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Carnicom Institute - Research for the Benefit of Humanity

Carnicom Institute - Research for the Benefit of Humanity
Related:  chemtrails

Top 9 Chem Trail Health Effects - HAARP Congress Counts On | Morning Liberty Radio Program Ph D Ilya Sandra Perlingieri Fri, Nov 11, 2011 Subject: Colin Powell Admits to Chem Trails Ten Years Into The Chemtrail-Wars The Breakdown Of The Immune System By Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, PhD Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, Ph.D. 2009 All rights reserved 1-22-9 Quote This winter of discontent, the New England states have been hit with one after another particularly strange snowstorms. 1, An August 1996 paper presented to USAF, "Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025." l3ch15.pdf+owning+the+weather&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=5&client=opera 2. 3. 4. and: "Chemtrails Update June 2008" June_2008.html; and "MD Slams Chemtrails" Letter from Dr. 5. 6." 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Related Articles:

Carte des orages et foudre en direct en France et Europe par le système Blitzortung Cette rubrique est sur l'appli Consultez les prévisions du risque d'orages via le site Keraunos en cliquant ici Animation sur 3 heures avec une image toutes les 20 minutes, actualisée toutes les deux minutes: Météo 60 dispose d'une station de détection de la foudre reliée au réseau Blitzortung, permettant de positionner très précisément et en temps réel les décharges électriques. Ancienne carte de foudre de Meteocentre: cliquez ici. Evolution de l'activité électrique sur les 2 dernières heures sur le nord de la France : Ce graphique est réalisé à partir du Boltek de Météo60 situé à Rantigny (Oise).

Scientists Push for 'Solar Geoengineering' With Nano Particles to Whiten Our Skies Susanne Posel, ContributorActivist Post The latest scheme to combat global warming is to increase the amount of chemtrails (aerosols) in the atmosphere. The thinking behind this endeavor is that this will scatter incoming solar energy from the Earth’s surface. The side effect is that there will be an increased whitening of the sky during the daytime. Researchers, Ben Kravitz and Ken Caldeira, from the Carnegie Institute for Science , have found that by blocking a mere 2% of sunlight would cause the sky to become 3 – 5 times brighter, and whiter. Climate change alarmists assert that carbon dioxide emissions have caused the Earth’s surface temperature to rise. Scientists are looking for a faster way to change the temperature of the Earth. By using solar geoengineering scientists could “mimic” volcanic eruptions by constantly replenishing the stratosphere with nano particles to reflect sunlight back into space.

Climate Viewer 3D - Climate Change, Pollution, and Privacy Viewer powered by Google Earth - version 01.28.2014 - Live flight tracker! LIVE REAL TIME SATELLITE TRACKING AND PREDICTIONS GeoEngineering Exposed @ Reseau alerte orages 16-04-2014 05:40:07 connexion au réseau d'alerte des chasseurs d'orages Impacts de foudre en temps réel: (Mise à jour toutes les 30 minutes) Zone : France - Europe ouest - Europe Les impacts de foudre les plus récents figurent en vert (échelle de gauche). Les orages dans le monde avec Google:

Natural Climate Change Dr. Eric Karlstrom, Professor of Geography Our federal energy policy is really a large trough arranged by the hogs for their convenience. Introduction: 2005 Energy Policy Act Mandates New Energy Corridors Energy, including electrical energy, is essential for civilization as we know it. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 mandates two new types of energy corridors: Section 368 instructs the Secretaries of Energy, Interior, Agriculture, and Defense to work with stakeholders (including energy companies) to designate two-thirds-mile-wide energy corridors for oil, gas, and hydrogen pipelines, electricity transmission lines, and other energy infrastructure on public lands. The West-Wide Energy Corridor designates 6000 miles of 2/3 mile-wide corridors that would cover about 3 million acres of federal land in 11 states, including Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, California, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington (Figure 1). Figure 1. Figure 2. Pepper Trail notes: …. Figure 3.

The Radiation Database | High-Power Electromagnetic Source Map: Antennas, Microwaves, Lasers, and Radars | ClimateViewer DB The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a 3.6 million watt antenna array operated by the US military in Gakona, Alaska. Since the Limited Test Ban Treaty over 50 years ago, extremely high-powered radars have been heating rocket exhaust plumes and barium clouds to measure and alter our space environment. Space-Weather Modification technology has advanced to the point where our own environment is now being used as a weapon, and the stakes could not be any higher. Space Weather Control Timeline Space Weather ControlView Timeline definition: “Powerful HF transmitter (2.8 to ­10 MHz) that induces controlled temporary modification to the electron temperature at desired altitude”. What does that mean? Heater antenna arrays pump electricity from the ground into space. HAARP is currently the most powerful Ionospheric Heater in the world. Why Heat the Ionosphere? There are many reasons that scientists and military How many Heaters are there? HAARP and the Sky Heaters Map Or this guy:
