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Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education

Web 2.0 Is the Future of Education
(Cross-posted from TechLearning) A moment of extreme clarity became an obsession for me last week. A session that I had prepared for the IL-TCE conference went from "Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom" to "Why Web 2.0 Is Important to the Future of Education." It was not, I know, what I was supposed to talk about. I believe that the read/write Web, or what we are calling Web 2.0, will culturally, socially, intellectually, and politically have a greater impact than the advent of the printing press. Trend #2: A Tidal Wave of Information. I will also say that on a personal level, when people ask me the answer to content overload, I tell them (counter-intuitively) that it is to produce more content. Trend #3: Everything Is Becoming Participative. Trend #6: An Explosion of Innovation. Trend #7: The World Gets Even Flatter and Faster. It's the model of students as contributors that really grabs me, and leads to the next trend. Trend #9: The Long Tail. * Learn About Web 2.0. * Lurk.

ISTE Technology Standards Education technology standards to transform learning and teaching The time for major change in education is now. In a world where rapid advances in technology have a profound impact on the ways we work, communicate and live, education has struggled to keep pace. The ISTE Standards work together to support educators, students and leaders with clear guidelines for the skills and knowledge necessary to move away from the factory model. Empowering connected learners in a connected world As educators, we are preparing students for a future that we cannot yet imagine. Want to know more? How can the ISTE Standards be used? Visit permissions and licensing.

Twitter en classe : une pratique qui séduit professeurs et élèves Ils sont nombreux à avoir emboîté le pas de Laurence Juin, l’une des premières enseignantes à avoir pris conscience du potentiel pédagogique de l’outil de micro-blogging. Cette professeure d’histoire-géographie et de français en lycée professionnel a en effet depuis près de deux ans pleinement intégré Twitter à son enseignement. Aujourd’hui, même si les « Twittclasses » (1) restent relativement marginales (seules 72 « Twittclasses » francophones, de la maternelle à l’enseignement supérieur, sont référencées), un nombre croissant de projets pédagogiques se construisent autour du réseau social le plus actif du Web.

NETS Implementation - home INFOGRAPHICS: 8 free tools for creating infographics Done right, infographics can be a great way to make sense of complex data. The best infographics transform complex information and data into graphics that are both easy to grasp and visually appealing. The only problem is, infographics that look like they were simple to make are often anything but. Exclusive offer: Save 15% on Adobe Creative Cloud now Here, we've selected our top free tools and apps for making infographics. Give these free tools a try and let us know which ones you get on best with on Facebook or Twitter. 01. Visme promises to help you 'speak visually'. 02. Canva is a powerful and easy-to-use online tool that's suitable for all manner of design tasks, from brochures to presentations and much more besides. It features a dedicated infographic maker that you can use for free, with hundreds of free design elements and fonts at your fingertips, and many more premium elements that you can buy for up to $1. 03. Google's chart tools are powerful, simple to use, and free. 04.

The New Media Literacies The white paper Confronting the Challenges of Participatory Culture: Media Education for the 21st Century (Jenkins et al., 2006) identifies the kinds of participatory practices youth are engaged in today, and draws up a provisionary list of the skills these practices demonstrate. In the video below, members of the NML team share their thoughts and perspectives on the skills we call the new media literacies. One of our key goals is to stop focusing quite so much on “do kids have computers in their classroom?” and start focusing more on “do kids have the basic social skills and cultural competencies so that when they do get computers in their classroom, they can participate fully?” It’s not that it isn’t important that students have computers in their classrooms. The New Media Literacies constitute the core cultural competencies and social skills that young people need in our new media landscape. Play: the capacity to experiment with one’s surroundings as a form of problem-solving.

IntroToSLforEd.pdf Resources Accommodations All of my resources are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0 United States license ( In short, you can copy, distribute, and adapt these resources as long as you give proper attribution and do not charge for them. General Session Agenda - "Google Tools for Special Needs" - Google Document link Help Guide - "Google Tools for Special Needs" - Google Document link Slide Show - "Google Tools for Special Needs" - Google Slides link Training video - "Google Tools for Special Needs" - YouTube link Blog post - "8 Ambient Sound Websites to Help Students Focus" - Website link Sample Document for Testing - Google Document link Chrome Extensions for Special Needs Blog post - "21 Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Special Needs" - Website link Blog post - "10 Alternatives for the Readability Extension" - Website link More - View all of my resources

Des tablettes dès la maternelle Person with tablet com­pu­ter © AKS — Les enfants de mater­nelle sont des digi­tal natives. L'école doit s'adapter à cette révo­lu­tion numé­rique. A l'école Albert Camus de Talence, Philippe Guillem fait par­tie de ces « enseignants-testeurs ». Suivre des ate­liers péda­go­giques sur l'utilisation des TICE en maternelle Le CRDP des Yvelines anime des ate­liers sur l'utilisation des TICE en mater­nelle. Un outil d'apprentissage comme un autre A chaque ensei­gnant de défi­nir com­ment les TICE peuvent s'inscrire dans son pro­jet péda­go­gique, en appor­tant un plus. Pour les élèves comme pour les ensei­gnants, l'intérêt des TICE est évident. « Les choses passent très faci­le­ment. Les moyens manquent cepen­dant et rares sont encore les classes de mater­nelle équi­pées en TICE. Laurène Champalle
