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Story: Just Submit 2

Story: Just Submit 2

RebeccaAnn - Filled and Fulfilled - A Merlin Fanfiction Title: Filled and FulfilledRating: NC-17Warning: Lots of sexPairing: Arthur/MerlinGenre: Kink, a tiny bit of fluff near the endWord Count: 1,895Disclaimer: I don't own anythingKinkMe_Merlin Prompt: Arthur/Merlin, After discovering just how much he enjoys the sight of Merlin filled by a foreign object, Arthur becomes obsessed with penetrating Merlin with increasingly large objects and testing his pain/pleasure boundaries. Bonus points for dub-con in the form of nervous/aprehensive Merlin and somewhat forceful Arthur. “Yes! Oh…gods…Arthur!” Arthur smirked and leaned back, snapping his hips harder, driving deeper. If Merlin could still form words, he wasn’t doing a good enough job of fucking his manservant senseless. He took one of Merlin’s legs from around his waist and pushed it straight up, bending Merlin’s torso and allowing him in even further. “Guh-! But most of all, he loved watching his cock sliding in and out of Merlin’s greedy hole. “No.” “But Merlin, please!” “No, I won’t do it.

Secret World of Alex Mack FanFiction Archive Crossovers Forums TV ShowsSecret World of Alex Mack Filters Alex Mack: The Nightmare Begins by jonjon8412reviews Alex Mack was just another high school teen until a freak accident turned her life into a nightmare. Rated: T - English - Sci-Fi/Horror - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,795 - Reviews: 1 - Published: Oct 22, 2013 Superhero Complex by writerchic16reviews Alex has to tell her family she's keeping the powers. Rated: K+ - English - Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 10,064 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 2 - Published: Apr 28, 2013 - Complete The Play's the Thing by Writing4ever4Godreviews When Alex volunteers to help out with her school's production of Annie, she gets the chance to change a little girl's life forever. Rated: K - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,496 - Reviews: 3 - Follows: 1 - Published: Feb 7, 2013 Mr E by Tang Ri Shanreviews This story is based on an episode of the Secret World of Alex Mack, called "The Mystery Man". Discoveries by Writing4ever4Godreviews

unsentimentalf: FIC: This is Going to be Fun Title: This is Going to be FunAuthor: Unsentimental FoolFandom: Sherlock BBCPairing: Sherlock/John/MoriartyRating: NC-17Word Count:6,556Summary:. Sherlock did not have a highly developed sense of self preservation. No better reason than curiosity and boredom might lure him.Warnings: This fic has definite Issues with sex, violence, consent and general morality. Notes: Some time ago I thought that a smutty Sherlock/John/Moriarty threesome fic might be fun. I was wrong. lustmordred for the read through and suggested improvements. John became gradually aware that he had been asleep. Except that something was pushing at his attention, holding him from sleep. ”Sherlock?” A high laugh at that. Who the hell...oh fuck! “Oh, don’t get up on my account. He knew a threat when he heard it, under the drawled amusement. God, was Sherlock all right? “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Three months. “Come now, Johnny boy.” “If you don’t keep up your end of this conversation I shall rapidly become bored.” “No!

Heart's Cadence Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Ways to Infuriate a Potions Master by Birchwood29reviews Hermione has had it. Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words: 76,430 - Reviews: 2413 - Favs: 1,495 - Follows: 461 - Updated: Mar 24, 2010 - Published: Jul 29, 2005 - Hermione G., Severus S. - Complete I Never by arokareviews A drunken Blaise admits to Draco that he is a virgin, and Draco takes it upon himself to find someone to help Blaise loose it. Harry Potter - Rated: M - English - Romance/Humor - Chapters: 16 - Words: 34,782 - Reviews: 321 - Favs: 195 - Follows: 275 - Updated: Jun 11, 2009 - Published: Jul 12, 2005 - Ginny W., Blaise Z. Attention by Lowlands Girlreviews [Pre HBP] [WIP] Draco needs it, Ginny can give it... but Lucius requires it. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 22 - Words: 34,234 - Reviews: 82 - Favs: 33 - Follows: 76 - Updated: Mar 23, 2008 - Published: Sep 24, 2005 - Draco M., Ginny W.

st_xi_kink_meme: PART THREE (CLOSED) When you've finished a prompt, feel free to pimp it here: REPOST THREAD PART THREE IS NOW CLOSED. PLEASE POST NEW PROMPTS HERE: Kink what? What is a kink meme? Pretty self explanatory, actually. However, the mods be pretty lax about that as well, I think, so long as an emphasis is placed on either a) kinky stuff or b) some form of character relationship, even non sexual/romantic. Rules ♦ Post requests and responses in the comments to this post.♦ Be respectful. ♦ Both a pairing/character AND a prompt/kink must be posted.♦ You are encouraged to try and write a FILL for every request you make.♦ We are slash, femslash, het, three-and-moresomes etc. friendly.♦ No pairing bashing, OK? Do NOT post recent spoilers for fandoms outside of Star Trek. The writers work very hard to fill your prompts why not drop on by and show some love! PLEASE PM ME at st_xi_kink Can Be Reached Here: Filled Prompts And Here: Unfilled Prompts

Welcome to The Sugar Quill Untitled - Fic: Selfish (Sherlock) Title: SelfishFandom: BBC SherlockCharacters: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson/Mycroft HolmesRating: NC-17Summary: Sequel to Greedy. The promised threesome.Warnings: Graphic sex. Consensual incest. Mild bondage. All John wanted was a nice quiet evening to himself. Last night, Sherlock had kept him up until two running through the streets of London from bar to bar, looking for something that he still wasn’t entirely sure what it was. He had slept through his whole lunch break, nearly got fired when he slept over that and lost out on his afternoon break by taking it at lunch to sleep a bit more. He was tired and worn out and he wanted a hot cuppa, a hot shower and a decent rest, maybe an evening camped out on the couch and listening to Sherlock working. Instead, he opened the door to Sherlock and Mycroft sitting in the armchairs, knee to knee, Sherlock leaning back lazily and Mycroft leaning forwards onto his umbrella. “No. He blinked. Was that why Mycroft was here? “Sherlock, I’m really tired...”

MuggleNet Fan Fiction :: Harry Potter stories written by fans! spn_hardcore: Welcome to spn_hardcore's 'Male Lactation'-Meme Spread the Kink: However, there are still a lot of great prompts to be filled so I encourage you to keep writing! The Basics 01. This meme focuses on MALE LACTATION, so it has to be a major part of your Fics/Art/Videos. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. Masterlist of Filled Prompts Prompt: Oestrogen makes Sammy's little breast lactate.Both Dean and John got a huge kink for that.They love to fuck their little girl and drink her milk in the same time. Prompt: Jared is an unmated, prideless, beta werecat who lives in the deep forest. Prompt: When Jensen hits puberty he starts to lactate. sockitgood: His First Time Prompt: Ever since Sam understood what sex was he knew that he wanted that from his brother. wiselyparanoid: Only When You’re Around Prompt: Jensen has kept the secret of his ability to lactate from everyone. xephwrites: Lait Et Cuir Prompt: John has done something to Dean that made him latacte. ghostwriter056 : Fount ghostwriter056 : Surprise nanoks: Provider bflyw

Simply Undeniable :: A Harry Potter fanfiction archive dedicated to Ron/Hermione & Harry/Ginny paddlicons: Sherlock Fic: Cinq I feel totally filthy now. Title: CinqFandom: SherlockPairing: Sherlock/Five Bad GuysRating: NC-17Summary: For this prompt: Sherlock on his knees while everbody, EVERYBODY, wanks off and comes on him...Or if it's a bunch of bad guys and non-con that's fine too. Or a bunch of "not bad guys" and non-con...The point is, Sherlock covered in cum. Dark and dirty heartily encouraged. Warnings: Non-con His coat is ruined. It would have been worse if he had been naked, but he can't help but wish his coat had been spared. It's a shame. He looks up from the length of dark wool at the sound of the door opening. "And what did you get up to today?" Sherlock sees the moment he notices the stained coat and reaches out to stop John's hand as he grabs for it. "Leave it," he says. John looks up at him, eyes hardening as he spots the matted blood in his hair. "What happened, Sherlock?" He should have brought John. There were five men. He listened hard as the men pulled him to his feet. They didn’t walk far.

TtH • Twisting the Hellmouth • Buffy Crossover Fanfiction Hunger, NC-17, Batman/Joker Title: HungerFandom: Nolanverse Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Batman/Joker Length: 1792 words Summary: Bruce is hungry when he wakes up. Notes: Written for the Batman Kink Meme. Contains Vampire! Bruce is hungry when he wakes up, and the sharp, slightly wrong scent of his own blood immediately drowns out his senses. He jerks his head away and snaps his teeth when a stranger's hands slip over his face, poking between his cheek and the fabric-mesh-thing of his cowl. He can’t stop the instinctual cringe away from the light, the baring of his teeth at his captor. "Untie me," Batman snarls in his hoarse, forever-angry voice. "Now, now, now, Batman," the Joker chides, whipping out a knife and working it between his fingers and the cowl, "Why would I want to do that? The Joker nicks his finger with the knife, and blood wells up. The knife cuts through his cowl, first one one side, then on the other. He surges upwards, grabbing the Joker’s throat in a vicegrip. The Joker’s hard, and Bruce is too.

Internal Affairs Report 1387, R, Batman/Joker Title: Internal Affairs Report 1387Fandom: Nolanverse Rating: R Pairing: Batman/JokerLength: 2077 words Summary: Things got out of hand in the interrogation room. Coda to Interrogation. Outsider POV. Notes: Written for the Batman Kink Meme. ninmesis has uploaded a translated to Spanish version here! My name is Josh Azeveda, and I’m a cop, part of Gotham City PD. It was just a situation that got out of control, and sure, I’m not blameless, but I wasn’t the only one there. Whose idea was it to seriously let the Batman into the interrogation room to work on the Joker, anyways? Anyways, that night. The Batman came in, said Gordon summoned him and offered him temporary immunity if he’d interrogate the Joker for us. The higher-ups were starting to get anxious. And him, he’d just keep laughing, and that laugh grated on me every time I heard it, made me want to hit things. So we finally said okay, and opened the door to let him in. We all knew what Batman was going to do. These guys were good.
