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Ladysmith Black Mambazo - The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Ladysmith Black Mambazo - The Lion Sleeps Tonight

Listen to this Year 8! Jampods Learn Keyboard Notes Edit Article All Keyboards88-Key Keyboards and Pianos Edited by RobinElzibab, Teresa, VC, Adamjh99 and 13 others If you're just learning how to play a keyboard instrument, whether it's a MIDI controller, organ, or an 88-key grand piano, learning the notes on the keyboard is a crucial first step. This article will help you get familiar with how the keys are arranged, what the notes are, and get started on a long and musical road. Ad Steps Method 1 of 2: All Keyboards Method 2 of 2: 88-Key Keyboards and Pianos Keyboard Notes Step 5.360p.mp4Learn Keyboard Notes Step 5.gif1Start at the first key to the left. Tips Memorize all the white and black notes for one octave—C to C. Warnings

Beatboxing 101 - BEAT NYC Beatboxing is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of producing drum beats, rhythm, and musical sounds using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve singing, vocal imitation of turntablism, and the simulation of horns, strings, and other musical instruments. The term beatboxing is sometimes used to refer to vocal percussion in general. B.E.A.T.’s mission is to transform the lives of youth in under-served areas through engaging, exciting and culturally relevant music, dance and writing programs which include beatboxing, B-boying/B-girling (breakdance), music production/composition, and creative writing. Beat Rockers is a beatboxing music program for blind and visually impaired students at the Lavelle School for the Blind in the Bronx by Head Instructor Taylor McFerrin and Instructors Chesney Snow and Beatsmyth. Here's a video from the Beatbox Battle World Championship 2012. For an online community of beatboxers, check out

Beatboxing An example of modern beatboxing Beatboxing (also beatbox, beat box or b-box) is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of producing drum beats, rhythm, and musical sounds using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve singing, vocal imitation of turntablism, and the simulation of horns, strings, and other musical instruments. Beatboxing today is connected with hip-hop culture, being one of "the elements", although it is not limited to hip-hop music.[1][2] The term "beatboxing" is sometimes used to refer to vocal percussion in general (see vocal percussion for details). Furthermore beat boxing is also a recognized sport. History[edit] Prehistory[edit] Additional influences may perhaps include forms of African traditional music, in which performers utilize their bodies (e.g., by clapping or stomping) as percussion instruments and produce sounds with their mouths by breathing loudly in and out, a technique used in beatboxing today. Origins in hip hop[edit]

Year 8. African Music. Year 8: Melodrama question Musical Texture - Types of Musical Texture Musical texture refers to the number of layers, as well as the type of layers, used in a composition and how these layers are related. Texture may be monophonic, polyphonic or homophonic. Monophonic - Refers to a single melodic line. An example of this is the plainchant or plainsong; a form of medieval church music that involves chanting. Plainchant doesn't use any instrumental accompaniment, instead, it uses words that are sung. Polyphonic - Refers to two or more melodic lines. Homophonic - Refers to a a main melody accompanied by chords. Homework (27/11/13) due for Tuesday 3/12/13 Find out what's your preferred learning style? Homework (6/12/13) due for (10/12/13) Year 9 Dance Music Get Going with Dance eJay


Do you think the texture is thick or thin? by missmallen Oct 30

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