Crossword Puzzle Maker | Highly Customizable | Free with No Registration Required You must have an OLD browser. The old crossword maker doesn't allow all of the new features like cool fonts, adding images, shadows, special colors, and much more coming in the furture like saving, and being playable online. You can upgrade your browser to IE 9+ or better yet, get the Google Chrome browser and enjoy all of those great features. Not convinced? You can go to the old version by clicking choosing it below. 2 reasons crosswords will not generate: 1. 1. Take the following example word list: "home, cat, dog". A slightly different impossible list: "home", "dog", "lizard" - all 3 have letters that they share! When you add a bunch of words, the chance for it being an impossible can increase (depending on many factors). 2.
Vademecum escape room: Pomysły na zagadki do escape roomu. Kompletna lista 101 zagadek do pokoju ucieczek 101 zagadek do escape roomu P: Chcesz żeby twój escape room był oceniany jak najlepiej? O: Musisz sprawić, że grupy będą go przeklinać ze względu na trudność, ale gdy uda im się wyjść będą przybijać Ci piątki. Jeśli gracze pokochają i zarazem znienawidzą twój pokój – to oznaka że świetnie wykonałeś to zadanie. Aby stworzyć taki escape room musisz umieścić w nim wymagające zagadki, a także unikalne … i fajne. Aby pomóc Ci zacząć, przygotowałem kompletną listę 101 typów zagadek najczęściej wykorzystywanych w escape roomach na całym świecie! Zanim zaczniemy Pragnę zauważyć, że ta lista nie zawiera wszystkich typów zagadek. P: Czy dokładne skopiowanie tych zagadek spowoduje, że twoi klienci będą zachwyceni a ty dorobisz się własnej marki dzięki nim? O: Prawdopodobnie nie Weterani tego typu gier szukają zagadek które naprawdę ich zaskoczą. Musisz spowodować, żeby twoje pokoje były standardem, za pomocą którego nowi gracze oceniają inne escape roomy. Jesteś gotowy na to wyzwanie? Zaczynajmy. Ruszaj!
ESL Games for the Classroom Alphabet Shout Out Randomly choose an alphabet flashcard and award a point to the first student who shouts out a word beginning with that letter. Alphabet Writing Relay Divide and line up the students into two teams. Divide the board into two halves and have one student from each team run to the board, write 'A', then run to the back of the line. Alphabet Erase relay As 'Alphabet Writing Relay', but this time, write the alphabet on each half of the board and have each team race to erase the letters in order. Alphabet Sculptures Divide the students into teams and call out a letter of the alphabet. Alphabet Soup Give each student an alphabet flashcard and have them skip around the room to the 'ABC Song'. Alphabet Touch Call out letters and have the students find and touch them in the classroom, on posters, etc. Alphabet Wave Give each student a few ordered alphabet flashcards and play the 'ABC Song'. Animal Crackers Take a big dice and assign an animal to each number.
The UK’s first food waste supermarket opens: in pictures | The Independent The UK’s first food waste supermarket has opened in Pudsey, near Leeds. Food waste campaigners from the Real Junk Food Project have opened "the warehouse", a store on the Grangefield Industrial Estate. Customers are invited to shop for food thrown out by supermarkets and other businesses. The food is priced on a "pay as you feel" basis and has already helped desperate families struggling to feed their children. "The warehouse has absolutely been our lifeline over the past month or so," Kirsty Rhodes told The Independent. Kirsty was recently diagnosed with a chronic pain condition, leaving her husband with no choice but to leave work to take over most of the care of the couple’s three children. “With three young children and two adults to feed we started to struggle straight away. What is the Real Junk Food Project? So far the family have bought fresh pasta, juice, pasta sauce, desserts, fruit, vegetables and lots of salad. “We’re about to start in Sheffield and Bradford,” he said.
Riddles! If you think you're a ... try these riddles! Do you have a riddle? If so, send it along with the source and the solution to me at 1. You are a contestant on the game show Let's Make a Deal, and emcee Monty Hall has a game for you to play. Solution 2. A professor tells her assistant that she dined with three people last night. Solution 3. You stand at a fork in the road. Solution 4. You have undoubtedly heard of those mysterious islands where half the inhabitants always tell the truth and the other half always lie. Solution 5. You have twelve coins, eleven identical and one different. Solution Gordon Marquardt (Milwaukee, WI) created the following solution algorithm. 6. A family has newly moved into the area. Solution 7. "What's your phone number, Drew?" Solution 8. Suppose you're taking a multiple-choice quiz. Solution 9. An old king is about to die and he has no offspring to inherit the crown. The king then tells his aide to put dotted hats on all three. Solution 10. 11.
Maps of several Countries – Maps of several Countries Maps of Belize Maps of Canada Maps of China Maps of France Maps of Germany Maps of India Maps of Ireland Maps of Italy Maps of Mexico Maps of Spain Maps of the United Kingdom Maps of the United States Twitter – Instagram This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. World Continents Countries Blog Contact & Legal c 2018 Escape room - jak wydostać się z pokoju zagadek? Wskazówki i podpowiedzi Około 50% uczestników zabawy ucieka w wyznaczonym czasie z naszych pokoi, a tylko około 6% wszystkich grup jest w stanie osiągnąć sukces bez jakiejkolwiek pomocy moderatora gry. Jak pokonać pokój? Planujesz swoja pierwsza przygodę z escape the room? A może chcesz być jeszcze lepszy? Zacznijmy od początku :) Przed rozpoczęciem przygody Ty i Twoja grupa wysłuchacie wprowadzenia od moderatora gry. Dobry przepływ informacji między graczami to klucz do sukcesu. Oczywiście członkowie drużyny powinni ze sobą stale rozmawiać, informować co znaleźli, a także gdy samodzielnie rozwiążą jakąś zagadkę. Przeszukaj wszystko dokładnie – weź do ręki małe przedmioty znajdujące się w pokoju, obróć je i dbaj o każdy szczegół! Od początku gry staraj się być w pospiechu. Każdy escape room na swój sposób przygotowuje scenariusze. Gdy czujesz, że Ty i Twoja grupa utknęliście i nie robicie żadnych postępów – poproście o pomoc. Nie odmawiaj więc wzięcia podpowiedzi, gdy utkniecie.
Running Dictation I’m sure you all have at least some kind of experience with dictations in the classroom. Most of the time, dictations are considered boring and can get really frustrating for students, especially if they are still learning how to write in their L1. Here is an idea for practicing dictations and making them less painful. Running dictation is a type of dictation in which your students are responsible for it from the start. They should work in pairs and it goes like this: You should come up with a story that you will write on a piece of paper and hang it onto the wall in your classroom. It’s best to give them a story in form of a riddle or something similar because then if someone is done before the others, you can tell them to try and solve it (matter of discipline in the classroom). Here are some links with stories that can be used for a running dictation. How do you get along with dictations?
British Life and Culture in the UK - Woodlands Junior School 77 Educational Games and Game Builders I'm often asked if I know of any games for subject "x," "y," or "z" for a particular grade level or age group. My answer is usually yes, but I need to search my archives. Therefore, I've gone through my archives and dug up many of games that I've mentioned over the last four years that are still active online. Consider this my humongous list of educational games. 1. 2.Spin and Spell has been featured on a number of blogs over the last year. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. the World Food Programme's website offers students a large selection of educational online games and activities. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56.
Rasterbator Rasterbator The rasterbator allows you to create posters larger than a standard page, using the tiled printing method. It will rasterize any image and output files that can be printed at home and reassemble to the original image. Select your image Compatibility warning: This app has been developed using new web technologies to increase performance and save server costs. Page setup Set the desired size of a single tile and the amount of tiles that you want to print. Preview This is how your rasterbation will look like in relation to a standard door (2m / 80in high). Download If you are happy with your rasterbation, download the rasterized image tiles. Export to PDF if you want to directly pass this rasterbation to your printer. Create PDF Export to JPG if you want to continue working on the image tiles. Create JPGs
Projekty: Jak zorganizować escape room w bibliotece lub w szkole? Lubicie rozwiązywać zagadki? Krzyżówki? Wielu ludzi się tym zajmuje w chwilach wolnych. Coraz częściej firmy/osoby prywatne organizują pokoje zagadek i zapraszają do nich za stosowną opłatą. Escape room w bibliotekach pojawia się i znika. To są pomysły, które można wykorzystać do konstruowania pokojów ucieczek w bibliotekach nie tylko czasowych, ale i przenośnych - kuferki z pokojami ucieczek tematycznie związanymi z literaturą albo bibliotekami, albo na dowolny temat. Mobile 1Twenty QuestionsDo you remember car trips as a child playing twenty questions in the back seat? You think of a person or object and your siblings have twenty opportunities to ask yes/no questions to determine what object you are thinking of. This is an easy and short activity for you to do with your ESL class when you have a few minutes to spare. The first time you play, your students will need specific direction as to the types of questions to ask. You should help them understand how to ask strategic questions to identify the object. Make the most of the minutes by using one of these engaging and entertaining time filling techniques.