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Home Services, Cooking, Landscaping, Custom Furniture, and Gifts - Get it on Zaarly

CUSTOMER-MADE | Co-creation, user-generated content, DIY advertising and more! CUSTOMER-MADE: time to tap into THE GLOBAL BRAIN! Last updated: May 2006 | Let’s get this out of the way once and for all: trends are not one-off coining affairs. Some trends are worth tracking for years and years, especially if they represent a radically new definition of what constitutes value to consumers. So here’s yet another CUSTOMER-MADE update, exactly one year after our last coverage, bringing you new insights and hands-on examples of firms already profiting from co-creating with their customers. CUSTOMER-MADE: “The phenomenon of corporations creating goods, services and experiences in close cooperation with experienced and creative consumers, tapping into their intellectual capital, and in exchange giving them a direct say in (and rewarding them for) what actually gets produced, manufactured, developed, designed, serviced, or processed.” Consider any or all of the following: Status: people love to be seen, love to show off their creative skills and thinking. Check out:

Let's Collaborate! | Connecting the collaborative consumption community in NYC How to Make HUGE Bubbles For best viewing click the gear in the bottom right corner of the video and change the quality to 720p! I had more fun making this video than any I can remember in the recent past. Making giant bubbles may turn into an ongoing hobby. Some of my younger cousins have certainly enjoyed it as well! 24 oz Dishwashing Liquid 1 tbsp J-Lube (The most important part for giant bubbles) 3 US gal Water After filming all the shots used in this video I started experimenting with baking powder and found that 3 tbsp added to the above mix improves the longevity and durability of the bubbles significantly. Here is a source for J-Lube as promised (one bottle makes hundreds of gallons of bubble mix): For those outside of the USA it may be difficult to find J-Lube. For my bubble wand I use two fishing poles similar to this model:

Subbable: Subscription crowdfunding for rabid YouTube fans By Carmel DeAmicis On September 30, 2013 Two brothers — Hank and John Green — have produced online videos since 2007. Known as the VlogBrothers, they gained notoriety for their work on early Web shows such as “Brotherhood 2.0″ and “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.” They caught Google’s eye and got funded as part of the YouTube Original Channel Initiative. In their current series “Crash Course,” the duo teach high school courses for free in a frenetic, fun, and fast-paced manner. You may or may not recognize them from their recent hit on what’s wrong with America’s healthcare system, but it was blowing up my Facebook stream last week. But all is not well in the VlogBrothers’ world — the Google money is running out, and they’re not sure how to keep funding the show. Then, Hank Green had an idea. That didn’t stop the entrepreneurially minded VlogBrothers — they just decided to start their own crowd-funding site. Enter, Subbable. “Crash Course” isn’t the only program that has seen success. Stop Fearing, Start Thinking: The Fixperts Social Project | Environment on GOOD We're lucky. I mean, really lucky. We live in a global culture of makers, imaginers, and inventors. When did people start believing that stuff was too complicated or too far-gone to repair? And we are compliant. But when we don't fix our things, we risk something far more vital than just the money in our wallets. Fixperts, a social project in the UK, is based on one simple idea: Fixing is thinking. "We tend to forget that fixing is really a gateway to creating, making, building, and imagining beyond fixing a cracked drawer in a fridge," says London-resident and Fixperts' co-founder James Carrigan. The last decade has seen a rise in organizations that share the same sentiment. And these organizations—like our company iFixit, a free online repair manual for everything—want to help people foster their own independence, explore their stuff, and learn to fix broken things with confidence. "Repair is global. Fixperts' goal: Feed the people. It's a fight against fear.

Livro colaborativo "O Brasil Compartilhado" Seven Ways Sharing Can Make You Happy Though it might seem that there’s not much in the way of silver linings in these dark economic times, there is at least one: as people learn to make do with less, they are discovering the many benefits of sharing. Car-sharing, babysitting cooperatives, and tool lending are just a few of the many creative ways people are eschewing ownership and learning to share the goods and services they need. But sharing can do more than just save you a buck. New psychological research suggests that sharing fosters trust and cooperation in the community and contributes to personal well-being. Here are some of the ways that sharing can boost your happiness levels and help your community thrive: 1. The molecular structure of oxytocin. 2. Credit: Rishi Menon 3. Credit: Leanda Xavian 4. 5. 6. Credit: Shira Golding 7. So, if you want to have better connections with others and contribute toward a better society, start sharing what you can with others.

A revolução colaborativa e o nascimento de um novo paradigma | Sustentabilidade Colaborativa Um dos períodos que mudaram o rumo das relações humanas foi a Revolução Indústrial. A melhora nos processos produtivos das fábricas e a inserção de novas tecnologias modificaram de forma significativa a dinâmica econômica e social dos países do mundo todo, e teve como principal consequência o nascimento de uma nova relação entre capital e o trabalho. Aliada as novas tecnologias industriais a publicidade também teve papel fundamental na construção de uma cultura, que tinha como principal característica a notória padronização de comportamentos através dos aparatos midiáticos. Porém, de alguma forma a realização do processo de compra e de obtenção de produtos tomou um rumo extremamente marcado pelo egoísmo, ou seja, os consumidores não levavam em conta os malefícios ambientais, sociais e econômicos implicados no ato de consumir, até por que estes fatos não tinham a devida atenção que mererciam. Localização das ilhas de lixo Quais são as principais vantagens dessa forma de consumo?

Atribuições da Secretaria Nacional de Economia Solidária O Decreto 5063, de 08 de maio de 2004, estabeleceu as seguintes competências da SENAES: I - subsidiar a definição e coordenar as políticas de economia solidária no âmbito do Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego; II - articular-se com representações da sociedade civil que contribuam para a determinação de diretrizes e prioridades da política de economia solidária; III - planejar, controlar e avaliar os programas relacionados à economia solidária; IV - colaborar com outros órgãos de governo em programas de desenvolvimento e combate ao desemprego e à pobreza; V - estimular a criação, manutenção e ampliação de oportunidades de trabalho e acesso à renda, por meio de empreendimentos autogestionados, organizados de forma coletiva e participativa, inclusive da economia popular; VI - estimular as relações sociais de produção e consumo baseadas na cooperação, na solidariedade e na satisfação e valorização dos seres humanos e do meio ambiente;

Blog do Mútuo Street Party - Meet your Neighbours in your Traffic-free Street Local Currencies: Communities Printing Own Money To Keep Cash Flowing UPDATE: USA Today's reporting on local currencies gives the impression that this is a NEW phenomenon born from the recession. Rather, many of these programs have existed for some time. The organization that runs BerkShares, told Huffington Post that it has been producing currency since 2006, well before the financial crisis dominated headlines. Ithaca Hours have been in production since 1991. Despite the fact that these currencies have existed - a point USA Today should update - there is a growing interest in currency production for communities hit by the recession. Read the article from USA Today on local currencies. A small but growing number of cash-strapped communities are printing their own money.Borrowing from a Depression-era idea, they are aiming to help consumers make ends meet and support struggling local businesses. Do you know of other local currencies that have been circulated in response to the recession? Keep reading for more info on local currencies:
