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11 Tips on Teaching Common Core Critical Vocabulary

11 Tips on Teaching Common Core Critical Vocabulary
Teaching vocabulary within the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) is an essential component of standards-based curriculum alignment. Making the critical words second nature to our students will enhance achievement on assessments and will be useful in college and career. To process and store the academic vocabulary of the standards, our students’ brains require an efficient automatic memory system. Following are 11 strategies, supported by education and memory research, for teaching critical CCSS words while keeping the cognitive verbs in mind: analyze, evaluate, compare, delineate, etc. Identifying the Best Words to Teach Find out which words are "your" words. Teach the words in the order they are presented in the CCSS. Vocabulary Exercises Supported by Educational and Memory Research Introduce a word and determine a definition or description with your students. How do you identify and teach vocabulary? Notes 1Payne, R. (2009).

CC’s Seventh Shift | On Common Core Librarians are often more comfortable working in the literacy classroom than manipulating mathematical data, but it may be statistics that prove to be our greatest ally. When the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) were rolled out two years ago, they were packaged as content standards, and six instructional pedagogical shifts were identified. Those shifts called for additional attention to vocabulary, nonfiction materials, text complexity, literacy across content areas, increased curriculum rigor from kindergarten through high school, and a focus on producing evidence (versus opinion). By drawing conclusions from data extrapolated from the English Language Arts (ELA) CCSS, librarians can build a strong case for a seventh shift: research. In the world of statistics, occurrence, or frequency, is often used to interpret results. Clearly, research is an essential component of the learning process in the CCSS classroom. The time has come to raise our megaphones and strut our stuff.

What Will You Create Today? | Learn Moore Stuff The biggest obstacle teachers face when trying to integrate technology is time. There aren’t very many opportunities during the day to explore new tools, think of ways to use them with the curriculum, or actually sit down to write a comprehensive lesson plan. Plus, the implementation of Standard V just adds to the already existing high levels of stress. Fortunately, higher levels of technology integration promote student choice, which means less planning on the part of the teacher. Over the summer, I worked on some computer lab posters that will help guide students in choosing the right tool for their project, and support teachers in their efforts for easier ways to integrate. Many teachers may find this amount of freedom somewhat daunting, especially if they are unfamiliar with how to use the software, web tool or app.

These site has great tips on how to introduce CCSS words. It is very helpful, especially for new teachers. by jschweikardt Nov 3

This site has great tips for help in teaching the critical CCSS words. It will help teachers keep the cognitive verbs in mind: analyze, evaluate, compare, delineate, etc. along with activities to help you do it. by vickiekwiecinski Jul 6
