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8 pasos para el Gran Narración Digital

8 pasos para el Gran Narración Digital

El cerebro humano y la educación industrial Es cierto que ahora hay más información circulando por el mundo como en ninguna otra época de la historia humana. Y en este momento es en Internet y en sus redes sociales donde se origina un verdadero océano de noticias y de datos. Por ese motivo, se ha insinuado que tratar de conseguir alguna información creíble en los nuevos medios es como intentar beber de una copa de cristal en una boca de incendios… De hecho, esta dificultad se acrecienta en la escuela, el lugar donde se pretende favorecer la comprensión y la expresión lingüística. Estamos hechos para las historias Un día, en una entrevista, unas palabras de Jostein Gaarder llamaron mi atención. Además, esos estudios también establecen que la adquisición del esquema narrativo se produce en los cuatro o cinco primeros años de vida. Recordar el orden exacto de los acontecimientos.

Hyperlinked Writing in the Classroom- From Theory to Practice  This is the follow up post to the theoretical Wondering About Hyperlinked Writing. The post ended with Now…on from the wondering, theory and resources…to the practice in the classroom. I am ready to bring hyperlinked writing (and reading) as an important genre into the classroom! Can one just start “throwing” hyperlinked writing” at our students (or teaches for that matter) at any time, at any age? Hyperlinked writing is more than citing your sources, it is a direct manifestation of writing for an audience. A quick check-in with my Common Core Guru, Mike Fisher, author of “Cure for the Common Core“, told me that I was on the right track. You are actually addressing several capacities in what you’re describing: Capacity 3: Students respond to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline.Capacity 5: They value evidence. It shows the intent to guide the reader to: There are other reasons why we link digital content Why do people link in their online writing? Yarn Blogging Like this:

CogDogRoo - StoryTools 50 Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story (return) Note! 50+ Ways is no longer being updated here but over at the new site for 50+ Web 2.0 Ways to Tell a Story-- It has more organizational features and includes ways for you to add content to the site once you join the new wiki. Below you will find 50+ web tools you can use to create your own web-based story. Again, the mission is not to review or try every single one (that would be madness, I know), but pick one that sounds interesting and see if you can produce something. I have used each tool to produce an example of the original Dominoe story, plus links are provided, where available, to examples by other people. Slideshow Tools Generates content that allows linear playback of a series of images, some with ability to add audio. 2. Upload images from computer or flickr or upload PowerPoint files. 3. 4. "RockYou! 5. 6. 8. 9. pictobrowser 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 17. 19. 24.

Story Map The Story Map interactive includes a set of graphic organizers designed to assist teachers and students in prewriting and postreading activities. The organizers are intended to focus on the key elements of character, setting, conflict, and resolution development. Students can develop multiple characters, for example, in preparation for writing their own fiction, or they may reflect on and further develop characters from stories they have read. After completing individual sections or the entire organizer, students have the ability to print out their final versions for feedback and assessment. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Standard Lesson Collaborative Stories 1: Prewriting and Drafting Students hone their teamwork skills and play off each other's writing strengths as they participate in prewriting activities for a story to be written collaboratively by the whole class. Grades K – 2 | Lesson Plan | Unit Comparing Fiction and Nonfiction with "Little Red Riding Hood Text" Sets back to top

La narrativa digital y la escuela Dicen que contar historias es una actividad parecida al arte. Y la literatura es considerada como una de las artes más perfectas porque utiliza las palabras, que son el medio más reconocido para expresar la belleza. La narrativa trata, precisamente, de la manera de contar historias de una manera efectiva, interesante y, sobre todo, emocionante y hermosa. Sin embargo, hoy en día las historias no sólo se cuentan con palabras, sino especialmente con imágenes; y no solo eso, sino con imágenes y sonidos. Así, se ha originado una nueva categoría en las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, una nueva narrativa. Contar historias es una forma original de enseñanza, como defiende desde hace tiempo Kieran Egan. En los últimos 10 años, más o menos, se popularizaron las cámaras digitales y el software de edición, las herramientas digitales de creación y los medios de comunicación electrónicos. Valoración media Tu voto: Ninguno Valoración: 4.9 (10 votos) Comparte este post en:|Más

jason ohler : Digital Storytelling - DAOW of storytelling The DAOW of literacy in a storytelling environment Digital, Art, Oral and Written literacies- the DAOW of literacy - are crucial for personal, academic and workplace success in the Digital Age and blend very well in a digital storytelling environment. In my digital storytelling workshops we address how oral and written storytelling, as well as storytelling using digital and art skills, are involved in the creation of digital stories, and how all these literacies and forms of storytelling can reinforce each other. This improves literacy and expression in all areas. Why is oral storytelling important in digital storytelling? Because it is how storytelling began and has endured for millennia. Why is writing important in digital storytelling? Because while writing may not be the final product of a digital story, it is the pathway students must take to create it. Why is art important in digital storytelling? Why is digital literacy important? The "D" in the DOAW of literacy stands for Digital.

Open Thinking Wiki Definitions: "... refers to using new digital tools to help ordinary people to tell their own real-life stories." (Wikipedia)“Digital Storytelling is the modern expression of the ancient art of storytelling. Why (Digital) Storytelling? Storytelling is the expression of common cultural artefacts shared by individuals & societies with roots extending to the emergence of prehistoric humans.Stories help us make sense of ourselves, our cultures and societies, in rich and meaningful ways.Storytelling may give voice to individuals and groups who have been oppressed by a culture of literary dominance.Stories will help us leave a rich legacy of expression for future generations.Storytelling helps us reclaim our narratives from corporate and commercial interests.Stories and the process of storytelling can be used as a rich means of assessment.Storytelling proves to be an engaging alternative for many learners. Is Digital Different? Important Resources: Process: Media Resources: Remix/Mashups:

Technology in the English Classroom: Black Box or Black Hole? The ‘Digital Divide’ is a term originally coined by Lloyd Morrisette to “describe the growing gap, or social exclusion, between those who have access to the new services of the information society, and those who ­do not” (P2P Foundation, Nd). As an educator in today’s world, I see this Digital Divide concerning also an understanding of the benefits of using technology in the classroom. There is a pull between seeing technology “as a magic black box with the potential to create a learning revolution or a black hole that consumes resources that might better be devoted to traditional classroom activities” (Jenkins, Purushotma, Clinton, & Weigel, 2006, p. 7). I agree that technology can sometimes be used for technology’s sake, and that sometimes, learning is best supported through ‘traditional’ paper and pen. The English teachers I surveyed believe that technology has, overall, led to an increase in literacy in terms of reading, particular concerning the amount and frequency of reading.
