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Project Euler

RollingRails - Learn How to Build Web Applications with Ruby on Rails CodeQuad - The Online Coding Bootcamp where you can become a web developer in just 12 weeks Four Ways To Build A Mobile Application, Part 1: Native iOS Advertisement The mobile application development landscape is filled with many ways to build a mobile app. Among the most popular are: native iOS,native Android,PhoneGap,Appcelerator Titanium. This article marks the start of a series of four articles covering the technologies above. The series will provide an overview of how to build a simple mobile application using each of these four approaches. Hopefully, armed with this knowledge, you will be in a better position to choose the right development tools for your mobile application’s needs. I’ve built the same simple application with each technology to demonstrate the basic concepts of development and the differences between the platforms and development tools. FasTip is a simple application to calculate tips. The screenshots above show the application running as native iOS, PhoneGap and native Android applications. The source code for each app is available on GitHub. Native iOS Development Obtaining the Tools Creating a New Project Summary
