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The Mind Mapping Site

The Mind Mapping Site

Mind Maps Before the web came hypertext. And before hypertext came mind maps. The Brain Book Peter Russell's highly acclaimed book on memory and learning, with many examples of mind maps, how to make them and use them. Mind maps were developed in the late 60s by Tony Buzan as a way of helping students make notes that used only key words and images. They are much quicker to make, and because of their visual quality much easier to remember and review. Peter Russell joined with Tony Buzan in the mid-70s and together they taught mind-mapping skills in a variety of international corporations and educational institutions. Mind Map Software | Advantages of Mind MapsHow to Mind Map | Uses of Mind Maps More information and examples can be found in The Brain Book, Tony Buzan's The Mind Map Book, and Brian Weller's video Massive Mind Maps Mind Map Software | Advantages of Mind Maps | How to MindMap | Uses of Mind Maps Date created: 1-Dec-97

Mindmapping, concept mapping in 3D MindMappeur Сетевое образование. Экспертиза. Учебники. Official Mind Mapping software by Tony Buzan - Support - Mind Ma Welcome to the iMindMap Gallery As part of our iMindMap Hall of Fame, you can view some of the very best iMindMaps in action. The Gallery features Mind Maps created by iMindMap users for a wide range of purposes including education, business and more. *Click on the images below to view larger versions. Business Mind Maps Education Mind Maps Miscellaneous Download iMindMap for FREE See more Mind Maps on Concept maps or mind maps? the choice What are the differences between mind maps and concept maps? (click to see larger) Sometimes you will have no choice. In an educational setting, some educators require their students to make concept maps, others mandate mind maps. But most of the time we are free to choose. your motive in making the map, where you will make it, how you will use it once finished, the audience (if other than yourself) it is intended it for, if you are not drawing maps by hand, the software you use, and naturally your personal preference. If you have elected to use mind maps, you still have a choice between Buzan mind maps and common mind maps in their various forms. This article is not about which type is 'better'. Appreciation for this article Concept maps have rigor, mind maps have vigor Like most generalizations this is a simplification, but it captures the essential differences, as described in more detail below. What is important is to know when it's appropriate to use which, and how. The audience

heuristiquement Zygote | 3D Human Anatomy for Animation, Illustration, CAD and Software Development Pétillant® : Le site expert de la carte heuristique (Mind Mappin Main Page ABC du Mind Mapping - Cours de cartes conceptuelles, cartes heuristiques, cartes des idées Une carte conceptuelle (ou schéma conceptuel, concept map en anglais), dont les variantes sont la mind map, carte des idées ou carte heuristique, est un diagramme qui représente les liens entre différents concepts. Elle peut être également appelée schéma de pensée, carte mentale, arbre à idées ou topogramme. La différence entre une carte heuristique et une carte conceptuelle est que cette dernière relie un ensemble de concepts entre eux par des lignes orientées et qualifiées (est un composant de.., favorise). De plus, elle prend la forme d' un graphe alors que la carte heuristique est un arbre. Ces cours en diapositives animées, vidéo, ppt, pdf et ces cartes conceptuelles sont distribués sous licence Creative Commons : à condition de me citer et de mettre un lien vers cette page, vous pouvez les réutiliser ou les modifier dans un cadre non-commercial, mais vous devez ensuite les publier aux mêmes conditions. - Cours de mind mapping en vidéo - En pdf et pptx En analyse fonctionnelle :

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Jeff Barr’s Blog » Gnomedex 2010 Mind Maps
