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6 Creative Ways to Use Embedded Facebook Posts

6 Creative Ways to Use Embedded Facebook Posts
Would you like more people to see your Facebook posts? Have you used Facebook’s new feature to embed posts on your website or blog? Embedding Facebook updates on your website can help you increase visibility and engagement. How can you creatively use embedded posts as a part of your Facebook marketing strategy? Let’s find out! Here’s How It Works Twitter isn’t the only embeddable social media. You can embed most public posts from a personal profile or a page. Locating the Facebook embed post option. When you click on this, you’ll get a popup showing how the post will look and the code to use. Example of embed code. The result? As of now, you can only embed public posts from profiles and pages. Unfortunately, you can’t embed public posts from within groups or comments on a Facebook post. And your ability to embed posts depends on the privacy settings used by the person who created the post. Here are six easy ways marketers can use Facebook’s embedded posts. #1: Demonstrate Social Proof . . . .

Ocho herramientas para crear memes fácilmente Ocho herramientas para crear memes fácilmente Los memes son recursos visuales interesantes que siempre obtienen respuesta por parte de los usuarios en las redes sociales. Son elementos que pueden ayudar a promover contenidos en las redes sociales de un medio de comunicación, por los atractivos mensajes que pueden contener. Te presentamos algunas herramientas que pueden ayudarte a crear tus próximos memes, y no dudes en que se harán populares y virales: 1 . Tiene un generador de memes interno con un menú desplegable en donde se puede elegir algunos de los memes populares para editar. 2 . Es un directorio con los personajes recurrentes de los virales que actualmente circulan en la red. 3 . Tiene un sistema que permite generar o personalizar una de estas piezas. 4 . Está libre de anuncios, pero a cambio cada elemento que se cree deberá portar una marca de agua. 5 . Además de memes, aquí se puede crear GIF. 6 . En la aplicación del programa es fácil y rápido crear una de estas piezas. 7. 8.

120 Marketing Tactics for New Blogs [Infographic] Millions of brands are now incorporating their traditional plans in their online marketing campaigns. The need to further reach out to their potential customers is the motivation of modern marketers to look for effective ways on how they can connect and engage with their targeted audience. Blogging is one of these cost-efficient, proven and tested ways for a successful online marketing campaign. It offers several benefits such as user interaction (comments, shares), customer acquisition and higher rankings on SERPs given that search engines favor fresh over old content. However, one of the biggest challenges of aspiring bloggers today is how they can promote a blog that is new or doesn’t get any traction since they launch their websites. Today, I want to share with you an infographic that covers the basic and advance tips on how to promote your blog.

Game On: Facebook Releases Unity SDK Does anyone remember the days when Facebook’s gaming ecosystem was dominated by Zynga? The social network continued to extend its reach in the gaming sector with Wednesday’s announcement of the release of a software-development kit for the Unity game engine. The new SDK was announced at Unity’s Unite developers’ conference in Vancouver, British Columbia, and Facebook said in a post on its developer blog that its goal is to ease the process for Unity developers seeking to integrate with the social network. Facebook said Unity developers can continue to write in C# and add social gaming experiences on all platforms, adding that three developers have already integrated the new SDK: Cmune with UberStrike, Madfinger with Shadowgun: Deadzone, and Nival with King’s Bounty: Legions. The social network said in its developer blog post:

10 cosas que podrías estar haciendo mal en las redes sociales Tanto has oído hablar de las ventajas de las redes sociales, que no has podido resistirte a ellas, y finalmente te has subido al tren que te lleva al mundo 2.0. Sin embargo, una vez aquí, no terminan de convencerte los resultados. La famosa tierra prometida no es tan bonita como la pintan. Conseguir notoriedad en las redes sociales no es fácil, ni seguro. No tienes una estrategia definida. Eres impaciente. No eres constante. No utilizas los canales adecuados. Infravaloras el poder de las redes sociales. No destinas los recursos suficientes. Piensas que cualquiera puede hacerlo. Te consideras el centro del universo. No respondes a tus clientes. No eres capaz de aportar valor. No eres humano, o al menos, no actúas como tal. ¿Te suenan estos errores?

10 Smart Tips for Creating, Marketing and Sharing Content on Twitter Twitter, the online texting service on steroids at only 140 characters is often a challenge for those with a traditional marketing mindset. It’s more about brutal brevity, smart succinctness and simple shortness than monstering the masses with multi-media sensory overload. It’s all about doing more with less. Creating and then marketing content with Twitter is more about tempting the click than revealing all your secrets at once. It’s unsophisticated ways are its charm and its fatal attraction for celebrities who dare to tweet while under the influence of substances, emotion or plain stupidity. The Twitter torrent Twitter is sometimes seen as an inbox when it is more like a fleeting torrent that streams and screams its content past you. This led to the creation of Twitter tools like Hootsuite that organises Tweets into lists for reading later. 3 key elements to a tweet There are 3 core elements to a tweet. So what do you need to hone, polish and include to make your tweets sing and dance?

Facebook Announces New Version of Unpublished Link Posts Facebook Announces New Version of Unpublished Link Posts Unpublished link posts are about to get a whole lot better! Facebook recently announced an upcoming change to unpublished link posts that is set to take effect early in September. Page Post Photo Ad – Desktop Newsfeed There has been one drawback to this form of advertising: the image is not clickable. Current Published Link Photo Size The obvious way to avoid this is to create an unpublished link. New Page Post Link Ad Example To better accommodate advertisers, Facebook recently announced that a new version of unpublished link posts will be rolling out early in September, and will include a large image (3.5x larger than the current link post image) that will be clickable. So what does this mean? About Molly McCarty Molly joined 3Q Digital in April of 2013 after working as a marketing and social strategist for a web development firm in Washington DC.

How to Build a LinkedIn Marketing Plan that Delivers Ongoing Results Are you happy with how you are using LinkedIn? LinkedIn offers companies multiple marketing opportunities, but which ones are right for your business? In this article I’ll show you five different ways to use LinkedIn to market your business. How do you do start? You’ll want to develop a comprehensive and consistent LinkedIn marketing plan for your business to achieve long-term, sustainable success. It doesn’t matter if you’re a large corporate brand or a small business, you can build a comprehensive LinkedIn marketing strategy on a scale that suits your needs and objectives. Social Media Examiner strategy on LinkedIn includes updating the business page regularly. In order to have success with LinkedIn, you’ll need to make a long-term commitment to your plan. Remember to assess your resources first and determine what you’re willing to commit with regard to people, time and dollars. Here are 5 LinkedIn marketing ideas your business can integrate into your comprehensive marketing program.

How to Use Google+ for Social Media Contests Is Google+ part of your marketing strategy? Are you looking for creative ways to run contests and giveaways on Google+? Although there are restrictions on using Google+ for contests, there are ways for you to promote your contests successfully on Google+. Interestingly, most brands and businesses on Google+ aren’t taking advantage of this opportunity, and they’re missing out. In this article, you’ll discover how three brands leverage Google+ as a core component of their social contest strategy and the keys to their success. Google+ Contest Rules Running contests, giveaways, promotional offers, etc., has become a staple part of online strategy for business owners and marketers. They’re used to stimulate engagement, build community, encourage user-generated content, create a unique experience and increase brand awareness. First let’s look at the rules. Be sure to carefully read Google+ Policies & Principles. For many people, that’s a show-stopper right there. #1: Ask for Compelling Experiences

Facebook Unveils Shared Photo Albums A picture's worth a thousand words, and now Facebook is letting others add to your conversation. The world's largest social network announced shared photo albums on Monday, a new feature that allows multiple users to upload images to the same album. The album creator can share access to as many as 50 "contributors," who can each in turn share up to 200 photos. Album creators can choose a setting that allows contributors to invite others to the album, or retain total control over album invitations. Previously, users could only upload photos to albums they created, and each album was limited to 1,000 total photos. The new shared albums have three available privacy settings: public, friends of contributors and contributors only. "Right now, if you were at a party and there were three different albums created, you might not be able to see all the photos [based on privacy settings], which is kind of confusing and frustrating," Baldwin said. "I think

3 consejos que te ayudarán a anunciarte mejor en social media Internacional.- Todos sabemos que el social media está cobrando cada vez más importancia. Esto, aunado al hecho de que la publicidad es vital para que las empresas despeguen, y no sólo para que se mantengan en el mercado, sino que alcancen una penetración mayor, pone el énfasis en utilizar ambas herramientas, tanto la publicidad como el social media, para nuestra ventaja. Por ello, compartimos contigo 3 consejos sencillos para anunciarte con éxito en el social media. Más notas relacionadas:Y tú, ¿puedes darte ciertos lujos? 1. El 99.9% de los expertos coinciden en la importancia de conocerlo bien. Debes saber, de preferencia, en dónde comen, qué visten, cómo se divierten y, sobre todo, cuál es el uso que le dan al social media. 2. Es probable que hayas visto cómo a una compañía le funcionó lanzar un spot de carácter deportivo para acompañar a su campaña sobre desodorantes; sin embargo, si tu compañía, o marca, ofrece algo muy diferente, de poco te va a servir copiar la fórmula. 3.

Quality vs. Quantity? Content Marketing Pros Pick Sides While attending Content Marketing World (#CMWorld) in Cleveland this week, we had the opportunity to attend an all-star panel discussion called, Quality vs Quantity: How Much Content is Enough? How Good Does it Have to Be? The content marketing pro panelists included: The panel, (and this was no shy panel), was moderated by Michael Brenner from SAP. Quantity vs. Joe: Quantity. Marcus: Quantity. Heather: Quality. Rob: Quality. What is the main objective of content marketing? Rob: We recently surveyed 200 marketers, and they replied that engagement, then brand awareness followed by lead generation are the main objectives. Heather: The power of content marketing is lead generation. Joe: Marketing’s job is to get the sales team enough leads and let them sell. Marcus: Your company’s job (and that of your content) is to be the best teacher and facilitator for your customers. Should Content Marketing Be Forced to Prove ROI (Return on Investment)? Marcus: Yes. Heather: Everything is measurable.

STUDY: Hashtags for brands on Facebook hasn’t led to much engagement In June, Facebook made hashtags live on the site, borrowing a page from Twitter’s playbook. However, analytics firm Simply Measured noted that adoption has been slow for brands, finding that 20 percent of posts from the Interbrand 100 (a list of the top 100 brands in the world) have incorporated hashtags on Facebook, but there has been no measurable effect. Simply Measured found that 98 percent of the top brands (such as Coca-Cola, McDonald’s and IBM) have a presence on Facebook. Apple and Morgan Stanley are the two companies on the Interbrand 100 list without a dedicated, company-managed Facebook page. Nate Smitha, a marketing analyst for Simply Measured, talked with Inside Facebook about why brands using hashtags hasn’t led to more engagement. At this point, hashtags are still new for Facebook users and I think that brands have not really implemented them in a way that ties them to other campaigns. Here’s a look at how these top brands have used hashtags over time:

¿Por qué comparten los usuarios en las redes sociales? ¿Por qué comparten los usuarios en las redes sociales? la pregunta del millón, que todo Social Media Planner desearía saber. Pues bien, según el último trabajo de Ipsos OTX, el 61% de los usuarios comparten principalmente aquel contenido que consideran interesante y que refleje su personalidad. Las redes sociales son el espejo de nuestra personalidad. Compartir información en las redes sociales es una tarea habitual entre los usuarios. La información útil e interesante es la que más se difunde a través de la red. El humor es otro de los componentes que consiguen que un contenido sea viral. ¿Por qué comparten los usuarios en las redes sociales? El 37% de los encuestados indica que actúa en las redes sociales para que los demás puedan hacerse una idea de cómo son en realidad. Los convencimientos y creencias personales también salen a relucir en los perfiles sociales. Los usuarios también utilizan las redes sociales para reflejar su actividad diaria.

Social Sharing, How to Inspire Fans to Share Your Stories Do you use stories to market your business? Are you wondering how you can get people to share your content? To learn how to inspire your fans and followers to share your stories via social media, I interview Simon Mainwaring for this episode of the Social Media Marketing podcast. More About This Show The Social Media Marketing podcast is a show from Social Media Examiner. It’s designed to help busy marketers and business owners discover what works with social media marketing. The show format is on-demand talk radio (also known as podcasting). In this episode, I interview Simon Mainwaring, author of We First: How Brands and Consumers Use Social Media to Build a Better World. Simon shares the importance of tapping into the power of your fans to share your story. You’ll learn how you can create a story and the kind of content you need to use to succeed. Share your feedback, read the show notes and get the links mentioned in this episode below! Listen Now Social Sharing Why did you start your company?
