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Experts Reveal Favorite Methods for Learning Vocabulary

Experts Reveal Favorite Methods for Learning Vocabulary
Learning more words: experts share their favorite strategy. Aaahhhh, learning vocabulary! It must be the sexiest element of learning a language. And perhaps the most controversial. It’s not for nothing that polyglots call it the Kim Kardashian of the language-learning community. (Actually, I made that up. ;-)) To add fuel to the discussion, and most importantly, to bring you fantastically useful advice on learning vocabulary in your target language, I asked a bunch of experts, authors, translators and bloggers the following question: If there was one method for learning vocabulary that you’d recommend to the world, which one would it be? The response was nothing short of overwhelming. Almost 40 replies flooded my inbox — creating a bomb of extremely balanced advice and giving you the opportunity to judge for yourself how to best go about learning more words in your target language. So, without further ado, let’s get comfortable and dive in! What a mammoth of a post! That’s it! Related:  Free ressources or activities

Say What? 5 Ways to Get Students to Listen Ah, listening, the neglected literacy skill. I know when I was a high school English teacher this was not necessarily a primary focus; I was too busy honing the more measurable literacy skills -- reading, writing, and speaking. But when we think about career and college readiness, listening skills are just as important. This is evidenced by the listening standards found in the Common Core and also the integral role listening plays in collaboration and communication, two of the four Cs of 21st century learning. So how do we help kids become better listeners? Check out these tactics for encouraging a deeper level of listening that also include student accountability: Strategy #1: Say it Once Repeating ourselves in the classroom will produce lazy listening in our students. Of course you don't want to leave distracted students in the dust so for those few who forgot to listen, you can advise them to, "ask three, then ask me." Strategy #2: Turn and Talk Strategy #3: Student Hand Signals

Foreign languages: how to memorise vocabulary Cluster Those one-word-a-day language learning apps may feel convenient, but thematically, they’re all over the place, delivering a chain of unrelated words: envelope, tired, January, receive, onion. Focus on a single theme each week. Avoid opposites It might seem logical to study opposites together: hot/cold, expensive/cheap. Dissect new words When encountering a new word, take a look at its structure. Read, read, read Reading helps you revisit learned vocabulary, and see those words in new sentences and contexts. Visualise One mnemonic learning trick for new vocabulary is the Keyword Method. Focus on phrases Linguist Michael Lewis encourages language learning in lexical chunks, rather than on a word-by-word basis. Review often In a vocabulary class, yesterday’s vocabulary is more important than today’s. Anne Merritt is an EFL lecturer currently based in South Korea. Learning a foreign language: five most common mistakes Foreign languages: the 10 easiest to learn

Store Activities and Strategies for Everyday Language Leaners 243 page ebook56 fantastic articles to help you take your language learning journey to the next levelMobi format for your Kindle Click Here To Learn More The Everyday Language Learner’s Guide to Getting Started This ebook will help you create a success inducing language learning environment.It’ll help you make a plan and execute it.It’ll provide the knowlege and the tools to succeed.The three keys will help any language learner move from a “teacher directed” to a “self-directed” language learning mindset and allow you to unleash the language learning beast within you! The Everyday Language Learner’s Guide to Self-Assessment Ever wondered how you were doing? Tired of relying on a “Gut Feeling” to know whether your progressing or not? This guide lays out a simple collection of easy to use and results driven assessments for the everyday language learner. Before You Move Overseas You have made your decision. You are moving overseas. The iPod

Learn a Language | Free Online Language Learning Pourquoi les français sont-ils nuls en anglais ? [Infographie] Jeudi 26 septembre Web - 26 septembre 2013 :: 11:48 :: Par Valentin-Pringuay En Europe, la France est classée 15ème sur 17 sur son niveau en anglais.Une infographie compare le niveau de la France à celui de la Suède (leader européen sur son niveau d’anglais). Pili Pop (anciennement Babble Planet) milite depuis 2011 pour améliorer l’apprentissage de l’anglais auprès de nos chères têtes blondes (mais aussi brunes, rousses, …). Et la start-up profite aujourd’hui de la Journée Européenne des Langues pour sortir une infographie qui va venir comparer les méthodes d’apprentissage en France (notre pays étant classé 15ème sur 17) et celui des meilleurs en anglais en Europe, les suédois. Sans trop de surprises, nous découvrons que les français regardent leurs séries et films en version française et évitent de parler anglais lors de leurs voyages. L’infographie est disponible ci-dessous et vous pouvez l’agrandir d’un clic. Plus d'infos sur : anglais, français, langues, Suède

How to learn the vocabulary of foreign languages Once you have got to grips with the fundamentals of a language (pronunciation, orthography and basic grammar), you can concentrate on learning vocabulary. This is probably the most important and time-consuming part of learning a language. Associate the familiar with the unfamiliar Try to find word or phrases in your L1 which sound like and if possible have a similar meaning to words in your L2. Build mental images or draw pictures based on the connections. Genders To remember genders try picturing a Spanish-speaking region, divide it into two and place masculine nouns on one side and feminine words on the other. If your L2 has many genders, imagine a large building with many floors, assign a different gender to each floor and place words on the appropriate floor according to their gender. Avoiding language mix ups Associating words from each language you learn with places where they are spoken will help you to avoid getting your languages mixed up. Testing and revision Learn words in context

Plans and pricing - Online English Teacher - When I started learning with my level was intermediate. My English was good, but I wanted to improve it with a native teacher. So, I started searching for teachers on Google and YouTube, this is how I found Knowing the English language opens many doors and offers better chances for one’s career. My main goal is to pass the IELTS exam and continue studying at the university in Saudi Arabia. The most challenging part for me was English writing. Honestly, learning English with my english teacher, Jeremy, is an amazing experience. Jez helped me to improve my grammar, writing and speaking. I feel like I’m improving at a good tempo and Jeremy is the best teacher I know.

Listening Drills for Language-Learning: Tedious, Miserable, and Totally Worth It This will be a long-ish article about listening skills in learning a foreign language. For your sake, I’ll divide it into two parts. Part I will be research-heavy. In it, I’ll argue my case for why listening skills are the cornerstone of language learning, and why listening drills are the best way to acquire them. Part II will show you my personal method for creating and using listening drills. Feel free to skip the background if you don’t need to be convinced that listening skills are important. At any rate, good luck. Don’t pity him. Listening Skills Are So, So Important I agree with Donovan Nagel at the Mezzofanti Guild, who says that listening comprehension is the only aspect of language learning you can’t bullshit through: “A learner might be able to say a lot in their target language, but as soon as a native speaker says something which warrants a response, it’s going to be very obvious whether or not the listener actually understands what’s being said.” Exponential growth, baby.

The Best Ideas For Using Games In The ESL/EFL/ELL Classroom I have many “Best” lists related to using online games with English Language Learners, and you can find them all at A Collection Of “The Best…” Lists On Learning Games. I’ve also written a lot and published a number of posts and resources related to playing non-online games in the classroom, but just realized I had never brought them all together in one place. Here they are (feel free to offer more suggestions!): Here are two excerpts from our book on teaching ELLs: Using Games in the ELL Classroom, Part I Using Games in the ELL Classroom, Part II Awhile back, I invited ESL teachers to send in their favorite games and posted them: The Best Language Learning Games (That Are Not Online) In Pursuit of the Excellent Game is an excellent piece from TESOL on using games with ELL’s. Articles on TEFL games is by Alex Case. Humanising Language Teaching is one of my favorite online journals, and they’ve just published the newest issue. A homemade revision game is by Sandy Millin. This Is Wild! Kaboom!

Ten Best Vocabulary Learning Tips The Ten Best Vocabulary Learning Tips Vocabulary Learning Tip One: Read, Read, Read! Most vocabulary words are learned from context. The more words you're exposed to, the better vocabulary you will have. While you read, pay close attention to words you don't know. Go Play Our Vocabulary Games Vocabulary Learning Tip Ten: Get excited about words!
