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Chicago Lobbyists Force-Directed Graph Visualization - Christopher Manning This visualization includes the 50 highest paid lobbyists in Chicago, their clients, and the agencies they lobby. The data was compiled from in 2010. Blue Nodes: Lobbyists Grey Nodes: Clients Green Nodes: Agencies The radius of the Blue(Lobbyist) and Grey(Client) nodes is relative to the amount of money associated with them. The radius of the Green(Agency) nodes is constant and does not represent anything about that agency. Nodes closer to the center have more connections than nodes on the outer edge. Controls Hover a node to highlight the connected nodes and show the names and dollar amounts associated to that node. Development I wanted to build a project using a government dataset to learn d3.js. Picking the Chart Type There are a lot of excellent examples of the visualizations you can create using d3.js. Generating the JSON Data I used a local copy of the Sinatra app to generate the JSON need to create the visualization. Learning and Using d3.js

Visualizing my Social Graph with d3.js Exclusive offer: get 50% off this eBook here Practical Data Analysis — Save 50% Transform, model, and visualize your data through hands-on projects, developed in open source tools with this book and ebook by Hector Cuesta | October 2013 | Open Source In this article written by Hector Cuesta, the author of Practical Data Analysis, you will learn how to create a social graph visualization of your Facebook Friends with d3.js. (For more resources related to this topic, see here.) Social Networks Analysis (SNA) is not new, sociologists have been using it for a long time to study human relationships (sociometry), to find communities and to simulate how information or a disease is spread in a population. With the rise of social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and so on. Social networking sites bring us the opportunities to ask questions that otherwise are too hard to approach, because polling enough people is time-consuming and expensive. Getting ready Resources for Article:

