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Wifi security : Hacking wifi

Wifi security : Hacking wifi

Secure File Transfer Alternatives | Protect IU Overview Transferring files between machines (and users) is a common occurrence. Perhaps you need to send a class roster spreadsheet to an office assistant or a document containing a grant proposal to a colleague at another University. Terminology Cryptography Cryptography is the science of enabling secure electronic communications between a sender and one or more recipients. Encryption Encryption is the process of taking normal text (plaintext) and making that plaintext unintelligible by anyone other than those possessing the correct key. Decryption Decryption is the process of applying a key to encrypted data and obtaining the original plaintext. Key A key is a value that is applied to plaintext during the encryption process to generate ciphertext, and is applied during the decryption process to convert ciphertext into plaintext. Alternatives File Transfer Protocol (FTP), as its name implies, was developed to transfer files from one machine to another reliably and efficiently. E-mail Stunnel

Ghostery Ghosterians! We have a new release ready for the masses. We found a few issues and made some updates. You all have been awesome sending us some quirky behaviour as well. Before we get to the details. PLEASE NOTE: The version # for Firefox is 5.4.10. Here are the notes: Defects: A fix for multiple bugs related to the e10s Electrolysis build.Blank options menu in the old Panel > unable to revert to new panelConflict with Adblock Plus in FFX 43 Features: Capping the wizard setup reinitiation at 3, which should prevent people from getting stuck in the setup wizard loop.Purplebox off by defaultUpdated language in extension stores for Chrome, Opera, and SafariRelease note link has been updated to new siteRemoved an extra step from the Safari setup wizard Your current version should auto-update unless you have turned that off from your browser’s menu, but if not, you can get the new version HERE. As always, we appreciate your feedback., so please, drop us a line or visit our forum. ~Happy browsing!

How To Become A Hacker Copyright © 2001 Eric S. Raymond As editor of the Jargon File and author of a few other well-known documents of similar nature, I often get email requests from enthusiastic network newbies asking (in effect) "how can I learn to be a wizardly hacker?". Back in 1996 I noticed that there didn't seem to be any other FAQs or web documents that addressed this vital question, so I started this one. A lot of hackers now consider it definitive, and I suppose that means it is. Still, I don't claim to be the exclusive authority on this topic; if you don't like what you read here, write your own. If you are reading a snapshot of this document offline, the current version lives at Note: there is a list of Frequently Asked Questions at the end of this document. The five-dots-in-nine-squares diagram that decorates this document is called a glider. If you find this document valuable, please leave me a tip on Gittip. If you want to be a hacker, keep reading.

How to Secure Your PC: 11 Steps Edit Article Edited by Askmeaskme, Lojjik Braughler, Teresa, BethyB and 24 others So you have just bought a new personal computer for your home (rather than for a workplace or as a server) and want to secure it (including protecting it from viruses and spyware). Privacy (including encryption, cryptography and anonymity) is a part of security but broad enough to need covering separately. Think of Privacy as the flipside of the coin. This article assumes you wish to use a network (such as the internet), share files on thumb drives and that your PC might be physically accessible to others. Ad Steps 1Choose an operating system based on its security and vulnerability (Linux has no known active viruses in the wild, OpenBSD is focused on security). 12Use the best Encryption software "Folder Lock". Tips In most circumstances, the most dangerous thing on a computer is the user. Warnings If you encrypt the data, MAKE SURE you don't forget the encryption key.

Ghostery How to Crack the Account Password on Any Operating System | Joe Tech This guest post was written by Blair Mathis from – your premier source for the latest laptop software news and best laptop accessories. Computer passwords are like locks on doors – they keep honest people honest. If someone wishes to gain access to your laptop or computer, a simple login password will not stop them. Most computer users do not realize how simple it is to access the login password for a computer, and end up leaving vulnerable data on their computer, unencrypted and easy to access. Are you curious how easy it is for someone to gain access to your computer? Windows Windows is still the most popular operating system, and the method used to discover the login password is the easiest. Simply download the Ophcrack ISO and burn it to a CD (or load it onto a USB drive via UNetbootin). The computer will restart and Ophcrack will be loaded. Mac The second most popular operating system, OS X is no safer when it comes to password cracking then Windows. fsck -fy dscl .

John the Ripper Sample output[edit] Here is a sample output in a Debian environment. # cat pass.txt user:AZl.zWwxIh15Q # john -w:password.lst pass.txt Loaded 1 password hash (Traditional DES [24/32 4K]) example (user) guesses: 1 time: 0:00:00:00 100% c/s: 752 trying: 12345 - pookie Attack types[edit] One of the modes John can use is the dictionary attack. John also offers a brute force mode. See also[edit] References[edit] External links[edit] FEBE Drunk Admin Web Hacking Challenge | Anestis Bechtsoudis Recently I conducted a few keynote talks on the WeBaCoo tool and some web backdoor shell implementation techniques. As a great supporter of practical learning, I designed a relative web hacking challenge that was given to the events attendees after the end of the talk part. The challenge focuses on techniques and methodologies discussed during the talks and implements a slightly restricted web server setup serving a vulnerable image hosting service. Download The challenge was served on a Debian vmware image which is available for download on the following link: Download Challenge (539MB) – md5sum:edf9bcd28049ed85312510d5872ea463Download mirror from boot2root Configuration The network is configured to obtain an IP address via DHCP by default. Mission The challenge includes an image hosting web service that has various design vulnerabilities. FINAL GOAL: Reveal the hidden message for a date arrange that Bob sent to Alice. Work Flow Appendix A.

Unlocking a Word Document under Windows How to Unlock a Word Document under Windows Seth Teller, August 2009 (send me email) Some authors (for example, of forms to be filled out) "lock" their documents under Windows. This is annoying, as it prevents you from fixing errors or adding anything to the document. If you web-search on "unlock word document" or "unlocking word document" you get a bunch of pages with advice that doesn't work under Windows, or pointers to paid software. Here is a method that works, does not need a password, and is free: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Your original Word document can now be edited normally. Back to Seth Teller's home page.

Les Réseaux Privés Virtuels - Vpn 1 – Introduction au réseau privé virtuel VPN Les applications et les systèmes distribués font de plus en plus partie intégrante du paysage d’un grand nombre d’entreprises. Ces technologies ont pu se développer grâce aux performances toujours plus importantes des réseaux locaux. Mais le succès de ces applications a fait aussi apparaître un de leur écueil. En effet si les applications distribuées deviennent le principal outil du système d’information de l’entreprise, comment assurer leur accès sécurisé au sein de structures parfois réparties sur de grandes distances géographiques ? Concrètement comment une succursale d’une entreprise peut-elle accéder aux données situées sur un serveur de la maison mère distant de plusieurs milliers de kilomètres ? 2 – Principe de fonctionnement du VPN 2.1 – Principe général Un réseau VPN repose sur un protocole appelé « protocole de tunneling ». Les données à transmettre peuvent être prises en charge par un protocole différent d’IP. 2.2.1 – Le VPN d’accès
