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A Short History of the Highrise


Créer son premier récit grand format avec Shorthand Social Emmanuel Bouvet, rédacteur en chef web au Département d’Ille-et-Vilaine, était au Medialab SpeedTraining pour expliquer comment créer, publier et partager son premier récit grand format avec l’outil Shorthand Social. Mode d’emploi. Comment publier et partager sur le web son reportage multimédia ou son mini web documentaire ? Selon Emmanuel Bouvet, Shorthand Social est l’outil adapté. Simple, fiable et intuitif, il permet d’organiser ses textes, photos et vidéo et fonctionne sur tous les supports. Le scrollytelling : un format qui favorise l’immersion Grâce au scroll (déplacement de la molette ou de l’index), les blocs de contenus défilent à des vitesses différentes : c’est « l’effet parallaxe ». En 2011, Nike avait créé l’événement avec sa campagne « Nike Better World ». Il cite également l’exemple aujourd’hui bien connu du New York Times qui l’année d’après, a publié « Snow fall », un reportage sur 6 skieurs aguerris pris dans une avalanche. Shorthand Social : comment ça fonctionne ?

Events | Open Documentary Lab at MIT April 15, 2014 MIT OpenDocLab Lunch with AIR’s Localore We’re pleased to invite AIR’s Localore production team to the Spring 2014 MIT Open Documentary Lab’s lunch speaker series. MIT Building E15-331 These events are open to the public. February 18 MIT OpenDocLab Talk with Bjarke Myrthu Please join the MIT Open Documentary Lab for a talk with Bjarke Myrthu on Tuesday, February 18. February 26, 2014 MIT OpenDocLab Lunch We’re pleased to announce Paul Turano as the first speaker in the Spring 2014 MIT Open Documentary Lab’s lunch speaker series. 11/13 OpenDocLab & The DocYard present: HOLLOW with Elaine McMillion Hollow Interactive Documentary Performance + Q&A with director Elaine McMillion Wednesday, November 13th 7:00 – 8:30pm Brattle Theatre 40 Brattle St, Cambridge, MA Hollow is an interactive documentary and community participatory project that examines the future of rural America through the eyes and voices of those living in McDowell County, W.Va. MIT OpenDocLab Open House

A Genève et Lausanne, deux pôles hospitalo-universitaires en expansion Les inaugurations se succèdent aux HUG comme au CHUV. Les deux hôpitaux universitaires romands ont besoin d’un coup de jeune, mais ont également de nouveaux besoins, s’agissant de la recherche sur le cancer par exemple Les constructions et les extensions de bâtiments se multiplient sur les deux principales cités hospitalières lémaniques, celle des Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève (HUG) et du CHUV (Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois). L’expansion concerne aussi bien le volet des soins, avec le nouveau bloc opératoire du CHUV par exemple, que l’accueil des malades, avec la récente inauguration de l’Hôtel des patients et la prochaine mise en service d’un bâtiment des lits flambant neuf à Genève, que l’enseignement et de la recherche. Au bout du lac, l’extension du Centre médical universitaire offre notamment des locaux neuf à la formation romande en pharmacie, tandis que dans le canton de Vaud, la recherche sur le cancer bénéficie d’importants investissements. Voir la carte

Documentary Has The Future Covered | Gerry Flahive Documentary was once seen as the castor oil of cinematic genres: it was supposed to be "good for you," but it didn't taste very good. Aside from the fact that this just wasn't true -- the adjectives "boring" and "dutiful" applied equally to many dreary fiction films -- today documentary might be the coolest cultural form around, and new digital technologies are part of the reason documentaries are connecting with new audiences in innovative ways. Documentary films, at their very best, are exemplars of cinematic storytelling -- astonishing, delighting, inspiring and enlightening us, and doing so in ways fiction can't, by framing real life in ways we haven't considered before. Although some broadcasters have abandoned documentary in favour of reality television (which is akin to giving up a great painting for a really bad photocopy of it), audiences haven't. As it turns out, international audiences really like Canadian stories.

L'Equipe Explore - Born to Climb 1971 Tour de France, Orcières-Merlette to Marseilles stage, on which Luis Ocaña, in the yellow jersey, lost ground to Eddy Merckx. It was the turn of the 1970s. The two men hated each other so much that they would not even greet each other. Three days later, the shake-up he had predicted came to pass during another Alpine stage on the boiling road to Orcières-Merlette. It looked like the Tour was over and history made. Eddy Merckx talking about the 1971 Tour de France and his duel with Luis Ocaña. © Source ASO (1997) Merckx amazed him. The Col du Portillon is a highly symbolic pass between France and Spain. At Portet d’Aspet Ocaña stuck to the Belgian’s wheel and countered each of his attacks with ease. The Castilian was in a good position and hardly noticed the darkening sky above the final inclines before the Col de Mente, where he restricted himself to reining in the Belgian with the help of another good climber, Bernard Labourdette.

Get ready to submit your project to IDFA DocLab 2014 DocLab is open to all sorts of interactive projects, ranging from webdocs, apps and virtual reality projects to data art, multimedia journalism, installations and live performances. For those interested in the creative potential of digital technology, virtual reality and interactive media, this year’s International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (16-27 November 2016) will have more to offer than ever before. Since 2007, the IDFA DocLab program showcases the best interactive non-fiction storytelling and explores how the digital revolution is reshaping documentary art. DocLab Academy presents a unique interactive training program and IDFA’s Crossmedia Forum offers new funding and co-production opportunities for innovative non-linear projects. IDFA DocLab: submission deadline August 1 DocLab is open to all sorts of interactive projects, ranging from webdocs, apps and virtual reality projects to data art, multimedia journalism, installations and live performances. Regulations

USA TODAY | BEHIND THE BLOODSHED: THE UNTOLD STORY OF AMERICA’S MASS KILLINGS To analyze mass killings, USA TODAY used the FBI's definition: four or more killed, not including suspects, in an event. The killing may stretch over a day or more and some distance, especially if it includes killings committed in flight or against targeted people. It does not include an extended "cooling-off period" to distinguish this kind of crime from the acts of serial killers. Unlike gun control advocates who just count shootings, USA TODAY analyzed all mass killings, regardless of weapon. USA TODAY began by collecting the FBI's Supplemental Homicide Reports for 2006-11. USA TODAY cross-checked each FBI report with local news reports and sometimes with local law enforcement agencies. USA TODAY also found 26 mass killings not recorded in FBI data. Finally, USA TODAY included several other cases not reported by the FBI, including: One on a U.S. military base. USA TODAY did not include events if deaths stemmed from negligence, such as drunken driving, even if someone was convicted.

Multimedia-Storytelling: Diese 25 beeindruckenden Artikel musst du gesehen haben Egal wie man es nennen möchte: Longform-Journalismus, Scrollytelling oder Multimedia-Features. Fest steht, dass in den vergangenen ein bis zwei Jahren viele journalistische Online-Projekte das Licht der Welt erblickt haben, die nicht nur Gebrauch von Bildern, Videos und Links machen, sondern durch ein besonderes und individuelles Layout eine Einheit mit dem Text bilden. Durch den Einsatz neuester Webtechnologien und jeder Menge Arbeit werden hochwertige Texte zu Kunstwerken und Einzelstücken. Snow Fall: The Avalanche at Tunnel Creek (2012, Englisch, The New York Times, USA) „Snow Fall“ gilt als einer der Vorreiter im Bereich des journalistischen Multimedia-Storytelling. NSA Files: Decoded (2013, Englisch, The Guardian, Großbritannien) Das Stück der britischen Tageszeitung „The Guardian“ ist sicher einer der neuesten Vertreter im Bereich des Multimedia-Storytellings und eine Demonstration für das, was mit aktueller Web-Technologie möglich ist. Geheimer Krieg Keine Zeit für Wut Arabellion

Profils : Moi, Claude Jaccoux, guide de haute-montagne à 83 ans - L'Équipe Explore Au pied du Mont-Blanc, on en parle comme d’un mythe. Né dans la vallée, il y a 83 ans, Claude Jaccoux a deux visages : l’un rayonne et dégage une curieuse impression d’éternité, l’autre est mangé par l’ombre de ses rendez-vous manqués avec la mort. Il est aujourd’hui le plus vieux guide de haute montagne en activité dans le pays, installé à Chamonix, temple de l’alpinisme. Par Aurélien DELFOSSE, à Chamonix « Je suis né à Servoz, un petit village à 11 kilomètres de Chamonix, mais j’ai passé toute mon enfance à Paris parce que mes parents étaient instituteurs et ont préféré quitter la vallée pour l’éducation de leurs enfants. Cliquez sur la photo pour lire la légendeEn 1961 Claude Jaccoux (à gauche) devient guide et entre à la Compagnie des Guides de Chamonix. « Je n’avais jamais pensé faire de la montagne mon métier. Claude Jaccoux, dans la face sud de l'Aconcagua, sur la célèbre voie d'Argentine, grimpée avec Érik Decamp. « Le métier de guide est venu presque par hasard.

Projects Skip to content Exploring documentary storytelling in the age of the interface Active Filter : None loading... LIVE FROM THE WEBZINE: Call for Entry: IDFA Bertha Fund Classic - 14 Apr DOCLAB ABOUT DOCLAB IDFA DocLab is the New Media program of the International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (IDFA). Website by: Events & screenings 20 NovDocLab Expo: Immersive Reality more 20 NovExhibition: Opening Night more 25 NovFinancing Market: IDFA Crossmedia Forum more

NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance revelations explained | World news Two factors opened the way for the rapid expansion of surveillance over the past decade: the fear of terrorism created by the 9/11 attacks and the digital revolution that led to an explosion in cell phone and internet use. But along with these technologies came an extension in the NSA’s reach few in the early 1990s could have imagined. Details that in the past might have remained private were suddenly there for the taking. Chris Soghoian Principal technologist, ACLU NSA is helped by the fact that much of the world’s communications traffic passes through the US or its close ally the UK – what the agencies refer to as “home-field advantage”. The Snowden documents show that the NSA runs these surveillance programs through “partnerships” with major US telecom and internet companies. The division inside the NSA that deals with collection programs that focus on private companies is Special Source Operations, described by Snowden as the “crown jewels” of the NSA. Jeremy Scahill Fiber-optic cable

Atterwasch - a Scroll-Doc It may not be the end of the world, but it could be the end of Atterwasch, population 241. While Chancellor Angela Merkel has promised her country a future virtually free of fossil fuels, it may seem strange that this village in eastern Germany, and two neighboring ones, are still fighting plans to wipe them, quite literally, off the map. But Germany’s sudden hunger for coal has emerged as the dirty side of Ms. Merkel’s ambitions to shut down the country’s nuclear power plants by 2022 and eventually move Germans mostly to renewable energy... Read the full article on the website of the New York Times.
