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Color Theory: Pick a Mood for Your Room « Design Shuffle's blog

Color Theory: Pick a Mood for Your Room « Design Shuffle's blog
127StumbleUpon This awesome infographic was shared with us recently and we couldn’t wait to share the love. As much as we adore adding color, it is sometimes a difficult task making it work in our homes. What shade of blue do I pick? What are the best color combinations? Infographic by Gate to Garage What is your mood? For daily design inspiration like us on Facebook! About Taylor Wilson By: Taylor Wilson A design enthusiast with an eye for color, Taylor enjoys reading about interior design, graphic design, and everything else in between! Tags: Bathroom Design Ideas, Bedroom Design Ideas, bedroom designs, Color Infographic, Contemporary, Contemporary Design, Contemporary Design Ideas, contemporary designs, Decorating Ideas, home decor, Infographic home decor, inspiration, interior design, interior design ideas, Interior Designer, interior designs, Kitchen Design, Kitchen Designs, Living Room, Modern, modern interior designs, Transitional Interior Design

Fuentes del mes de abril Luego de una larga espera vuelvo a enviarles una serie de fuentes gratuitas que pueden ser útiles para proyectos que tengan en mente o bien, para inspirar y generar ideas en las construcciones de logos. Sabrán que nunca recomiendo que utilicen una fuente plana y sin modificaciones para un logo, además hay algunas opciones gratuitas que no permiten su aplicación comercial, pero los enlaces entre los caracteres pueden brindarles opciones de conexión que no habían tenido en cuenta. Suelo guardar una gran cantidad de fuentes para tener de dónde elegir en el momento que las necesito, pero esto puede ser un problema si tienen poco espacio, por lo que siempre que puedan realicen una biblioteca en la nube que puedan ir actualizando y la utilización de etiquetas y carpetas con los tipos de fuentes puede llegar a ayudarlos a organizarse y a no perder demasiado tiempo en la búsqueda. Descargar Salt & Foam | SaltAndFoam Descargar Promesh | Behance Descargar Prism | MyFonts Descargar Deibi | Behance

101 Simple Handmade Gift Tutorials These simple handmade gift tutorials will make any crafty person’s heart sing with joy! You don’t need special skills or a bunch of time because these can all be done super fast! Simple and cute…that works for me! You are going to love these fabulous tutorials!!! You can make all your gifts for years from this list! If you love creative links, please subscribe to Everything Etsy! Thanks so much for all your tweets, stumbles, Facebook likes and pins on my Sewing Tutorials and Free Printables posts…you are the coolest crafty friends! If you want to be doubly awesome, try doing handmade gifts that are also eco-friendly! Handmade gifts make people feel special, don’t you think? ~Kim

100 Greatest Cooking Tips (of all time!) 1. Remember, y'all, it’s all about the prep. Take away the stress by doing the prep the night or day before. You'll look like a star.Paula Deen Paula’s Best Dishes 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Iglesia de Cristo Obrero, by Eladio Dieste | A-Cero blog - Joaquín Torres Architects 4 julio 2013 Hoy os recomiendo la Iglesia Parroquial de Cristo Obrero, diseñada por el ingeniero Eladio Dieste en 1952, ubicada cerca de Atlántida, una de las ciudades balnearias del litoral de Uruguay. En general, la obra de Dieste toma el ladrillo y lo lleva a su máxima liviandad en la creación de superficies curvas a partir de una nueva tecnología, que el denominó cerámica armada: construcciones abovedadas realizadas con ladrillo, armadura de acero y un mínimo de hormigón. Se trata de una nave rectangular de 30 metros de largo por 16 de ancho, cubierta de 19 metros de luz en sus sectores más anchos. En lo constructivo y estructural, los pisos, paredes y techo son de ladrillo visto. A nivel formal y funcional, el presbiterio y la nave se encuentran integrados en un mismo espacio. La terminación interior del edificio muestra una pared muy rugosa y un aparejo donde los ladrillos aparecen trabados.

Small Footprint, Big Yield: Create an Easy Micro Organic Urban Garden Today! April 28, 2009 by Robin Plaskoff Horton There are two things urban gardeners are short on: space and time. The Urban Garden, brainchild of Bill Arquitt, resolves both of these issues, making it efficient and simple to plant a vegetable garden with up to 55 plants in a 3-foot deep by 4-foot wide footprint. The contained six level tiered system is nearly maintenance-free, eliminating heavy weeding, and its northwestern cedar construction renders it naturally bug repellent. Heat Your Room For 8 Pence A Day Feeling chilly and don't want to turn up the heat? Here's a cheap and easy alternative to heating a small room - tealights and flowerpots. By positioning two flowerpots over four tealight candles in a bread baking dish, you can heat a small room or office. The gap between the two pots enables a flow of air that then passes warm air around the room. We have friends who have tried this method and it works well. Be aware that the baking dish and pots will become VERY HOT! NEVER leave a naked flame unattended. Tealights are fossil fuel based - this idea is just a start. SAVE MONEY, SAVE ENERGY, SAVE THE PLANET: download a FREE sample copy of Permaculture Magazine Further Resources Heat your room with 1 candle, plus flowerpots, nuts and washers How To Make a Rocket Stove from a Beer Keg with Mark Boyle A Student's Guide to Saving Money & The Planet Compact Living - how to design small interior space Efficient Energy Planning - an original permaculture design principle

Pequeño Manual de La Guadua condiciones normales.La posesión de un rodal de Guadua angustifolia en una finca, preferentemente en las orillas de un río o caño, a la vez que preserva las aguas, teje las orillas deposibles derrumbamientos por las avenidas, constituye al mismo tiempo, unafuente ascendente de ingresos y garantiza, por ende el suministro de unmaterial versátil, seguro y confiable, propio para múltiples usos en el agro,destacándose el de la construcción de diferentes edificaciones, tales comovivienda e instalaciones para el manejo de ganado y para actividadesagrícolas.Finalmente, por su rápido crecimiento, por sus relaciones peso-resis-tencia ycosto-beneficio, está llamada a ser una de las soluciones económicas másprometedoras para enfrentar el actual problema del creciente déficit devivienda rural que, tanto cuantitativa como cualitativamente, padece, no soloVenezuela, sino la gran mayoría de los países centro y suramericanos y delCaribe.

Maiden D'Shade: Tricycle Diaper Cake Tutorial I love when I have an opportunity to try something new. Even when it is just new to me. I have a baby shower to go to tonight and the gifts are supposed to be practical, i.e. diapers, wipes, etc. (baby #5, boy #4) and so I thought I'd try my hand at a diaper cake. With the green light to proceed, I went shopping. I saw some pictures online showing people using a cake pan to form rounds of diapers. Once I came around, I tucked the beginning diapers toward the center so the remaining diapers would end up on the outside. Once all 20 diapers were added, I evened them out. Using my fist, I made a circular opening in the middle of the tires. Next I rolled the receiving blankets. Next I fed the other blanket through the front tire. I placed a bib (puddle guard) on the front tire with the neck portion toward the back. Next, I brought both ends of the second blanket up over the bottle and secured it with a rubber band. Over the rubber band I tied a bow. And it's finished! Isn't it cute??

Bamboo& The creative design Bamboo is the famous natural plants that have multifunction for supporting human life.This type of plants is very easy to find in the tropical country or in the country with more rainfall intencity. A very young of bamboo tree people using as one of favourite dessert (Such as Thai-food,idont know the name is.,but,..hmm really tasty food).and about the old bamboo you know already. Take a look of these image bellow&dream to have one of it to be a part of your house!
