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Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy

Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy
Say hi to Lucy. Lucy is part of Generation Y, the generation born between the late 1970s and the mid 1990s. She's also part of a yuppie culture that makes up a large portion of Gen Y. I have a term for yuppies in the Gen Y age group -- I call them Gen Y Protagonists & Special Yuppies, or GYPSYs. A GYPSY is a unique brand of yuppie, one who thinks they are the main character of a very special story. So Lucy's enjoying her GYPSY life, and she's very pleased to be Lucy. Lucy's kind of unhappy. To get to the bottom of why, we need to define what makes someone happy or unhappy in the first place. It's pretty straightforward -- when the reality of someone's life is better than they had expected, they're happy. To provide some context, let's start by bringing Lucy's parents into the discussion: Lucy's parents were born in the '50s -- they're Baby Boomers. Lucy's Depression Era grandparents were obsessed with economic security and raised her parents to build practical, secure careers.

Culture of Iran Culture Name Iranian, Persian Alternative Names The term "Persian" is used as an adjective— especially pertaining to the arts—and to designate the principal language spoken in Iran. The term is often used to designate the larger cultural sphere of Iranian civilization. This includes populations living in Iraq, the Persian Gulf region, the Caucasus region, Central Asia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and northern India. Orientation Identification. Ancient Greek geographers designated the territory as "Persia" after the territory of Fars where the ancient Achamenian Empire had its seat. Location and Geography. Iran's central plateau is actually a tectonic plate. The arid interior plateau contains two remarkable deserts: the Dasht-e-Kavir (Kavīr Desert) and the Dasht-e-Lut (Lūt Desert). Iran's climate is one of extremes, ranging from subtropical to subpolar, due to the extreme variations in altitude and rainfall throughout the nation. Iran Demography. Linguistic Affiliation. Symbolism.

Do Markets “React” to Economic News? Monday, September 16th, 2013 One doesn’t have to be a strict methodological individualist to appreciate that collectives don’t think, act, and choose. Yet one of the standard tropes of financial journalism is the idea that the stock market, like your broker or your Aunt Sally, “reacts” to this or that bit of economic news. Of course, this is all pure invention on the part of the reporter. But the stock market as a whole doesn’t work this way. So please, can we stop taking such pronouncements seriously?

List of memory biases In psychology and cognitive science, a memory bias is a cognitive bias that either enhances or impairs the recall of a memory (either the chances that the memory will be recalled at all, or the amount of time it takes for it to be recalled, or both), or that alters the content of a reported memory. There are many different types of memory biases, including: See also[edit] [edit] ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Schacter, Daniel L. (1999). "The Seven Sins of Memory: Insights From Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience". References[edit] Greenwald, A. (1980). sortirdefacebook | Enjeux et alternatives d'une sortie de facebook.

Low Density Errors, is There an Answer? - Page 4 Quote: Centuries old capital?? You should pick up a history book. In the early 1800s Helsinki was a shitty town of a few thousand people. There were no stone buildings in the city. Next to Helsinki Manchester was fucking Babylon. You don't seem to know the history of your own country as I in my last post explained why British cities look the way they do and that it should be corrected now. You know I'm right and that bugs you. Small? Indeed. It is not denser, but if you think it's grander than good for you. Helsinki was modelled after continental cities. Add to that the very unique nationalist Jugend stil, 30s functionalism and later modernism. Btw, ever heard of Alvar Aalto? In two centuries Helsinki has made it from a poor, muddy and backwards shanty town into one of the most livable cities in the world. London is vast and has a big dense city centre. I know, but that was not the point. Really? You keep comparing London to Barcelona. We aren't discussing city centres here. Indeed.

Go Fund Yourself: Sam Phillips Talks About Subscriptions, Crowdfunding, And Why We Still Need Corporations "It's easy to change your name but hard to change your life," sings Sam Phillips in the song "Pretty Time Bomb," one of 10 slices of hard fought wisdom from her just released album, Push Any Button. And Phillips should know a thing or two about change, her career path is a textbook story of change and reinvention, factors she has continued to embrace since was signed to Christen label Myrrh in 1983, under her given name, Leslie Phillips. Since then, she has skittered along from major labels to indie labels before arriving at her present status as a self-sustaining hands-on artist with no outside label support. "It's a good place to be," Phillips proclaims over the phone from her Los Angeles home, "or at least a place to try and get to, it's more of a goal!" In 1987, two major changes occurred; she met T Bone Burnett and began recording as Sam Phillips to delineate her split with the Christian pop industry. Demonstrated here: [Image: Flickr users Sascha Kohlmann, z-428, Jeff Blum]

Slashdot : les choses qui comptent La finance islamique est-elle vraiment si différente ? Les stéréotypes sur la finance islamique sont légion. Pourtant, il s'agit une finance qui se veut ouverte à tous les acteurs. La doctrine musulmane, de même que la philosophie libérale, incite à l'entrepreneuriat, au commerce, et encourage le profit. Cet article est publié avec l'aimable autorisation de l'auteur. La finance islamique est née et s’est développée dans les pays musulmans du Golfe et de l’Asie du Sud-Est depuis près de 40 ans. 1. Cette articulation particulière entre finance et religion qui caractérise la finance islamique est à l’origine du développement de produits spécifiques.

Arvioi tämä kirjoitus (1 Ääni) Elokuun alku tarkoittaa Vancouverissa valon juhlaa, ihan kirjaimellisesti, sillä kaupungissa järjestetään tuolloin ilotulitusfestivaali Celebration of Light. Tapahtumassa kolmesta eri maasta olevat tiimit ottavat mittaa toisistaan kolmena eri iltana järjestettävissä näyttävissä ilotulitusnäytöksissä. Lue lisää » Viime viikonlopun erityisen pitkä vaellus Elfin Lakesille tuntui vielä polvissa, mutta mieli teki jo jälleen tänään poluille. Lue lisää » British Columbia on veden ja vuorien hallitsema luonnonkaunis provinssi ja ehdottomasti kappale kauneinta Kanadaa. Kaukana kaikesta maisemat ovat kuin potenssiin kaksi, kuten oheinen netistä löytynyt tunnelmallinen vaellusvideo upeasti näyttää. Video on loistava osoitus siitä, miten luonnonkauniissa maailmankolkassa elämmekään. Arvioi tämä kirjoitus (2 Ääntä) Täällä British Columbiassa on vietetty tänään helteisen pitkän viikonlopun viimeistä vapaapäivää. Lue lisää » Lue lisää »

What Old Family Photo Albums Teach Us About Creativity Once upon a time, the average life was documented in about eight or nine photo albums. For some people now, that same number of photos might equal a week's worth of Instagrams. The old-fashioned family album is a dying art form that Erik Kessels--artist, designer, photographer, and founder of agency KesselsKramer--aims to translate for a 21st Century audience with his exhibition "Album Beauty," now showing at Les Rencontres d’Arles in France. "Creativity in general doesn't come from perfection, it comes more from imperfection." After years of combing flea markets for discarded family albums from decades past, the taps are running dry as the transition to digitize our lives continues. Visitors are meant to feel as though they're walking through a photo album, with enlarged photos from Kessels collection, interactive albums, and other photo props used to bring the original photos to life. These anonymous momentos inspire Kessels for a number of reasons.

Accueil - tätä en tietänyt « maailmanmenoa vapaassa maailmassa… Kalifornian viimeisissä vaaleissa marraskuun 2, 2010 yksi äänestyksen kohde oli Ehdotus 19 (Proposition 19) joka olisi tehnyt kannabiksen käytön tietyissä rajoissa lailliseksi ja verotettavaksi kaupalliseksi toiminnaksi. Ehdotus 19 ei mennyt läpi -54% äänesti sitä vastaan ja 46% sen puolesta. Olin yllättynyt vaalituloksesta -miksi posket lommolla pilveä imevä jengi ei kannata omia elintapojaan? Kannabis ja kannabiksen käyttö on ja pysyy edelleen tiukasti laittomana Kaliforniassa. Paitsi että lääkekannabis (lähde 1) joko on laillista tai sitten ei. Lähtemättä filosofoimaan asiaa sen pitemmälle minusta on aika selvää ja jos en ole ihan väärin ymmärtänyt , niin kannabis on joillekin tyypeille hyvä lääke (lähde 4). Minua on jo pitempään ihmetyttänyt tämä Vapaan Maailman jengin kannabissirkus. Yhden kaverini pisnes on mennyt täysin perseelleen ja jannu miettii nyt mistä hän saisi nyt revittyä itselleen leipää. Tutkivaa tsuurnalismia. Yrttien lääketieteellinen keskus? Mitä tästä opimme?
