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20 of the Best Resources to Get Your Startup Off the Ground This series is supported by Grasshopper, the Virtual Phone System designed for entrepreneurs. Learn more about Grasshopper at Let's face it: as an entrepreneur, the odds are stacked against you. Most businesses fail after the first few years, and even if you do manage to survive, that doesn't mean your business will redefine an industry, become profitable, or change the world. Getting off on the right foot is essential to navigating a startup from its infancy to profitability. Luckily, there have been countless entrepreneurs that have gone through the same toils building their own businesses, and most of them are happy to share their experiences to better prepare you for the journey ahead. Guides to Getting Started Before you dive into your startup (or maybe after you're neck-deep), you should get yourself a crash course education in starting a business. 1. Inspirations for the Idea 5. Startup Web Apps 7. Social Media for Startup Success 11. Raising Money 14. 17.

Startup Turkey | FEB 15-17th Antalya - TURKEY Список Мидаса: лучшие венчурные инвесторы 2013 года 13 мая 10:31, Новости интернета В ежегодном рейтинге американского издания Forbes « Список Мидаса » Юрий Мильнер занял 35 место. В 2012 году огромное влияние на список Мидаса (рейтинг 100 самых успешных венчурных инвесторов планеты) журнала Forbes оказало IPO Facebook. Несмотря на свой, как многие говорили, провал, выход на биржу крупнейшей социальной сети помог занять первые места в рейтинге целому ряду инвесторов. The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) by Joel Spolsky Wednesday, October 08, 2003 Ever wonder about that mysterious Content-Type tag? Did you ever get an email from your friends in Bulgaria with the subject line "???? I've been dismayed to discover just how many software developers aren't really completely up to speed on the mysterious world of character sets, encodings, Unicode, all that stuff. But it won't. So I have an announcement to make: if you are a programmer working in 2003 and you don't know the basics of characters, character sets, encodings, and Unicode, and I catch you, I'm going to punish you by making you peel onions for 6 months in a submarine. And one more thing: In this article I'll fill you in on exactly what every working programmer should know. Before I get started, I should warn you that if you are one of those rare people who knows about internationalization, you are going to find my entire discussion a little bit oversimplified. A Historical Perspective Unicode OK, so say we have a string: Hello Encodings

KissKissBankBank — Libérons la Créativité ! Crunchbase Similar Sites | 50 Websites Like Crunchbase VentureBeat | Tech. People. Money. Similarity: Popularity: Language-Location: English - United States Similar or Not? Rating: (Be the first to rate!) Seedcamp The european micro Seed Fund for internet technology companies. Entrepreneurship Corner: Stanford University's free podcasts a... The Stanford Technology Ventures Program (STVP) Entrepreneurship Corner is a free online archive of entrepreneurship resources for teaching and learning. +1 Rating: (5.0, based on 1 vote) Y Combinator: Startup Library Squidoo : This Lens is Locked -3 Rating: YouNoodle | Helping startups grow through competitions YouNoodle helps startup founders get advice, prizes, and opportunities from our network of startup competitions. Y Combinator Company List Names and descriptions of companies funded by Y Combinator, a seed accelerator.

H&F: топ-20 венчурных инвесторов для России © Издание Hopes & Fears список 20 лучших венчурных инвесторов, вкладывающих в российские стартапы, с точки зрения предпринимателя, ищущего деньги на развитие проекта. После первичного отсева (в рейтинг не могли попасть те фонды или частные инвесторы, которые сделали менее трех вложений на российском рынке или существуют меньше двух лет), компании расположили по степени их полезности для предпринимателя. Критерии авторы рейтинга обозначили четкие: «Во-первых, количество российских стартапов, в которые фонд вложился. Во-вторых, объем средств, которые фонд инвестировал и готов инвестировать. По каждому критерию начислялись баллы, потом баллы суммировались, все просто. Список получился такой. Для каждого инвестора, попавшего в рейтинг, есть пояснение: кто он, какие проекты предпочитает, сколько обычно дает денег, какую долю стартапа покупает и как у него дела с портфолио. Читайте также –

OSI model The Open Systems Interconnection model (OSI) is a conceptual model that characterizes and standardizes the internal functions of a communication system by partitioning it into abstraction layers. The model is a product of the Open Systems Interconnection project at the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), maintained by the identification ISO/IEC 7498-1. The model groups communication functions into seven logical layers. A layer serves the layer above it and is served by the layer below it. For example, a layer that provides error-free communications across a network provides the path needed by applications above it, while it calls the next lower layer to send and receive packets that make up the contents of that path. Communication in the OSI-Model (example with layers 3 to 5) History[edit] Work on a layered model of network architecture was started and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) began to develop its OSI framework architecture.

Les budgets participatifs : une solution citoyenne pour demain ? Cette note provient de l’Observatoire de l’innovation locale de la Fondation Jean-Jaurès. À l’origine de ce phénomène, il y a un principe. Il guide tous les budgets participatifs. « Vous décidez, nous réalisons ». Ce principe est une réponse à l’aspiration des citoyens à être associés à la décision publique. Ce principe fait aussi figure d’engagement des politiques, confrontés à la perte de crédit de leur parole. Cet essor récent des budgets participatifs signifie-t-il qu’il s’agit là d’une vraie nouveauté ? Les budgets participatifs, une nouveauté ? Paris, 2017. De ce travail, émergeront les projets soumis au vote des Parisiens, à la fin de l’été. À l’origine, réorienter les ressources vers les plus démunis Ce cycle n’est pourtant pas une norme en soi et n’est pas le seul modèle de budget participatif. C’est bien ainsi qu’est né en 1989, à Porto Alegre au Brésil, le premier budget participatif au monde. Le budget participatif pyramidal, premier modèle appliqué en France

US Venture Capital Firms For Tech Startups The VC market in the United States is perhaps more accessible for startups now than at any point in history. Due in part to the rise of tech startup incubators and angel investor networks, venture capitalists are spread all across the spectrum, working intently with early-stage companies to provide seed funding and injecting capital into established companies planning to go public. At Walker Sands, we’ve worked with many of the portfolio companies listed here to formally announce rounds of funding or help them tell the stories that inevitably follow. Accel Partners | Palo Alto, CA Early Stage/Mid Stage Focus: Technology Total Capital: $8.8 billion Notable Investments: Facebook, Groupon, Dropbox, Spotify, Rovio, Etsy, Baidu Adams Capital Management | Pittsburgh, PA Early Stage Focus: Applied technology, information technology, networking infrastructure, semiconductors Total Capital: $815 million Notable Investments: DATAllegro, Dell, InSoft, Fotomoto, Landslide CRM

Индекс стартапов Russian Startup Rating 2012 Присвоение индекса стартапу происходило на основе общего числа баллов, набранного компанией по итогам анкетирования и получения рекомендаций от экспертов. На основе индексов производилось ранжирование проектов в итоговом рейтинге. При получении несколькими компаниями одного и того же индекса происходило дополнительное ранжирование этих стартапов по количеству набранных ими баллов. Каждый проект мог набрать максимум 100 баллов (анкета + рекомендации от экспертов). Оценка ответов на вопросы анкеты проводилась следующий образом: 1. Ниже приведены группы вопросов, использовавшиеся в анкете. общие вопросы (служат для того, чтобы проверить, насколько стартап проходит по формальным критериям: возраст компании, число сотрудников, отрасль); команда (18%); рынок/продукт (15%); финансы (15%); динамика развития (24%); юридические аспекты (5%); медиа освещение (10%). Оставшиеся 13% оценки составляют рекомендации экспертов. 2. где: 3. 4. Рекомендации от экспертов распределялись по следующей схеме:

Peter Thiel’s Unorthodox Management Philosophy of Extreme Focus Peter Thiel’s Unorthodox Management Philosophy of Extreme Focus “What are your top five priorities for this week?” “What are the top three objectives and key results you’re using to measure how you’re doing for the quarter?” These are questions that get thrown around by managers at work to help their teams prioritize and focus on achieving the most important accomplishments. In Peter Thiel’s view, this doesn’t go far enough. As PayPal executive Keith Rabois recalls, Thiel “would refuse to discuss virtually anything else with you except what was currently assigned as your #1 initiative.” Extreme focus worked, because Thiel gave it teeth. As Rabois explains: The most important benefit of this approach is that it impels the organization to solve the challenges with the highest impact. To Thiel, if you allow yourself to have more than one focus, you’ve already blinked.You’ve determined that mediocrity is an acceptable outcome.

Les 7 règles de la démocratie participative | Usbek & Rica À l’approche de la Présidentielle, incarnation caricaturale de la démocratie par le haut, on n’a jamais eu autant besoin de démocratie participative. Mais pour que celle-ci s’épanouisse, encore faut-il définir ses règles cardinales. Vite, un Blue Ocean démocratique ! Par Frank Escoubès, co-fondateur de bluenove. On aurait pu s’attendre à un coup de pied dans la fourmilière. Que les Primaires de la Droite et du Centre soient l’occasion d’un petit coup d’état institutionnel. Las. Comme en 40, chacun des candidats y va de son programme, appelant de ses vœux un « débat », mais cherchant avant tout à « défendre » ses positions. Et pourtant. Pari pascalien : chaque citoyen, au fond de lui, détient un bout de la solution. 1/ En démocratie participative, on prend garde à la question qu’on pose. La réponse est dans la question, s’entend-on souvent dire. 2/ En démocratie participative, on évite de poser une seule question,vêtue de son habit des grands soirs. Comme à l’école.

Venture Capital Firms | VC Listings February 19, 2015 15+ min read Welcome to the Entrepreneur VC 100 list of top early-stage venture capital firms -- a platform highlighting the who’s who of the U.S. startup ecosystem. The ranking is based on data from PitchBook, a Seattle-based data and tech provider for the global private equity and venture capital markets. The firms are listed by total capital invested in seed and/or early-stage deals completed in the U.S. during 2014. While the ranking is focused on traditional VC firms, it also includes corporate VCs, mutual funds and other entities, as new players increasingly enter the VC game. PitchBook’s research process for VC 100 also tracks each firm’s investment activity. VC 100: U.S. venture capital firms ranked based on capital invested in U.S. early-stage deals in 2014 (in USD millions*). #1 Andreessen Horowitz, Menlo Park, Calif. 2014 Early-stage investments (in millions, USD): $1,020.23 2014 Early-stage deal count: 50 Industries: Consumer products and services, software
