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Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Organic Management of Soil and Crop Nutrition - Department of Environment and Primary Industries Australia’s National Standard for Organic and Bio-dynamic Produce states ‘ The fertility and the biological activity of the soil must be maintained or increased …’ and ‘ A high or routine use of off-farm inputs is not encouraged by this Standard ’. This sets the scene for organic farmers - maintain or improve soil health, and rely on on-farm resources as much as possible. Soil management is addressed over two factsheets in this series. Organic crop nutrition The organic farmer’s approach to crop nutrition is to 'Feed the soil, not the plant', and so mimic natural soil development and nutrient cycling. Natural nutrient cycling relies on soil biological activity, contrasting with the conventional approach where water-soluble nutrients are applied for direct uptake by the crop. Nutrient budgets & ‘closed systems’ Soil & plant analysis Some organic standards require periodic soil analyses to monitor trends in soil organic matter and nutrient levels and other important factors. Nitrogen (N)

International Climate Protection Fellowship For young climate experts from developing countries interested in conducting a project in Germany and developing long-term collaborations The fellowship allows future leaders to spend a year in Germany working on a research-based project of their own choice in the field of climate protection and climate-related resource conservation. Fellows are free to choose their own hosts. Submit an application if you come from a non-European transition or developing country (see list of countries) and are active in any of the following areas: scientific, engineering-based, legal, economic, health-related or social aspects of climate change. During a three-week introductory phase, you will have the opportunity to make contact with other climate protection fellows and visit companies, research institutions and cultural events in Germany. 20 fellowships can be granted annually.

The New Horse-Powered Farm Featured in The New York Times Across the nation, farmers are returning to an age-old technology that’s at the cutting edge of sustainable agriculture: horse-power. Why? Simple. It’s better for the land, and better for the soul. Author of The New Horse-Powered Farm Stephen Leslie, says it best in his The New York Times profile: “From an ecological standpoint, it’s just so clean, versus burning fossil fuel, and the compaction you get with a tractor,” he said. Last month, while Leslie was just getting started with spring chores, Anne Raver of The New York Times paid him a visit. Farm Equipment That Runs on Oats By ANNE RAVER Photo Credit: Stacey Cramp for The New York Times HARTLAND, Vt. — It was a perfect day for plowing, a little overcast with a cool breeze. Stephen Leslie, an artist and former Benedictine monk, guided two Norwegian Fjords down the field. “Stay haw, stay haw,” Mr. “Gee now, gee,” he said, urging them left as they stepped onto the unplowed grass at the edge of the field. Mr. Keep reading…

Climate change and communities How can communities in the UK improve their resilience and responses to climate change? Climate change is one of the greatest risks facing society. This includes direct effects, such as increased flooding, higher temperatures and drought, and indirect effects, including an increase in the cost of living as food and fuel prices rise. Our Climate change and communities programme builds on JRF evidence about which people and places will be affected by climate change in the UK and how this may link to poverty and disadvantage – see this summary of our publications and our infographics. Our evidence shows there is a triple injustice for low-income households: they pay proportionately more and benefit less from certain policy responses, particularly those paid for through energy bills, while also being responsible for the least emissions. Our current work

Home Page: ATTRA: National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service Climate Change More About Our Work on Climate Change Our planet's future depends on the way we produce and consume energy today. Most climate scientists agree that we must dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions or face devastating consequences; already, rising temperatures and changing weather patterns are disrupting natural and economic systems and exacerbating intense poverty and health pandemics. Yet we are only just beginning to recognize that the answer to how we protect the environment is inextricably tied to how we power our economies. By targeting the root causes of climate change, we can develop solutions to help change he course of our planet’s future. Communities that depend on forests can be engaged in conserving them.

Free Online Classes | Online Learning | Academic Earth Banyan Roots: Udaipur’s First Organic Food Store and Cafe | UdaipurTimes Published: October 31, 2011 | Last Updated: 31 October 2011 9:28 PM Udaipur has witnessed its first dedicated Organic Food Store today, Banyan Roots . One can get Rice, Wheat, Corn, Pulses, Lentil, Gram, Spices, Ghee, Peanut Oil, Mustard Oil, Herbal Tea, Hair Oil, Thyme, Sulphur free Sugar, Tea, Coffee, Papad etc. and various other products, all purely grown and/or produced naturally without adding any harmful chemicals. Banyan Roots is not only an organic grocery store but they also have a special cafeteria where every food served is organic. Moreover, the Banyan Roots also has place for artists of any genre to practice their talents and talk about their skill with other artists. This innovative assortment of natural food and art, Banyan Roots is an initiative of two youngsters Jayesh Mohta and Rohit Jain . Jayesh, a B.Com graduate is an artist by passion and had performed in many theaters and nukkad dramas while Rohit holds a degree of Masters in Computer Application (MCA) from Pune.

People - Bhaskar Save / India Organic Bhaskar Save is the acclaimed ‘Gandhi of Natural Farming’. His farming wisdom has grown through seven decades of personal experience. His farm, Kalpavruksha, is a veritable food forest and a net supplier of water, energy and fertility. The legendary natural farmer, Masanobu Fukuoka on seeing his farm commented, “I have seen many farms all over the world. At the end of World War II and after the declaration of India’s independence, there emerged a significant demand for vegetables in big towns like Ahmadabad and Mumbai. Seen as one of India’s veteran farmers, Bhaskarbhai has this simple advice for farmers, “In growing plants one needs to understand what plants actually need, and how much, where, when, and how.” Save’s verdant 14 acre farm compels attention. All food requirements of the family are grown on-farm. The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) honoured him with the global One World Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2010.

Bhoomi Magazine - Natural abundance One of India’s first organic farmers, Bhaskar Save, believes co-operation is the fundamental law of Nature Masanobu Fukuoka, renowned natural farmer, made several visits to India, a country which inspired more hope in him than his own Japan. On his last visit here, he spent a day at the farm of another remarkable octogenarian, Bhaskar Save, in southernmost coastal Gujarat. Halfway through his bullock cart tour of the place, Fukuoka declared – “I have seen many farms all over the world. This is the best; it is even better than my own farm!” Hailed as ‘the living Gandhi of natural farming’, Bhaskar Save has inspired a whole generation of organic farmers all over India. On entering Save’s farm, one encounters a bright sign that reads “Co-operation is the fundamental Law of Nature” – a simple and concise introduction to Save’s philosophy and practice of natural farming! Kalpavruksha compels attention, for its high yield easily out-performs any farm using chemicals. Weeds: Wild Friends

On-Campus & Online Classes for Career & Professional Development You’ve got a goal, a drive, a passion. We’ve got over 600 courses to choose from. Courses are offered online or on campus at Harvard. If you have the determination, we have the options—no application required. Search for courses In the classroom, online, or hybrid We offer courses on campus in the evenings, as well as online video courses, web-conference courses, and hybrid options. Full semester and short course options Most courses meet in a 15-week fall or spring term. Changes to information Harvard Extension School reserves the right to make changes at any time to the information printed in materials or on the website.
