horror stories of producers who only read the first 10 or 20 pages, and if they’re not hooked, intrigued and impressed, they toss the script. You need to paint a picture in your first few pages that make it clear your story is visual and your writing is interesting. You are the God of your script’s world. When designing a world or setting that is outside the present day norm or heightens what we know as normal (and all stories should somehow heighten what’s thought of as normal), you need to think of everything; the location, the time period, the landscape, the color scheme, the style of homes, the state of technology, communication, transportation, religion, legal systems, law enforcement, how people dress, speak, eat, date, have sex. Always set up the most implausible and outlandish part of your world first. At a Glance

Breaking Bad: Could Walter White Really Kill Jesse Pinkman? - The Breaking Bad Roundtable And is the show moving too fast for its own good? Our roundtable discusses "Rabid Dog," the fourth episode in the AMC show's final half-season. Every week for the second half of the final season of Breaking Bad, our roundtable of's J.J. Kornhaber: Breaking Bad has been called a tragedy of Greek or Shakespearean proportions, but it never quite felt that way to me. Tonight, though, that impression changed for me with the episode’s ending shot. That’s because even as we’ve come to be horrified by Walter over four and a half seasons, we’ve also come to share his emotional attachments. So this seemingly deadly falling-out between the two central characters hurts more than I expected it to. The dumbest but most exemplary moment of what I’m talking about came in the Schrader residence, when Marie asks Hank whether Jesse’s presence is a bad thing for Walt. The interplay among knowledge, choice, and inevitability has kicked off the show’s central rivalry now. Gould: Amen.

Teach Your Kids to Code: 6 Beginner's Resources for Parents Introducing computer programming to your kids can be a challenge, especially for those who aren’t familiar with the nuances of code. Fortunately, in the last few years, a number of apps, software, and guides have been produced that make the often-complex subject of computer coding easy to grasp for young learners. So where to begin? These are a few resources that parents can share with their kids to help them start learning about programming. Programming Tutorials From Made With Code by Google: Google's Made With Code project has a mission of encouraging girls to pursue careers in computer science. Inspiring Articles About Kids Learning to Code Still looking for some ideas? Coding Organizations for Kids For the non-coding parents, it can be difficult to know where to begin.

» There’s No Such Thing as a Fake Reader Three people walk into a bar: the first is carrying a book of experimental poetry, the second holds a YA vampire novel, and the last sits down and opens up a Victorian classic. Who is the “real reader”? Writers, understandably, are always seeking advice for how to better connect to readers. And there is an abundance of advice that makes claims about what readers want: “Readers want realistic characters!” An appreciation of readers as diverse individuals with different tastes should be a basic tenet of criticism. Take, for example, this painfully un-self-aware NPR review of Mark Doten’s experimental Iraq war novel, The Infernal: [The Infernal is] a novel written not for readers but for those who love to argue about the novel-as-object more than they love the words. For the sake of argument, let’s say that Jason Sheehan’s claim is true: The Infernal is the kind of book that can only be enjoyed by literary professors and young readers who love odd Iconoclastic work.

Project & Time Management Project & Time Management - Strumenti e Metodi per i tuoi progetti Stephen King’s “Everything You Need to Know About Writing Successfully – in Ten Minutes” | Aerogramme Writers' StudioStephen King's "Everything You Need to Know About Writing Successfully – in Ten Minutes" I. The First Introduction THAT’S RIGHT. I know it sounds like an ad for some sleazy writers’ school, but I really am going to tell you everything you need to pursue a successful and financially rewarding career writing fiction, and I really am going to do it in ten minutes, which is exactly how long it took me to learn. II. When I was a sophomore in high school, I did a sophomoric thing which got me in a pot of fairly hot water, as sophomoric didoes often do. Eventually, a copy of this little newspaper found its way into the hands of a faculty member, and since I had been unwise enough to put my name on it (a fault, some critics argue, of which I have still not been entirely cured), I was brought into the office. I wasn’t suspended. He told me he needed a sports writer and we could “try each other out” if I wanted. I told him I knew more about advanced algebra than I did sports. Gould nodded and said, “You’ll learn.” I said I would at least try to learn. (after edit marks) III. IV. 1. 2.

Maestra LIMda The Basics – Better Storytelling The BasicsIndex of Articles The Basics of Storytelling by William F. Nolan As a storyteller, you must begin by creating a protagonist who is real, three dimensional, with genuine emotions that play out over the course of your narrative. Your range is … The Blank Page – Where To Begin? Start At The End Have you ever read a story with an intriguing plot, compelling characters and great action, but when it came down to the end of the story, the author dropped the ball? What Makes A Great Hero? How Setting Affects Your Story Some writers make the mistake of ignoring where their stories take place. Lead With The Theme Stories with a well developed theme are rare. Desire: The Spine Of Your Story Some stories lack zest, gusto… oomph! Need: The Heart Of Your Story Many writers fail to notice the emotional undercurrent in their stories. Identification Have you ever read a story or seen a movie where you couldn’t “get into” the main character. Writer’s Block – Feed Your Muse!

Documental-Mente2.0: l’esperienza delle Classi 2.0 in Umbria “Perché Documentare? Per riuscire a valutare i processi e non il prodotto finalePer attivare consapevolezza riflessivaPer condividere con gli altri il nostro lavoro” Una scuola che cambia, come l’immagine dinamica di un treno che sfreccia in un non-luogo del nostro percorso. E l’apprendimento, l’insegnamento possono rimanere statici e stanziali? E’ questo il significato profondo dell’azione Classi 2.0 nella Regione Umbria, progetto al quale partecipano un totale di quattordici classi di Scuola Primaria, Secondaria di Primo e Secondo Grado. Non è più, quindi, la classe che si sposta nel laboratorio, spazio indipendente e “speciale” ma lo stesso laboratorio si trasforma in metodo e strategia. L’integrazione nella pratica scolastica di uno strumento tecnologico richiede, però, una modifica organizzativa e gestionale del lavoro in aula che spesso, per il singolo insegnante, non è sempre facile da attuare e gestire in modo efficace perché richiede molto lavoro. Dopo Rimini 2011 …
