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Amazing Facts Streaming TV Station > Home - Understanding the Baptism of the Holy Spirit Bible History Online Images and Resources for Biblical History Country Life Nashville // Outpost Centers International In 1980 the Lord called together a small group of lay people who desired to start a ministry without going into debt. Andre and Heather Wilson led the team, and after a lot of hard work and sacrifice, they built up a thriving vegan restaurant, Country Life Nashville, which served lunch to more than 200 people every day. The team also offered health programs and cooking classes, and in 1983, Heather started offering midwifery services and was soon delivering approximately 50 babies a year. In 1998 the Wilsons felt the need to slow down and refocus. Andre became a coordinator and educator for the Coronary Health Improvement Program (CHIP) in Nashville. The Wilsons are also certified life coaches, specializing in health and wellness. There is no recent activity to report for this ministry.

Blue Letter Bible Ellen White books in Audio! - Ellen White Free resources for explanation of Christian faith / FaithExplorer FaithExplorer summarizes Christian faith in plain language so people can understand quickly and share digitally in the modern world. The resources (right column) explain everything essential to know about Christian faith. These resources are available free in both written and video formats. They can be passed along via web links, email, social media and desktop printing. PDF FORMAT is the most versatile way of sharing and discussing Christian faith with others. In PDF format, FaithExplorer can be read on screen from computers, tablets and smart phones ... can be sent by email ... can be linked to websites and social media ... can be printed on desktop printers. FaithExplorer PDF can be sent to others via web VIDEO aids comprehension and retention by explaining Christian faith with graphics, words, photos and voiceovers. FaithExplorer video can be sent to others via web

I am learning slowly, by Gods grace I will learn how to use this awesome program! Thank you! Mike halverson by timberailers Mar 25
