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Note-Taking with iPads

Note-Taking with iPads
I vividly remember how I first learned to take notes. My sixth grade geography teacher lectured in outline style: "Roman Numeral one - China. A - Qin Dynasty. 1 - Rulers . . . " We wrote down precisely what he said, and to this day, I still take notes in outline form. While outlining may work for me, what about those who value taking notes in the margins? When students learn to hand-write their notes, they focus on content and organization within a single medium -- paper. Cameras and Microphones One of the most valuable features of iPad to support note-taking may be the camera. In addition to incorporating photos, many note-taking apps also include audio recording. Typing and Drawing We experienced an influx of "laptop kids" in our middle school. With iPad, these same students could both type and draw their notes. Supporting the Process However, iPads could also bolster the first step in her process. Both of these apps sync audio recording with what is typed or drawn on screen.

The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher: Your (simple) Guide to Differentiated Instruction Don't forget to subscribe to my email list and follow my TPT Store. Please follow me on Blog Lovin' to receive regular updates on my new blog posts. No two students learn the same and every student enters the classroom with a unique set of skills and experiences. Additionally, every student has individual language skills, background knowledge, readiness to learn and other factors that make their learning needs different from that of their peers. Differentiated instruction is an approach to teaching that requires teachers to consider the specific needs of each child in their class and designing instruction and a classroom environment that is on their level or compliments a specific learning style. Preparing to Differentiate Instruction When preparing to differentiate instruction you can follow these steps: Get to know your students. Providing Differentiated Instruction Instruction can be differentiated based on three general areas: Content Assessment

iMovie + iOS7 + AirDrop + App Smashing = Great Ideas from Greg Kulowiec! iMovie just got a major overhaul for iOS7. The interface is much cleaner in the new version, all of the editing options are much more visible, everything is possible with one tap – as opposed to the need to single & double tap in the iOS6 version. Below are a number of screenshots highlighting the new features in iMovie. There is also an extended video tutorial , or click HERE to watch the video tutorial if you can’t wait. While most of the features are exactly the same, the major changes include: Improved user interface It is much easier to split clips, pull out freeze frames, & generally edit clips selected for a project Slow Motion Slow down any video clip within a project New Transitions Fade to black & swiping transitions Double Video! Picture in Picture & Side by Side video is now possible! Audio Sound can now be extracted from a video clip & moved within a project. AirDrop Share both video clips and iMovie projects via AirDrop (requires iOS7 and an iPad 4th generation or iPad mini). iMovie:

The Habits and Philosophy of an Effective iPad Teacher I recently had the pleasure of connecting up with Richard Wells from Auckland, New Zealand through Twitter. He runs a similar iPad site: I was very impressed with many of recent his info-graphics, and pitched him the idea to collaborate together on this poster. Despite the nineteen hour time difference, we were able to discuss our ideas about what it takes to be an effective iPad teacher. Expanding on a few of my points: Goals: Do not use an iPad in your lesson just for the sake of it. Creative: It is my ongoing goal to strongly propose that the iPad as a creation device as opposed to a consumption one. Beyond iPad: Despite both Richard and I being huge proponents for the iPad in education, it is not the only capable tool. if you already are passionate about other tablets, or know people who are, by all means go with it. To download a high-resolution PDF of the image, click here. Further Reading: Please check Richard’s post and poster on the “iPad First Five”.

Ideas for supporting #TeacherEffectiveness with #EdTech - Domain 1 Technology provides teachers with a great way to provide evidence with artifacts of their effective practice. Across the country this has been a priority for schools that are incorporating a teacher evaluation based on the Danielson Framework for Teacher Evaluation. The model contains various components organized into the following four domains.Domain 1: Planning and PreparationDomain 2: The Classroom EnvironmentDomain 3: InstructionDomain 4: Professional Responsibilities This is part of a four-part series where I'll share some simple ideas for integrating technology into each component followed by a presentation you can share with colleagues. This presentation has examples of what this may look like in practice.

5 Fantastic Apps for Digital Storytelling on iPads This is a guest post from Samantha Morra of Computers, and the digital tools on those computers, brought video editing to the classroom years ago. As those tools became easier to use, more and more students were given opportunities to share and demonstrate knowledge using video. iPad continues to transform the process by integrating the key elements of digital storytelling - capturing photos, videos, and audio - all in one mobile device. Through apps, iPad provides a variety of options for how to compose or combine those key elements to create an effective demonstration of learning. Digital storytelling is a powerful tool in the classroom. So, grab your iPad and check out some of the best free apps for digital storytelling: With Tellagami, students can create quick animations that liberate them from the physical world and remove concerns about appearance and general physics. ScreenChomp is an awesome way to use screencasting for storytelling with our youngest learners.

Coding Across the Curriculum "I think everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think." - Steve Jobs The above quote is on the homepage of the coding website Tynker. Coding, formerly known as programming (I still remember teaching myself BASIC on my Commodore 64 back in the '80s!), has once again returned to classrooms nationwide. A range of high-profile individuals, including Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Dr. Computer Science Education Week The Hour of Code will take place during the week of December 9-13, which happens to be Computer Science Education Week. A Brief History Nonetheless, Papert's vision is still strong today. From Logo to Scratch A direct descendent from Logo is Scratch, also from the MIT Media Lab. Last year, my sixth grade social studies students remixed and "modded" (modified) existing Scratch games, and some even created brand new Flash-based video games. Scratch 2.0 has a "See Inside" feature that enables remixes of projects.

Six Scaffolding Strategies to Use with Your Students What’s the opposite of scaffolding a lesson? Saying to students, “Read this nine-page science article, write a detailed essay on the topic it explores, and turn it in by Wednesday.” Yikes! Let’s start by agreeing that scaffolding a lesson and differentiating instruction are two different things. Simply put, scaffolding is what you do first with kids. Scaffolding and differentiation do have something in common, though. So let’s get to some scaffolding strategies you may or may not have tried yet. 1. How many of us say that we learn best by seeing something rather than hearing about it? Try a fishbowl activity, where a small group in the center is circled by the rest of the class; the group in the middle, or fishbowl, engages in an activity, modeling how it’s done for the larger group.Always show students the outcome or product before they do it. 2. 3. All learners need time to process new ideas and information. 4. 5. 6.

Quick Edit iPad Videography - Storychasers Workshop Curriculum YouTube for Education Resources Quick Edit How-To / Tutorials Quick Edit Video Examples Project 1: Parody Student Expectations Video With your iPad, record video Interviews with at least 5 other people who answer the question BACKWARDS: What are your most important expectations for student learning in your classroom?Edit and publish the video to your YouTube channel using the YouTube Capture app (free)Examples: Teacher Video, Administrator Movie, When I Become a Librarian MovieShare your project back with our class by emailing the link to your project to: wfryer.ksuipad@blogger.comView others' projects (and yours) on Project 2: Storychaser Interview Video With your iPad, record video Interviews with 3 - 5 other people who answer an open-ended interview question. Check out participant videos linked on YouTube Comment Moderation It is VERY important to turn comment moderation ON for each YouTube video you upload.

10 Ways To Use Offline iPads In Education Just about every article on using iPads in education involves one key feature: connectivity. Whether it’s wi-fi or cellular service, being connected to the web is by far the most important feature for iPads in the classroom. Otherwise, it’s just what the tech-bloggers call a ‘brick’ and is essentially worthless. Not really. As you probably guessed from the title of this post and the visual I spent way too much time making below, there are plenty of ways to use iPads that have little to no connectivity. See Also: 17 Real-World Ways iPads Are Being Used In Schools Note: since you need to be connected to the web in order to set up your iPad, I’m going to assume you were connected at one point and that you have the ability to download an app that can be used later. How do you prefer to use your iPad when there’s no connection to the web? Click the image below for full-size or click here to download it as a PDF Use Google Earth in offline mode to go on virtual field trips.

Wonderopolis | Where the Wonders of Learning Never Cease Redefining the Writing Process with iPads Take a moment to think about how you learned to write. What steps did you go through? What was your process? Most of us learned the same core set of skills on paper: organize, draft, edit, revise, turn in. When computers entered into the equation, we digitized the process. In the progression from Writing 1.0 to 2.0, we digitally enhanced an existing process. With what we'll call Writing 3.0, students and teachers can: Organize and draft through handwriting, drawing, text and voiceCollaborate and incorporate multimodal feedbackCreate a final product that demonstrates mastery and communicates understanding beyond the literal confines of paper Organizing & Drafting With iPads, writing has becoming mobile, not just in the sense that we can write anywhere -- in some ways, we could do that with paper -- but that we can use the tools and features of the devices to scaffold our process both in terms of the output and the input. Imagine a student who benefits from the tactile nature of handwriting.

5 Awesome iPad Posters for Teachers Are you planning to incorporate iPad into your classroom next school year ? You probably are already in search for the educational apps to use in your instruction,Educational Technology and Mobile Learning has a rich resource of the most popular educational apps you might need. These apps are organized into different categories pertaining to various content areas. Check out this list to learn more. Having a repository of handy educational apps is a good thing but is not enough per se. To help you pave the way for using iPad in your class, I have brought you some great classroom posters to share with your students. 1- Rules for iPad 2- iPad acceptable use policy3- iPad rules4- iPad Tips 5- iPad management tips and tricks source:

Book Trailers for Readers - Book Trailers and Common Core Standards --------- Students use technology & digital media strategically and capably.-- Common Core Standards. From the Common Core Key Points on Media and Technology: "Just as media and technology are integrated in school and life in the twenty‐first century, skillsrelated to media use (both critical analysis and production of media) are integrated throughout the standards"How To Make A Book Trailer Book Trailer Presentation [ used at FAME Conference]

This app intrigued me with the technology connection to taking notes in class. I think that note-taking is an important skill as students move through their education. I would definitely use this app with students who struggle with writing and organization. I think it would benefit more students within the context of science, math, and social studies. by hermansenh Oct 10
