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CSSline - Showcase gallery of excellent CSS sites.

Every Day Things Zoomed in at a Microscopic Level Look Trippy All of things in these images exist in the world around you. You may even encounter most of these daily. But when you take something seemingly normal, like an eye lash, it turns alien and strange when you zoom in to a microscopic level. A banana. The surface of a vinyl disc. Velcro. Red blood cells. Used dental floss. The filament of a tungsten lightbulb. A toothbrush. Toilet paper. The foot of a housefly. Sutures. A split human hair. The skin of a spider. Snowflakes. Salt and pepper. Salt. Lice. The edge of a stamp. Pollen. Pencil graphite. Orange juice. Needle and thread. Instant coffee. A human sweat gland. A human eyelash. A guitar string. The foot of a gecko. A football jersey. A flea. Dust. Chocolate. Chalk. A blood clot. Just think. Source

Web Creme | Web design inspiration New Ornate Insects Drawn by Alex Konahin Make Better Websites - Inspiration & Showcase for Quality Design Hire people to do fun & bizarre projects for $5 Fun. Smiles. Laughter. Is there really any thing better than all that? Life should have more of it. Showcases - Smashing Magazine Coral Castle History[edit] According to the Coral Castle's own promotional material, Edward Leedskalnin was jilted by his 16-year-old fiancée Agnes Scuffs in Latvia, just one day before the wedding. Leaving for America, he came down with allegedly terminal tuberculosis, but spontaneously healed, stating that magnets had some effect on his disease. Edward spent over 28 years building the Coral Castle, refusing to allow anyone to view him while he worked. A few teenagers claimed to have witnessed his work, reporting that he had caused the blocks of coral to move like hydrogen balloons. The only tool that Leedskalnin spoke of using was a "perpetual motion holder." Leedskalnin originally built the castle, which he named Rock Gate Park, in Florida City, Florida around 1923. Leedskalnin continued to work on the castle up until his death in 1951. Leedskalnin charged visitors ten cents a head to tour the castle grounds. The Castle[edit] A view from within Leedskalnin's Coral Castle. The Thirty Ton Stone.

CSS Gallery Web Design Gallery For Inspiration You Won’t Believe What This Girl Has Done To Her Leg. This Latest Craze Is Catching On Fast. WOW. This is an example of a recent body-modification trend. This is not a fake leg, as it may seem at first glance. This was actually done to her own leg. Is it as painful as it looks? Yes. Although, it may not be what you think. What you see is the latest in 3-d tattooing. That looks like it hurts! Excuse me, sir. Gone are the days of simple boring tattoo sleeves… … and in today, is the “button-up belly” look. I suppose that the button-up serves to help appear professional while swimming or showering. Source: cssdesignawards The 12 Best Free Photoshop Plugins for Designers While Adobe Photoshop is a powerful, creative platform, using plugins can help to extend its capabilities and use it to its full potential. Using an add-on can help you perform tedious or difficult tasks in a more efficient manner, enabling you to spend more time on design. There are thousands of plugins to choose from, but many are outdated and no longer work with updated versions of Photoshop. We've collected the best free plugins you can download, install and start using right away. We focus on a variety of free plugins best suited to web and graphic design, to help you work faster and more productively. Show As Gallery Have something to add to this story?

NSA files decoded: Edward Snowden's surveillance revelations explained | World news Two factors opened the way for the rapid expansion of surveillance over the past decade: the fear of terrorism created by the 9/11 attacks and the digital revolution that led to an explosion in cell phone and internet use. But along with these technologies came an extension in the NSA’s reach few in the early 1990s could have imagined. Details that in the past might have remained private were suddenly there for the taking. Loaded: 0% Progress: 0% Chris Soghoian Principal technologist, ACLU NSA is helped by the fact that much of the world’s communications traffic passes through the US or its close ally the UK – what the agencies refer to as “home-field advantage”. The Snowden documents show that the NSA runs these surveillance programs through “partnerships” with major US telecom and internet companies. The division inside the NSA that deals with collection programs that focus on private companies is Special Source Operations, described by Snowden as the “crown jewels” of the NSA.
