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Umair Haque – Harvard Business Review

Umair Haque – Harvard Business Review

How to Change Your Beliefs and Stick to Your Goals for Good In one of my very first articles, I discussed a concept called identity-based habits. The basic idea is that the beliefs you have about yourself can drive your long-term behavior. Maybe you can trick yourself into going to the gym or eating healthy once or twice, but if you don’t shift your underlying identity, then it’s hard to stick with long-term changes. Most people start by focusing on performance and appearance-based goals like “I want to lose 20 pounds” or “I want to write a best-selling book.” But these are surface level changes. The root of behavior change and building better habits is your identity. This brings us to an interesting question. How to Change Your Beliefs The only way I know to shift the beliefs that you have about yourself and to build a stronger identity is to cast a vote for that identity with many, tiny actions. Think of it this way… Let’s say you want to become the type of person who never misses a workout. Of course, it works the opposite way as well. Read Next

Home - Optimize Business Consultancy Home Organization I’ve been trying to figure out how to write this without sounding ridiculous. What I want to say is this: I finally did it you guys, I completely and totally organized my life! It took a lot of hard work and a lot of late nights but I now have a plan, routine, or system for everything. I’ve compiled and categorized enough healthy, inexpensive and easy recipes that I have a 90 day dinner menu (complete with theme nights like pasta Monday and slow-coooker Thursday) and I have the grocery lists to match.There is nothing in my house that we don’t use. Seriously, it’s been a long time coming but today I stood in the middle of my living room, looked around the house and admired what I’ve accomplished with a huge goofy grin on my face. And then I woke up. Sounds good though, doesn’t it? P.S. UPDATE: The joke’s on me, it would seem, because in getting all of that out of my system, I (and many others) became mysteriously motivated to actually attempt to do some of it. P.S.

Confidence & Self Esteem | COOLifeDesign Home» Confidence & Self Esteem CONFIDENCE & TRAVELING – is there a connection? I made this video to celebrate over 1000 students attending my online course: Double Your Confidence & Self Esteem I am speaking about the impact that traveling can exert on your self confidence. read more Need Confidence? Do you have moments when lack of confidence inhibits you from taking important actions? Stop Seeking Approval and Gain Confidence Stop seeking approval. How To Boost Your Confidence and Self Esteem Dear Friends, I am travelling again, thus I am only posting a short video about Increasing Your Confidence. How to Be More Social and Confident – 1000 Strangers The advice in this post is extremely simple, but if you use it on a daily basis you will derive great benefits.

How to Systematically Heal Your Anxiety If there’s one thing I love, it’s “The Emperor Has No Clothes” moments when you realize everyone’s feeling something…but nobody is saying it. It happened when I finally got behind closed doors with my friends and we started telling the truth. How many of us sit and stare at screens for over 8 hours/day? How many of us focus almost exclusively on our careers and — if I asked you what new hobby you want to tackle this year — would have no idea what to do? How many of us use stimulants to mask our exhaustion? How many of us feel guilty or anxious when not working? If you raised your hand to any of these questions, this post is for you. Today, I’ve invited my friend Charlie Hoehn to share how he systematically cured his anxiety within one month. Charlie has done some cool stuff over the years. Hmm… At some point, Charlie burned out and became extremely anxious. Maintaining a work-life balance has always been a struggle, but now it’s harder than ever. This is important stuff. Here’s how I did it…

Scientific Speed Reading: How to Read 300% Faster in 20 Minutes (Photo: Dustin Diaz) How much more could you get done if you completed all of your required reading in 1/3 or 1/5 the time? Increasing reading speed is a process of controlling fine motor movement—period. This post is a condensed overview of principles I taught to undergraduates at Princeton University in 1998 at a seminar called the “PX Project.” The below was written several years ago, so it’s worded like Ivy Leaguer pompous-ass prose, but the results are substantial. I have never seen the method fail. The PX Project The PX Project, a single 3-hour cognitive experiment, produced an average increase in reading speed of 386%. It was tested with speakers of five languages, and even dyslexics were conditioned to read technical material at more than 3,000 words-per-minute (wpm), or 10 pages per minute. If you understand several basic principles of the human visual system, you can eliminate inefficiencies and increase speed while improving retention. The Protocol First – Determining Baseline

Books Less Doing, More Living: Make Everything in Life Easier This book will change your life. Learn all of the fundamentals of Less Doing from getting rid of your to-do list to optimizing your health, start being more effective today. GMail, IFTTT, Virtual Assistant – Ultimate Productivity Trio Learn how to conquer your email, automate the processes in your life, and outsource everything else to virtual assistants. Improving Speed During Your Workout This book will give you the tools and techniques you need to get faster in your workouts and sports. LEED Materials: A Resource Guide to Green Building My first work in efficiency was surrounding the built environment, optimizing the way materials are used and interactions with users take place.

The New Business Toolbox: Help Your New Business Do It Right The First Time Transform your new business by understanding the opportunities (and pitfalls) that are right around the corner. Seth Godin has learned these lessons the hard way, and in this entertaining (and useful) class, he'll share what he knows. Save time and avoid dead ends as you organize and grow your small business This fast-moving class features hands-on, strategic and practical tactics every small businessperson ought to consider as she sets out to grow her business. If you're going to put in the time and the money and the energy to turn your project into a business that matters, it pays to get these seven things right. Author Seth Godin doesn't often get the chance to share this sort of nuts and bolts practical advice, and you're invited to join in... The Business Model. The theme of this class is simple but surprising: You should build your business around ideas that work, as opposed to building a business and then insisting that the universe cooperate in helping you succeed. What You'll Do

Uh, it’s SUPPOSED to be hard Like most young people who are dumb, I entertained a lot of delusional ideas. I was frustrated that the world didn’t recognize me for how great my “ideas” were. I’d complain about having to “put in my time” (shouldn’t I get to skip all that?? I even once emailed Guy Kawasaki, a famous Silicon Valley personality, and asked him how to get more speaking gigs. It stung to hear that. That’s why it amused me to read a Reddit thread called “Millionaires of Reddit: How did you strike it rich? Some random Internet dude left this whiny comment, complaining about the “lack of capital”: “If you don’t have access to capital you cannot become wealthy. Uhh… Right. More than any other time in history, the average person can start a business for less than $100If you had $500,000 in your bank account, what exactly would you do with it? Here’s a blunt truth: It’s supposed to be hard. It’s SUPPOSED to be hard to start a successful business or create world-class art or be famous. WINNERS SAY: Shit! Exhausting?

What The Pros Know About Networking That You Don't When I was on the Today Show a couple years ago, I sat down to prep a few minutes before air time. About 45 seconds before we went live, Meredith Viera came onto set. She took one look at the topic sheet, then reached out to shake all of our hands. In the next 30 seconds, she asked a couple questions to get to know us, and then we started the segment. What was fascinating was that, within those 30 seconds, she was so personable that we instantly felt a connection to her (“Wow, she’s so friendly!”). How was Meredith able to instantly connect with all of us? Building soft skills and deep personal relationships is a mystery to most of us. That’s why we’re almost all skeptical of “networking” and “building relationships.” We don’t understand how this works, so we create false dichotomies like… “Whatever, networking is for douches”“I’m not good at selling myself”“I’d rather get a job based on WHAT I know instead of WHO I know” They say hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Yet we don’t.

How to use Natural Networking to connect with anyone How many of us have heard career experts telling us to “go out there and network”? What does that actually mean? They never seem to specify. So we end up going to 1 or 2 pointless networking events, which actually turn out to be a bunch of unemployed people looking for jobs, until we realize the pointlessness of random networking. We stop going. There’s a game going on around us that we don’t even see. And today, I want to show you exactly how to decode it — along with the specific email scripts to use. The funny thing is, most career “experts” have no specific advice about networking because they don’t know how to do it. Look at these regrets I like to study regrets. ”I regret not taking advantage of the multiple networking events that occur due to the type of business my company is in. These are extraordinarily insightful and honest. What you’re seeing is the difference between what’s IMPORTANT and what’s URGENT. But doing the important things is more difficult. So what do we do? Do this:

The Craigslist Penis Effect Every woman who has used Craigslist knows that it is a veritable jungle of unexpected penises. In other words, if you’ve ever posted a nice, g-rated “women seeking men” post, you will immediately and inexplicably have 50-80 pictures of men’s penises in your inbox. After this happened to a number of my friends, I started thinking. Not just about how horrible men are at online dating, but how to use this to my advantage. Introducing The Craigslist Penis Effect The Craigslist Penis Effect describes situations where everyone else is so horrible that, by being even half-decent, you can dominate everyone else and win. These moron men on Craigslist would be better served writing 5 half-decent responses, testing to see which got the best response, and then sending it out instead of a picture of their generally mediocre manhood. Let’s take some examples where everyone else is so terrible that you can dominate by being even somewhat competent. Negotiations. Related Articles Read More

Make 2013 Matter: The New Goal Setting and Action Workbook Is Live! (Download A Free Copy “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we hit it.”~ Michelangelo Update: Check out the 2014 Goal Setting and Action Workbook here! The Big New Years Announcement: To celebrate 2013 and the official opening of goal-setting season, today I’m releasing the totally free (and newly designed) 2013 Goal Setting and Action Workbook. Last year this was downloaded over 18,000 times in a matter of weeks and is consistently the #1 thing people thank me for. The best part? This is how we do things at Live Your Legend. And with what we have planned in the weeks and months to come, I promise you this is just a taste. Read on for a recap of 2012 and a hint of what’s to come this year, or download the full 2013 Goal Setting and Action Workbook by clicking here. Some people claim they don’t need to set goals to make big progress. I am NOT one of them. I remember walking into my dad’s office when I was about fourteen. 1. 2. -Scott P.S.

A Structured Day Can Keep Wasted Time at Bay Americans may as well start giving flowers to their computers, buying their business phones diamond encrusted cases and taking their briefcases on expensive vacations -- our nation is having a love affair with work. For most entrepreneurs, this is not news. In fact, ABC News reports that Americans work more than anyone in the industrialized world. We work longer days, take less time off and retire later in life. But, is love really the basis of this affair? It's not love, but a drive for success that leaves us frequenting the office like drunk college kids frequent a Taco Bell. Misuse of time is prolific and can envelope both personal and work-related activities. Related: Get it Done: 35 Habits of the Most Productive People (Infographic) Most of you are probably familiar with Tim Ferriss (of Four Hour Work Week fame) and his approach to success. The goal of Ferriss' book may be to communicate how people can work less, but let's face it -- many people don't want to work less.
