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Binary Game

Binary Game
Skip to Content | Skip to Footer Cisco Binary Game The Cisco Binary Game is the best way to learn and practice the binary number system.

Algorithm An algorithm is a step-by-step list of directions that need to be followed to solve a problem. The instructions should be simple enough such that each step can be done without thinking about it. Algorithms are often used to describe how a computer might solve a problem. But there are algorithms in the real world too. Comparing algorithms[change | edit source] There is usually more than one way to solve a problem. In cooking, some recipes are more difficult to do than others, because they take more time to finish or have more things to keep track of. Sorting by colors[change | edit source] This is an example of an algorithm for sorting cards with colors on them into piles of the same color: Sorting by numbers[change | edit source] These are examples of algorithms for sorting a stack of cards with many different numbers, so that the numbers are in order. Players start with a stack of cards that have not been sorted. First algorithm[change | edit source] First pass: ( 5 1 4 2 8 )

50 Excellent Online Communities for Lifelong Learners - Learn-ga Whether you are looking for a little added information on what you are already studying in school in Alabama or would like to connect with others who share your interests as a business professional or avid hobbyist, these online communities all offer an excellent opportunity to continue your search for knowledge. From reading to learning a new language to becoming a financial wizard to travel to saving the Earth, these groups offer a chance for learning as well as reaching out to others online. Books and Reading These online communities are united around a love for books and reading. Goodreads. Foreign Language If you are a native of Mississippi with a southern drawl trying to learning a foreign language or have already mastered both accent and vocabulary and would like to help others practice a new language, then check out these communities that are all about sharing a thirst for languages. italki. Finance Zacks Investment Research. Travel Exploroo. Variety of Communities Care2.

Part 4: Introduction to XAML | Windows Phone 8 Development for Absolute Beginners Source Code: PDF Version: In this lesson, I want to talk about the XAML syntax we wrote in our first pass at the SoundBoard app. Hopefully you could see how the XAML we wrote impacted what we saw in the Phone preview pane. It's relatively easy to figure out the absolute basics of XAML just by looking at it, but I want to point out some of the features and functions that may not be obvious at first glance. At a high level, here's our game plan in this lesson: We'll talk about the purpose and nature of XAML, comparing it to C# We'll talk about the special features of XAML ... little hidden features of the language that may not become obvious by just staring at it My aim is by the end of this lesson you'll have enough knowledge that you can look at the XAML we write in the remainder of this series and be able to take a pretty good guess at what it's doing before I even try to explain it. 1. XAML is a special usage of XML. 2.

The Wales-Wide Web | Personal Learning Environments Teaching Kids to Code Every era demands--and rewards--different skills. In different times and different places, we have taught our children to grow vegetables, build a house, forge a sword or blow a delicate glass, bake bread, create a soufflé, write a story or shoot hoops. Now we are teaching them to code. We are teaching them to code, however, not so much as an end in itself but because our world has morphed: so many of the things we once did with elements such as fire and iron, or tools such as pencil and paper, are now wrought in code. We are teaching coding to help our kids craft their future. In this collection we share many different perspectives on coding, from a university professor's vantage point (MIT's Mitch Resnick describes why learning to code is like learning to learn) to an entrepreneur's reflections from his cross-country roadtrip to bring coding--and his stuffed dog--to classrooms across the U.S. We should always teach children to bake bread, feed the goats and wield a hammer.

Educational Games Online - Free Games from The Problem Site Guess the two-digit number Discover the answer to a probability question Math problems and brainteasers Solve the riddles to find the treasure The physics of Angry Birds: how it works We're sure, without a doubt, that you know Angry Birds. We're equally sure that you've played it - it's available for purchase on innumerable device platforms, and even for free on Google Chrome and Android, albeit with annoying ads. And we're pretty certain you're better at it than we are. Just in case, the basic plot of the game is to knock out a bunch of green pigs by firing flightless birds at them from a catapult. The birds are angry because the pigs have stolen their eggs, and the pigs are trying to protect themselves by hiding in some remarkably ramshackle structures made of wood, glass, or rock. And that's it really. Put baldly like that it doesn't seem like much, but in reality it's quite addictive. We make judgments about how the momentum of the red bird will be transferred to the planks and sheets of glass from our familiarity with colliding snooker balls. Exploring velocity It all boils down to some fairly simple algorithms. Go the distance

In the Wild « Web2.0 in High School I’ve facilitated a year 12 HSC English task using Classroom 2.0 ethos. I was given the previous assessment task, and then worked with the two teachers to shift it to the discourse we are advocating. I have to say that there is a huge amount of trust needed for this to happen on the part of the teachers, as this is a major HSC component. This project is a Ning group, and I’m using Animoto and Flickr. I highlighted the use of Google Reader to monitor the activity and the posts kids are making. The ability for teachers to understand and add value to the comment ‘back channel’ is a key skill for the ‘connected teacher’. I had to explain how to use RSS and Google Reader – but this is a small skill in comparison with getting the teachers to truely understand the ‘why’ of what they are doing. A few obvious things showed up in the Ning withing 24 hours Three students (that I really don’t know) came up to me today and commented that they were enjoying the 24 hour old project. Like this:
