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De l’internet des objets au web des objets

De l’internet des objets au web des objets
La plupart des commentateurs de la presse grand public sont d’accord : Shodan est un moteur de recherche “terrifiant” estiment tant Kashmir Hill pour Forbes que David Goldman pour CNN. Shodan, le “terrifiant” moteur de l’internet des objets Shodan (@shodanq) est un moteur de recherche spécialisé dans les objets connectés. Shodan est le moteur de recherche de l’internet des objets, mais cela n’en fait pas un objet très rassurant, au contraire. Kashmir Hill rappelle alors l’histoire du visiophone de bébé piraté qui a fait le tour du web cet été, un visiophone pour surveiller un bébé connecté à l’internet, commandé par un inconnu qui faisait bouger la caméra, parlait au bébé et insultait les parents à distance (voir l’histoire racontée par France 24 pour plus de détails). “Google fouille les sites web, je fouille les objets”, avoue John Matherly (@achillean), le fondateur de Shodan. Selon Ericsson, 50 milliards de dispositifs seront mis en réseau d’ici 2020. Hubert Guillaud

How much are you worth? » Privatics You’ve probably heard the following statement: “IF YOU DON’T PAY, YOU ARE THE PRODUCT!“. In fact, when you are using free Internet services, chance is high that your personal data is being sold to advertisers. For Firefox or Chrome Users: Do you want to know how much you are worth? Note that our plugin does NOT work with Adblocks or any addons of these types. -option1: deactivate your Abblockers, browse the Internet as usual, and reactivate your Adblockers whenever enough prices are collected (i.e. our plugin starts showing you your average price). –option2: deactivate your Abblockers, clicks on some (10 to 15) of the links here, and reactivate your Adblockers. For Others…: If you are not using Firefox or Chrome, or don’t want to install our plugin, you can still view the average price of participating users HERE After a RTB (Real-Time Bidding) auction took place, the Ad Exchange usually informs the winning bidder about the price it has to pay by sending it a price notification.

Just Delete Me | Un annuaire de liens pour supprimer vos comptes de sites webs. Can't find what you're looking for? Help make better. facile Informations non disponibles Connectez vous, allez dans les parametres, cilquez sur supprimer mon compte. voir les infos... difficile Vous devez les appeler pour supprimer votre compte. Log in to your account and click the top-left link to 'Member Preferences'. Malgré la suggestion du FAQ, il n'y a pas au fait de façon automatique de supprimer votre compte. Follow the link to edit your profile and click cancel account at bottom. Just head to the account page and click the red button 'Delete your account' at the bottom left of the page. Pour fermer votre compte, contactez Amazon par mail (par le formulaire de contact) et demandez la fermeture de votre compte. Il faut que vous vous connectez avant d'utiliser le lien. impossible ACC ne supprime pas les comptes. Enlevez toutes les applications et tous les services de votre compte, puis demandez la suppression de votre compte en envoyant un e-mail au service clients. moyen

Internet : la liste noire des sites dont vous ne pouvez pas vous désinscrire mail, mot de passe, photos, identité... A chaque site utilisé sur le web, à chaque formulaire d'inscription dûment rempli, vous laissez inéluctablement les traces de votre empreinte numérique sur la toile. Le trésor de vos données personnelles n'a pas de prix pour les concepteurs de sites web et il est parfois très difficile de se désinscrire pour disparaître des fichiers. Désactiver un compte est un véritable parcours du combattant selon les réseaux sociaux ou boutiques en ligne utilisés. C'est à partir de ce constat qu'un blogueur anglais, Robb Lewis, a décidé de créer le site "" (traduction : "juste me supprimer"), un annuaire de liens pour supprimer vos comptes des sites web. Lancé en août 2013, le succès de son initiative ne faiblit pas, et plusieurs collaborateurs traducteurs ont rejoint sa quête d'un Internet plus sûr. Un code couleur de quatre niveaux classe ainsi les processus de désinscription, de facile (couleur verte) à...impossible (noire).

The Real-time Cultural Ecosystem of the City of Rome The Real-time Cultural Ecosystem of the City of Rome is a visualisation which captures all the interactions on social networks through which internet users discuss about the cultural life of their city. (it is the first part of the Human Ecosystems project) Real-time Cultural Ecosystem of the City of Rome, Space Built with the support and collaboration of the Cultural Council of the First Municipality of Rome’s City Administration, it is the first of a series of Ecosystems which we will be publishing in the next months. What is it? The system captures in real time the public activity of citizens using social networks to express themselves about culture (Music, Theater, Cinema, Arts, Publishing, Traditions, History and Heritage, Sport, Tourism, Media). The system: represents information visually in three ways space, the geography of culture, showing a real time map with the evidence of the places in which culture is discussed and made; [youtube Why is it Important?

Five Creepiest Advances in Artificial Intelligence Already, the electronic brains of the most advanced robotic models surpass human intelligence and are able to do things that will make some of us shudder uncomfortably. But what is your reaction going to be after learning about recent advances in robotics and artificial intelligence? 5. Scientists at the University of Texas (Austin) have simulated mental illness for a computer, testing schizophrenia on artificial intelligence units. The test subject is DISCERN – a supercomputer that functions as a biological neural network and operates using the principles of how human brain functions. The researchers then emulated schizophrenic brain in artificial intelligence by overloading the computer with many stories. 4. Professor Roland Arkin from the School of interactive computing at the University of Georgia presented the results of an experiment in which scientists were able to teach a group of robots to cheat and deceive. The experiment involved two robots. 3. 2. 1.

Interactions tactiles, un langage qui reste à créer ! Hey J’ai toujours été fasciné par les interactions « différentes » avec un écran, que ce soit par le son, le touché, l’orientation, etc. Chaque type d’interaction (sans parler des interactions qui combinent différentes façon de faire) créer un « langage« , un ensemble d’éléments qui permettent de répéter des façons de faire. J’en profite donc pour vous présenter la dernière vidéo de Qeexo (ainsi que les anciennes, tant qu’à faire :D), une entreprise qui explore les différentes façon de toucher un écran et croyez-moi, il y a de très nombreuses possibilités qui sont encore quasiment pas explorée. Depuis bientôt 6 ans, les appareils sont devenus multitouch et ont réellement changé l’industrie et nos façons d’interagir avec les choses et ces prototypes me font croire que cela va encore évoluer avec de belles innovations dans les expériences tactiles. source Ces articles peuvent aussi vous intéresser:

Forget roads – drones are the future of goods transport - opinion - 09 September 2013 Video: Drone delivers medicine to clinic in Haiti In rural parts of the world, building a reliable road infrastructure seems night impossible. Andreas Raptopoulos has another idea: vast networks of drones You think that drones could help get vital supplies to the one billion people without reliable access to roads?That's correct. Why not build roads? Won't a drone network be expensive too? So you're not thinking about mass transport of crops, but smaller items like medicines? In your recent TED talk you said that drones could take HIV test samples from remote field clinics to a hospital. You did some field trials last year in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. Cellphones have transformed life for many in Africa. Read more: "Robot spyplanes get new role as medical couriers This article appeared in print under the headline "One minute with... Profile More From New Scientist Flooded cave hides Naia, a 13,000-year-old American (New Scientist) More than just friends? Promoted Stories Recommended by

Magic microphone lets you whisper with your fingertips - tech - 09 September 2013 Video: Whispering with your fingertips What if any object around you could play back sound at the touch of your finger? That is the idea behind Ishin-Denshin, an electronic art project that has just won an honourable mention at the ARS Electronica festival in Linz, Austria. Ishin-Denshin works by getting the user to whisper a message into a microphone, which encodes the sound and then converts it into an electrical signal which modulates an electrostatic field around the human body. Inventor Ivan Poupyrev of Disney Research in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, likens the technology to that described in Douglas Adams's classic sci-fi series: "If you remember the beginning of The Hitchhiker's Guide to Galaxy, when the Vogons arrive to blow up the Earth, they turn every object on Earth into a perfect hi-fi PA system that is used to announce that the Earth is going to be destroyed. More From New Scientist Permanent tattoos inked by hacked 3D printer (New Scientist) More from the web Recommended by

Manifesto: The 21st Century Will Be Defined By Games u Systems thinking – according to Peter Senge of the Center for Organizational Learning at MIT – is “a discipline for seeing wholes. It is a framework for seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change rather than static snapshots.” Systems thinking probes the underlying nature of how things work. To survive in a time of increasing complexity, becoming a systems thinker would be key. Could it be that an especially maligned group – gamers – might be preparing themselves uniquely well for the challenges of the future? And that, I wish more gamers would have found interest in, because besides the graphical environment, systems & game mechanics are the most important aspects in a game to keep it entertaining. Let's get to the point : I can see a non-obvious, but interesting observation with this genre. For me, it's not a coincidence, and it joins this precise quote from Heather. I mean ... That's what interactivity is made for.

habakuk The Sharing Economy Just Got Real The legal problems of the sharing economy just got real. The latest lawsuits against "ride-sharing" companies Lyft and Über could be game changers. The plaintiffs are drivers who give rides to strangers for money, paying a portion of their earnings to the companies. The class action lawsuits argue that the drivers should be classified as employees of the companies. The sharing economy is hard to define. Laws are already beginning to evolve for the sharing economy, but, for now, the sharing economy exists almost entirely in legal grey areas. But the "sharing economy" we usually hear about in the media is built upon a business-as-usual foundation. On one hand, these companies open economic doors. But it’s dangerous to take comfort in the simple fact that these companies create new opportunities to make a living. During times of high unemployment, our streets could become flooded with Lyft drivers. This is the whole reason we have employment laws.

Internet des Objets, problème , Objets connectés, interface , Réseau ouvert, entreprise, Individu by simeuste Nov 17
