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Peter Popken - concept art for films "Light into the Dark" Contest by ^kuschelirmel on deviantART Theory Discussion: "Color Theory" Principles and Practices Hello forum people...I would like to start by saying hello, my name is Ron Lemen, my handle, Fredflickstone is more recognizeable to other forum surfers. I am an artist/designer/illustrator/instructor in San Diego. I teach at the Jeff Watts Art Atelier, and I study great people to this day, Kevin is among the good company of greats I absorb.I am leaving a little paper I wrote for my color theory class. It explains things in a basic approach. Color Theory NotesMost Importantly:Color=ValueThe color wheel is a system to learn this principal above.

Testez votre moniteur (calibration de votre ecran) Si le moniteur (écran) est bien réglé, il doit afficher les nombres de 0% à 80% dans les colonnes noir, rouge, vert et bleu. Au-dessus de 90% dans toutes les colonnes, l'équilibrage et le rendu de votre écran sont exceptionnels. Prenez uniquement en compte les chiffres maxi en face desquels vous pouvez lire les mots. Ce test est à réaliser de préférence dans le noir complet et lorsque l'écran a été en position allumé plus de 30 minutes. A noter que le fond de cette page est du noir pur (il ne doit pas avoir de dominante de couleur) Si dans les 5 carrés ci-dessus vous voyez des auréoles multicolores ou bien quelconque séparation intervenant dans le dégradé de couleurs, c'est que votre écran ne peut être calibré (écran moyen de gamme ou carte graphique aux ressources insuffisantes). Les dégradés dans le noir et le blanc doivent apparaître parfaitement GRIS et sans aucune dominante de couleur. Instructions complémentaires : Retour au menu - The Online Operations of Paul Richards THE ART CENTER / Sharing Ideas And Tips From Artist To Artist Generate random catchy phrases Discovering new ideas through randomness What makes random phrases catchy? What is the meaning of this word 'catchy' anyway? Webster's defines "catchy" as "tending to catch the interest or attention" of someone. Catchy phrases get that attention. Like a random drug test - in your own dictionary. If you're like most people, you've just spent a long time pressing that NEXT button as if it's a random drug test. We have a different idea. The idea is to create very many of them and pick the best one - one that applies to an idea you may or may not have for a product, band, slogan, or domain. So called "sexy phrases" - those using sexy words - totally random words - will certainly help in making catchy phrases too. So the best thing to do to get random catchy phrases to work for you - to find the best catchy phrases - is to open your mind, generate as many as possible, and simply pick the best ones. Putting catchy phrases to work The catchy phrases and sexy phrases we generate are all yours.

Concept design by Niklas Frostgård - Digital Paintings Gallery Thumb War - Design Iteration Combat Simulation THUMB WAR : Design Iteration Combat Simulation by Paul Richards Updated 07/04/09 Ten-hut, fellow concept grunts! The following text is a condensed adaptation of some recent workshops I've spoken at on the theory/practice of thumbnailing, and is not a verbatim transcript. Oorah! If you've ever been in the military, you know advertisements only show half the picture. In the military, you serve your country. War is hell, and so, in its own way, is design. In a perfect world, there would be no war. But this isn't a perfect world. Our abilities give us some control over the outcome, but like generals in their tents on the mountain, the client is calling the shots. We win wars by coming face to face with our enemies. Internal Uncertainty // The artist's lament of "I don't know where to begin!" Overconfidence // Thinking you know exactly what your client wants right off the bat can be dangerous. Fear of Failure // "To increase your success rate, double your failure rate." goes the old saw.

TL;DR The second bit of advice a beginning artist usually gets is “draw from life”. And it is excellent advice! After all, if you can't draw what is right in front of you, you certainly won't be able to draw what you see in your imagination either. But the advice is a bit short, and will usually leave the artist behind unsure of what to do next. This chapter will help you to get started by explaining some different sketching methods you can use. Materials? Figure 1.1. So... a ream of the cheapest copier paper you can find, or in a pinch, the inside of a pizza box. The most important thing to keep in mind is to start with the largest shapes, and gradually work down to the small details. The best way to explain this is by example. The first step is to block in the large shapes. Figure 1.3. Now pause and check if everything is still correct. The proportions are okay: the line through the eyes is supposed to be a bit below halfway (say, at 5/8ths) the lines of the ear tips and the chin. Sternum
