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Free Guided Meditation Techniques, Chakra Kundalini Yoga & Zen

Free Guided Meditation Techniques, Chakra Kundalini Yoga & Zen
Bobby says, "Incredible Blog. Several lifetimes of knowledge fill this site. Great for beginners and experts interested in yoga, mind development, meditation, etc. Masterfully written and one of the best on the web. I recommend everybody read this!!!!!" Albert says, "...he has got some awesome stuff on Meditation and Enlightenment.

Related:  Meditation, Mantras & Mudras

The Effortless Presence - Active Meditation vs. True Meditation 25th March 2015 By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D Kundalini Yoga - Mudras or Gestures. A gesture or position, usually of the hands, that locks and guides energy flow and reflexes to the brain. By curling, crossing, stretching and touching the fingers and hands, we can talk to the body and mind as each area of the hand reflexes to a certain part of the mind or body. (In each mudra, exert enough pressure to feel the flow of energy through the "nadis" (psychic channels) up the arms but not enough to whiten fingertips). (taken from best-selling book - Transitions to a Heart Centered World - Guru Rattana, Ph.D.) Some commonly used mudras are:

Binaural Beats: A Meditative Gateway to Altered States of Consciousness By Polly Anne Rice Guest Writer for Wake Up World Many people struggle on their path to meditative states of consciousness, becoming downtrodden when their minds refuse to obey the orders to be silent and blank. A cycle of periodic “empty” mind moments infiltrated by incoming thoughts erupts, infuriating the practitioner whom simply wants to achieve a peaceful state on their path to personal enlightenment. For years, I grappled with these rules I believed surrounded meditation which kept me from achieving the insight I was seeking. There were even times I thought I was just incapable of quieting my mind; it always seemed I had thoughts rushing in and out faster than I could realize them.

What is so special about the word ‘OM’? While browsing net I just stumbled upon this question and a meaningful response by Chris Peter. Some how I had this question always at back of my mind to which I didnt’ got practical and logical answer which could quench my avidity. The below explanation is by Chris Peter(some parts are though edited by me..), which I just felt to share.. So here it is: Forget the philosophy, find out for yourself! Chant it correctly and you’ll instantly understand why every religion in the world uses the word (yes, even Christianity).

Transcendental Meditation: Proven To Prevent Disease ( More than 350 peer-reviewed research studies on the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique have been published in over 160 scientific journals. It increases cardiovascular quality, lowers blood pressure, decreases anxiety and among quantum physicists is considered the fourth state of consciousness in which the entire brain is engaged. Russell Brand Interviews Quantum Physicist Dr John Hagelin This is a small segment of actor/comedian Russell Brand’s interview with renowned quantum physicist Dr. John Hagelin at the David Lynch Foundation’s 3rd annual Change Begins Within gala in Los Angeles. They discuss the science behind the Transcendental Meditation technique, the Unified Field.

Humanity Crossing the Karmic Plain Past Life Regression 'Therapy' Increasing as I meet and work with evolving souls in the far flung corners of the world, people are regressing quickly into their past life karma. This is extremely positive, because it's karma that has brought people back into incarnation and which needs to be processed in order to ascend into the New Paradigm. It's karma that has created the chaotic and convoluted reality we're now living in. So exactly what is karma, how do we activate it and then dissolve out any karmic baggage?

How to Honor the Elements of Water, Fire, Air, and Earth As one progresses into more advanced meditation techniques, he or she may decide to incorporate the four main elements into his or her meditation. The following is a simple guide to the four elements and the directions associated with these elements. Specific placement of these elements is also relevant: North is the direction of the Element Earth and the Power of Body. Its Nature forms are rocks, clay, sand, and soil. In human life, this is the physical dimension and the sensing realm. In connecting with this direction, pay attention to your physiological processes, to the sensations in your body, to your biological needs, and to your physical health.

Kundalini Yoga - Free On-Line Training Lesson 03 - Mantras and Tuning In Download this Lesson (Send the email to receive your lesson by return) Copyright © 2003 - Guru Rattana Ph.D. Mantras Everything in the universe is made up of energy. All energy vibrates. Differentiation happens because energy vibrates at difference frequencies. All about the practice of sat kriya, tips, tricks, how to and more I’ve been doing Sat Kriya daily for several years now and it’s amazing how you intuitively learn little things from the meditation and the changes that you go through. When I first started, my right arm would fall asleep and I’d sweat like hell. When I got up to 31 minutes my legs would fall asleep pretty bad, even with a big pillow between my legs, but eventually the legs got stronger and even if they fell asleep a little it wasn’t so bad. They always got back to normal and it actually greatly improved the circulation in my legs. After some time in the practice though I began to notice great things. My navel was getting much stronger and my hips were opening up.
