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An inside look at jobs & companies
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List of timed artistic challenges - Wikiwrimo NaNoWriMo has inspired many timed challenges within and outside of writing. Except as noted, all challenges are unofficial and not sanctioned by National Novel Writing Month. Active challenges Year-round These challenges happen throughout the year and are not a year in length. 24 Hour Writing Contest: Compose a short story associated with the given prompt and within the word count. $5 entry, token cash prizes available and publication on the site.48 Hour Film Project: Make a film in 48 hours. Year-long These challenges start at various times throughout the year and last for a full year. WriYe: Write several novels in a year, often involving setting your own goals.6 Months, 6 Novels: Write a novel every other month, starting in January.Milwordy: The quest to write a million words in a year.The 365 Project: Take a photo every day for a year. January February March April Camp NaNoWriMo: Write a 50,000 word (or other goal) project in a month. May June July August September October Spectober! November

Philosophy Index untitled HumanMetrics A Recruiter’s Guide to Boolean Searching (and the World’s Largest Free CV Database) Carmen Hudson recently highlighted SearchOnTheGo as an iPhone application with real value for recruiters. While it is a handy tool for completing CV searches on Google, the essence of the program is that it creates ‘complex’ searches through a point-and-click interface. This is a great simplifier for many, but Boolean search writing is a skill that top recruiters need to know directly in order to get meaningful candidate search results from a wide range of software. Beyond Google, many other systems we use on a daily basis accept Boolean searches. Fully constructed Boolean search strings can look both confusing and complex, but don’t worry, because they aren’t! By applying these appropriately, along with the keywords you wish to consider, you can create a huge range of search operations. AND is the simplest function to apply. engineer AND “senior developer” will give results that include both the word engineer and the phrase “senior developer”. OR provides options into a search.

L.A. Crime Maps - Mapping L.A. - Los Angeles Times Crime alerts Recent significant increases in L.A. Both Wel­come to The Times’ data­base of Los Angeles County crime re­ports. Crime L.A. de­liv­ers the power of neigh­bor­hood crime ana­lys­is to your com­puter. Us­ing data from the Los Angeles Po­lice De­part­ment and Los Angeles County Sher­iff's De­part­ment, Crime L.A. cre­ates maps and reports for the hundreds of cit­ies and neigh­bor­hoods covered by these agencies. With daily up­dates, read­ers can keep cur­rent on loc­al crime and com­pare crime levels across more than 200 neigh­bor­hoods and loc­al­it­ies. If your neigh­bor­hood or city is not yet in­cluded, stay tuned. This is part of the Map­ping L.A. project, which launched in 2009 with The Times’ map of 87 neigh­bor­hoods in the city of Los Angeles, re­drawn with the help of read­ers who redrew with our ini­tial bound­ar­ies.

Compare Holistic Therapist Magazine Magazine Reviews with Great Health & Fitness Magazines at Review Centre Use the tools below to refine your search by only displaying reviews with a certain number of star ratings or to only show reviews from a certain time period. Eg click on '1 star' to just display the reviews we have which received a 1 star rating click or 'Within the last month' to display just reviews posted over the last month. 5 Star 1 4 Star 3 Star 2 Star 1 Star Within the last month (From 0 reviews) Within the last 6 months (From 0 reviews) Within the last 12 months (From 1 reviews)

Body Language Signals: Eye Directions, Pupils Warning! Reading body language is like listening to someone. Listed here are the possible meanings of many different body language signs. The Eyes (Part II) - Squint during a conversation –> showing interest - Looking away –> possibly shy –> curious about the surroundings (some people naturally observe their environment more than others) –> showing interest in your other movements. Otherwise, it may be a sign that this person is attracted to you… Basically, looking at other parts of your body is part of the unconscious assessment people make about how suitable you are as a mate… Whether you like it or not, we all do this. How To Read Eye Directions Without going too deep into neuroscience, let’s look at how a person’s eye directions can tell you what they are actually thinking. You have probably heard that there are two main parts to the brain: - the right side: the emotional side, and - the left side: the logical side. This is predictable for right-handed people: When a right-handed person Why?

Kirstie voted No.2 in most influential personalities / Pinks Boutique Blog - Natural & Organic Skin Care | PINKS BOUTIQUE This entry was posted on November 22, 2013 by Pinks Boutique. The 2014 natural beauty hotlist: Natural Beauty Yearbook announces its top 25 most influential personalities Natural beauty advocate Janey Lee Grace has scooped the top spot for the second year running in the Natural Beauty Yearbook’s prestigious annual industry hotlist. Published by Diversified Communications UK, the much-anticipated Who’s who in natural beauty Top 25 was announced last night at an exclusive launch party for the 2014 edition. The evening was hosted by leading French beauty brand Melvita at Whole Foods Market, Kensington High Street, in London, and attracted a stellar line-up of key beauty buyers, manufacturers, journalists and bloggers. Voted for by the industry, the Natural Beauty Yearbook’s hotlist provides an essential snapshot of the leading personalities driving the newest trends and products in the natural and organic beauty market. “I’m thrilled to be voted number one,” says Janey Lee Grace. 1.

What Does Your Body Language Say About You? How To Read Signs and Recognize Gestures - Jinxi Boo - Jinxi Boo Art by LaetitziaAs we all know, communication is essential in society. Advancements in technology have transformed the way that we correspond with others in the modern world. Because of the constant buzz in our technological world, it's easy to forget how important communicating face-to-face is. When conversing old-school style, it's not only speech we verbalize that matters, but what our nonverbal gestures articulate as well. Body language is truly a language of its own. 10% from what the person actually says40% from the tone and speed of voice50% is from their body language. Lowering one's head can signal a lack of confidence. Pushing back one's shoulders can demonstrate power and courageOpen arms means one is comfortable with being approached and willing to talk/communicate

reviews by current or former employees by aoko Mar 16
