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Wondermind – Play games and explore the science of your brain

Wondermind – Play games and explore the science of your brain Search results for "word wall" I've been doling out a lot of advice recently, so I thought I would frame this post a little differently. Most books and websites geared towards helping you prepare for the first days of school list questions to ask yourself. As long as you've considered what your answers might be, you're well on your way to being ready for the new year. I've read many of these types of lists myself, so forgive me if I'm telling you something you already know or sounding like a poor man's version of somebody else. I'll err on the side of caution and say that these are all the well-worn ideas, and I am merely collecting them here for you: Have you done your summer reading? These two books alone will have you better prepared than the average teacher by far. Where are your students going to sit? How will you find out where your students are at academically? What kind of syllabus or course information are you going to give them? What do you need to know about your students to help them be successful?

Startups, This Is How Design Works – by Wells Riley 20 brilliant things to make in a jar Via: Start saving your old jam jars! From cakes to herb gardens, pies to photo frames, and even entire meals … here are 20 fantastic things you never knew you could make with a jar. (Above: red velvet cupcakes in a jar. Get the recipe here). Via: Word on the street: salad in a jar is all the rage. Via: Cookies in a jar – a great gift idea. Via: For a rustic vintage look, display your photos inside glass jars and bottles. Via: Chocolate muffin bread cooked in a jar. Via: Super sweet. Via: Bread, cooked in a jar? Via: A fabulous visual reminder of your favourite holidays. Via: So let’s just cut to the chase – what about making all your meals in a jar?! Via: There isn’t a child on earth who wouldn’t be wowed by these: rainbow cupcakes baked in a jar. Via:

How to make marking more efficient: three new techniques for teachers | Teacher Network | Guardian Professional The gallery critique technique is one way teacher Andrew Tharby has improved his marking practice. Photograph: Alamy. In Ted Hughes' visceral first world war poem, Bayonet Charge, a young soldier experiences a moment of psychological clarity amid the chaos of the battlefield. He realises that he is running "Like a man who has jumped up in the dark and runs/Listening between his footfalls for the reason/Of his still running…" Sometimes, as I crouch over another seemingly endless pile of marking, Hughes' words pop into my head. Thankfully I am a secondary English teacher not a first world war soldier. Three reasons lie behind my quest for a more efficient alternative. The answer is not to ignore feedback, but to bring it to the forefront of everything we do in the classroom. The five-minute flick This is one of my favourite strategies. Gallery critique Live marking This also has huge potential.

Collaborative Fund Western Philosophy La tribu más amenazada de la Tierra Podrías pensar que un ritual que se celebra en la selva en una noche de luna llena es algo siniestro. No así el viaje de los awás al reino de los espíritus de la selva: en su caso, se trata de una ocasión familiar. Los niños pequeños miran a las mujeres mientras decoran a sus maridos con plumas de zopilote real usando resina como pegamento. Luego, a medida que sube el volumen de los cánticos de los adultos, los bebés se duermen bajo la luz de la luna. No hay drogas ni alcohol: tan solo con los cánticos los hombres caen en trance. Durante el ritual, los hombres abandonan la Tierra y viajan al iwa, el dominio de los espíritus de la selva. La caza siempre es buena en el iwa, pues también es el hogar de los animales de la selva.

English Pronunciation If you can pronounce correctly every word in this poem, you will be speaking English better than 90% of the native English speakers in the world. After trying the verses, a Frenchman said he’d prefer six months of hard labour to reading six lines aloud. Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. English Pronunciation by G. Source Breaking News: Fake News Special! Showcase Of 45 Websites Using The Parallax Scrolling Effect Parallax scrolling is a special scrolling technique in computer graphics, wherein background images move by the camera slower than foreground images, creating an illusion of depth in a 2D video game and adding to the immersion. This effect has been adapted to web design and since its first appearance it has evolved a lot and also expanded into a trend. Thus, I could make a list of 45 websites that use this incredible effect and I’m offering them to you for inspiration.

What Is the Most Racist Country in Europe? The BBC's Panorama program broke the news that Poles are all massively racist. What were we even thinking of letting those bigots host the Euro 2012 soccer tournament? In response, the British press has been rumbling and wrangling away at people about it in that way the press does when it has nothing else to talk about. What the BBC have willfully ignored, however, is whether any other country in Europe is actually any better. We at VICE are more scientific than that, so we cast a quick glance around the continent for racists. If you'd like to see a bunch of Swedish fascists in action you should watch our film Teenage Riot: May Day in Eskilstuna. The Tag The home of enlightened progressive thought and bending-over-backwards cultural deference. The Evidence FACT Sweden was the first country in the world to introduce a research center for racial biology—in the town of Upsalla. That's her with the plate, by the way. Racism Rating 5/5 The Tag “Stay at home, watch it on TV. Racism Rating 2/5

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