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2026 We build tomorrow

2026 We build tomorrow

Related:  2015 Avril

The Ultimate Cheat Sheets for Photoshop and Lightroom Shortcuts The design team at have created a series of incredibly handy cheat sheets for all Adobe Creative Cloud programs. Below you will find the ultimate keyboard shortcut cheat sheets for Photoshop and Lightroom. If you use either of these programs, learning the keyboard shortcuts for the tools you most commonly use can save you a LOT of time and improve your work flow. Sagrada Família The Basílica i Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Família, commonly known as the Sagrada Família, is a large Roman Catholic church in Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, designed by Catalan architect Antoni Gaudí. Although incomplete, the church is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and in November 2010 was consecrated and proclaimed a minor basilica by Pope Benedict XVI. Though construction of Sagrada Família had commenced in 1882, Gaudí became involved in 1883, taking over the project and transforming it with his architectural and engineering style—combining Gothic and curvilinear Art Nouveau forms. Gaudí devoted his last years to the project, and at the time of his death in 1926, less than a quarter of the project was complete. Sagrada Família's construction progressed slowly, as it relied on private donations and was interrupted by the Spanish Civil War—only to resume intermittent progress in the 1950s.

clavier, deutsch (DE) + Top-Case schwarz Asus R510CC Serie: battery, power supply, display, etc - Laptop Repair Shop Artikelmerkmale für: Tastatur, deutsch (DE) + Top-Case schwarz für Asus R510CC Serie Allgemeine Daten Weitere Daten Des exoplanètes plus habitables que la Terre Vue artistique d’exoplanètes terrestres.© NASA/JPL-Caltech Des exoplanètes deux à trois fois plus massives que la Terre pourraient se révéler plus adaptées à l’apparition de la vie que notre planète. Dans cette hypothèse, deux astronomes proposent d’étudier avec la plus grande attention le système planétaire qui semble entourer l’une des étoiles les plus proches du Soleil, Alpha Centauri B, pour y chercher des mondes « super habitables. » « Pour être habitable, un monde (planète ou lune) n’a pas besoin de se situer dans la zone d’habitabilité d’une étoile. De même, un monde circulant dans cette zone d’habitabilité n’est pas nécessairement habitable. » Voilà comment René Heller (McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) et John Armstrong (Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, États-Unis) introduisent l’article intellectuellement stimulant qu’ils viennent de publier (revue Astrobiology) et dans lequel ils développent leur concept de « mondes super habitables. »

3D Reconstruction – Computer Graphics and Geometry Laboratory Short Summary Symmetry is a ubiquitous concept and repetitions are very common in many man-made objects because of its impact on economical and functional considerations and aesthetic concerns. The goal of this project is to explore the notion of symmetry as a means to provide non-local coupling between geometric computations and to extract semantic information in order to improve the 3D reconstruction quality, specifically in the context of urban reconstruction. Project Description Symmetry is regularly used as an organizing principle in urban planning and design, while use of repeating structures is reinforced to ease the construction process. Therefore, it is extremely important to explore such relations to enable a better understanding and processing of relevant data.

Climatologie: «La thèse officielle? Une foutaise!» Spécialiste reconnu des avalanches, le Suisse Werner Munter planche nuit et jour depuis trois ans sur le réchauffement climatique. Et, pour lui, l’homme n’y est pour rien! Il y a une semaine, le Groupe d’experts intergouvernemental sur l’évolution du climat (GIEC) pointait une nouvelle fois d’un doigt accusateur l’homme et le CO2 qu’il produit comme principaux coupables du réchauffement climatique. Pour Werner Munter, spécialiste mondialement reconnu des avalanches, qui se penche compulsivement sur le phénomène depuis trois ans, «ces gens sont des imbéciles qui répètent en boucle des bêtises, le savent et sont payés pour!» 30 Photos to Celebrate Flickr Commons 5th Anniversary On January 16, 2008, Flickr announced the start of an ambitious project called, The Commons. The key goals of The Commons are to firstly show you hidden treasures in the world’s public photography archives, and secondly to show how your input and knowledge can help make these collections even richer. This past January, The Commons celebrated their Five Year Anniversary.

Rachel Khoo's Summer Style Picks - aBlog Rachel Khoo’s already let us in on her journey to the kitchen and shared one of her favourite pudding recipes but there’s one other area we’ve been desperate to take a sneak peek at: her wardrobe. Anyone who’s watched The Little Paris Kitchen or perused the pages of Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen Notebook couldn’t have missed her enviable style. Gorgeous updos, delicate accessories and timeless dresses are what she does best. We were curious as to what would be in Ms Khoo’s suitcase this summer—we asked and she shared. Here she takes us through her top picks….

SSD Guide: M.2 PCI-Express, M.2 SATA, M-SATA And SATA Express - The Differences Explained! Connector vs Protocol SSDs are practically ubiquotous in modern PCs and gaming notebooks. As average capacities increase and prices come down, their benefits over traditional HDDs become irresistible. The physical connector is the interface between your SSD and motherboard or notebook, whereas the data protocol is the method they talk to one another. Best Practices - Migrating from Dropbox to Box – Box Help Making the move from Dropbox to Box? We’re happy to have you! The following recommendations will help to make the migration as smooth as possible. How to approach migration from Dropbox to Box
