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How we got started
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The School of Life - Developing Emotional Intelligence Know Yourself Prompt Cards These cards are designed to assist us in a journey of self-knowledge; they present us with a range of ideas and questions that can help us to understand ourselves better. £10 Gift E-Voucher An original gift, delivered instantly by email. This electronic voucher can be used across any of our London events or spent in The School of Life online or London shops. £25, £50 or £100. Writing as Therapy Journals Writing is ultimately the task of discovering and developing what we think.

'How Coaching Works' - The Art of Coaching Teachers UserID: iCustID: IsLogged: false IsSiteLicense: false UserType: anonymous DisplayName: TrialsLeft: 0 Trials: Tier Preview Log: Exception pages ( /teachers/coaching_teachers/2013/02/how_coaching_works.html ) = NO Internal request ( ) = NO Open House ( 2014-04-20 21:02:02 ) = NO Site Licence : ( ) = NO ACL Free A vs U ( 2100 vs 0 ) = NO Token Free (NO TOKEN FOUND) = NO Blog authoring preview = NO Search Robot ( Firefox ) = NO Purchased ( 0 ) = NO Monthly ( d4cede66-c81f-e57c-aa47-8354782cd299 : 3 / 3 ) = NO 0: /ew/articles/2012/07/18/36substitutes_ep.h31.html 1: /edweek/DigitalEducation/2012/12/consortium_releases_techology_.html 2: /ew/articles/2013/01/23/18Jones_ep.h32.html Access denied ( -1 ) = NO Internal request ( ) = NO

by Blackboard is a free learning management system for K12 and Higher Ed Instructors enabling blended & eLearning. Passer au contenu principal Voici le nouveau CourseSites Créez jusqu'à 5 sites de cours, gratuitement. Impliquez vos élèves avec un apprentissage social. Mettez du multimédia dans le contenu de votre cours. Évaluez les performances et gérez les notes. Mettez vos cours en ligne CourseSites de Blackboard est un service de gestion de cours en ligne gratuit pour les professeurs, du primaire à l'enseignement supérieur, permettant d'associer différentes techniques pédagogiques.

Exploring the Connected Universe – Delegate Level 1 – Resonance Academy A cutting edge interactive course Exploring the Connected Universe to better our planet through you. Engage with 9 leading faculty members and shift the current paradigm. Embark on a mind-bending journey, connect with 2,000 other travelers and apply this knowledge to transform yourself and our world. This course will TRANSFORM your reality and make you EMPOWERED, CONNECTED and KNOWLEDGEABLE to POSITIVELY IMPACT CHANGE! I have done thirty years of research and – together with a team of brilliant scientists – developed a unified field theory. The Delegate level 1 course Exploring the Connected Universe is a comprehensive, self-paced online multimedia course packed with 30 years of research and the latest information on this topic. We have scientifically proven that we are all connected at the most fundamental level of space time. Join me, the faculty and the growing number of people from around the globe who have integrated this life-changing information. Pay $384 in full today Warren, Daneen,

8 Classroom Management Tips--From Google? by Jennifer Rita Nichols, TeachThought Intern One of the biggest struggles facing new teachers is figuring out how to effectively manage a classroom. This is very different from teaching–make no mistake about it! Most of us learn how to teach in our teacher education programs. We learn about the curriculum and standards that must be followed. We also learn about fun and interesting activities for different subjects and how to plan cross-curricular units to make the most out of the time we have in class. While there may be a class or two where classroom management strategies are discussed, what is taught during those lessons focuses on strategies that can be applied rather easily in an ideal classroom. Beyond the fact that most new teachers start with far less than an ideal classroom, these strategies are taught to them by teachers with years of experience–teachers who have already figured out the role of ‘classroom manager’. 1) Be a good coach. 4) Be productive and results-oriented.

Skitch Toutes vos notes, en un seul endroit et à portée de main, où que vous soyez. OneNote est un bloc-notes numérique où vous pouvez organiser et consigner toutes sortes d’éléments, tels que vos listes de tâches, notes de cours et de réunion, ou projets de vacances. Prenez des notes au clavier ou au stylet, enregistrez un élément audio ou prenez une photo ; OneNote enregistre tout. Vos notes sont synchronisées sur tous vos appareils, de sorte que vous pouvez y accéder où que vous soyez. Vous trouverez des réponses aux questions fréquentes sur OneNote pour Android à l’adresse Conditions requises : • Système Android, version 4.1 ou ultérieure. • Compte Microsoft gratuit pour pouvoir utiliser OneNote. • OneNote peut ouvrir des blocs-notes créés à l’aide de Microsoft OneNote, version 2010 ou ultérieure.• Pour synchroniser vos notes sur OneDrive Entreprise, connectez-vous avec votre compte Office 365 ou SharePoint professionnel.

The Sounds of Interstellar Space The Sounds of Interstellar Space Nov. 1, 2013: Scifi movies are sometimes criticized when explosions in the void make noise. As the old saying goes, “in space, no one can hear you scream.” Without air there is no sound. But if that’s true, what was space physicist Don Gurnett talking about when he stated at a NASA press conference in Sept. 2013 that he had heard "the sounds of interstellar space?" It turns out that space can make music … if you know how to listen. Gurnett is the James Van Allen professor of physics at the University of Iowa and the principal investigator for the Plasma Wave Science instrument on Voyager 1. The heliosphere is a vast bubble of magnetism that surrounds the sun and planets. For decades, researchers have been on the edge of their seats, waiting for the Voyager probes to leave. Gurnett recalls the thrill of discovery when some months-old data from the Plasma Wave Instrument reached his desk in the summer of 2013. Credits: Author: Dr. More information: Etherpad Using Google Tools in Project-Based Learning In... Professional Development for Educators What is the Arizona Technology Integration Matrix? The Technology Integration Matrix (TIM) illustrates how teachers can use technology to enhance learning for K-12 students. The TIM incorporates five interdependent characteristics of meaningful learning environments: active, collaborative, constructive, authentic, and goal directed (Jonassen, Howland, Moore, & Marra, 2003). What is in each cell? Within each cell of the Matrix one will find two lessons plans with a short video of the lesson. Download PDF of the Technology Integration Matrix Print this page Characteristics fo the Learning Environment ← → Levels of Technology Integration Into the Curriculum How should the Technology Integration Matrix be used? The TIM is designed to assist schools and districts in evaluating the level of technology integration in classrooms and to provide teachers with models of how technology can be integrated throughout instruction in meaningful ways. What is the history behind the tool?

EvalQCM : un générateur de QCM gratuit EvalQCM : un générateur de QCM gratuit Le site propose un générateur de QCM gratuit. Facile d'accès il permet de construire et mettre en ligne rapidement des questionnaires à choix multiples. Fonctionnement : Les questions écrites par le professeur sont proposées à chaque élève inscrit dans sa classe.La correction est proposée, selon le choix du professeur, immédiatement ou à la fin de la période d'accès.La correction des QCM est consultable par les élèves ainsi que leurs notes, les bonnes réponses, le taux de réussite des questions et la moyenne de la classe.Les questions peuvent être illustrées par une image qui peut servir de support pour répondre.Les questions ainsi que leurs réponses peuvent être présentées dans un ordre aléatoire.Le professeur accède, en se connectant à son compte, aux QCM, aux notes des élèves, aux corrections, aux taux de réussite des questions, aux fiches des élèves.Chaque QCM a une période d'accès paramétrable.

¿Qué dice tu letra de ti? Descúbrelo en este infográfico gigante sobre grafología La grafología es una de esas ciencias limítrofes que gozan de tantos adeptos como escépticos: en un sentido forense e incluso paleográfico, ubicar y reconocer las recurrencias en la forma de las letras de una persona puede servir no sólo para identificar a sus autores, sino para establecer ciertas pautas de personalidad: el estado emocional sería, si no evidente, sí posiblemente diferenciable a través del énfasis con que apoyamos el instrumento de escritura. Además de servir para identificar más de 5 mil patrones de personalidad, la grafología médica puede ayudar a reconocer etapas tempranas de enfermedades degenerativas.

IAEE - International Academy for Educational Entrepreneurs
