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Music collaboration, share music tracks, Pro Tools, GarageBand, Sonar, remix, share beats - Bloom’s Taxonomy Bloomin’ Pinwheel Over the past few weeks I have been sharing some of my Boom’s Taxonomy re-imagines. I created these for my classroom so that I could share Bloom’s with my kids in different ways that would make our classroom fun, but also give them a different way of viewing the information. Today I am sharing my Bloomin’ Pinwheel. As I started making my Bloom’s re-imagines, students started coming to me with ideas of how to display the information. The pinwheel was a student recommendation. I think it turned out pretty cute! Below you will find my original Bloomin’ Pinwheel, along with my digital version. Here are links to the digital tools in my Boomin’ Pinwheel: Remember: BBC Skillwise- Spelling City- Starfall- Discovery Streaming- Lexipedia- YouTube- Gamegoo- PBS Kids- Understand: Apply: Create:

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