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Why We're More Creative When We're Tired and 9 Other Surprising Facts About How Our Brains Work

Why We're More Creative When We're Tired and 9 Other Surprising Facts About How Our Brains Work
12.6K Flares 12.6K Flares × One of the things that surprises me time and time again is how we think our brains work and how they actually do. On many occasions I find myself convinced that there is a certain way to do things, only to find out that actually that’s the complete wrong way to think about it. Recently I came across more of these fascinating experiments and ideas that helped a ton to adjust my workflow towards how our brains actually work (instead of what I thought!). So here are 10 of the most surprising things our brain does and what we can learn from it: 1. When I explored the science of our body clocks and how they affect our daily routines, I was interested to find that a lot of the way I’d planned my days wasn’t really the best way to go about it. Here’s how it breaks down: If you’re a morning lark, say, you’ll want to favor those morning hours when you’re feeling more fresh to get your most demanding, analytic work done. 2. 3. 4. Improved memory Better learning

Successful Entrepreneurs Challenge Themselves. Here's 5 Ways to Do That. To be a successful entrepreneur in today’s world, you need to be current, mentally fit and actively involved in running your business. Even more important, you need to stay competitive. The best way to stay competitive is to actively attempt to challenge your preconceived notions. Easier said than done, right? When things are going well, we’re tempted to rest on our laurels. Whether we realize it or not, we become comfortable. It’s when things aren’t going well that we rack our brains for new directions to take our business in. You need to find ways to challenge yourself. Related: 15 Free Online Learning Sites Every Entrepreneur Should Visit Questions on your mind should include: “How can I improve my business?" For many of us, asking these kinds of questions is difficult. That’s why you must surround yourself with people, situations and reading material that challenges you. 1. My two daughters challenge me to think differently more than any other people I know. 2. 3. 4. 5.

study finds walking improves creativity Stanford Report, April 24, 2014 Stanford researchers found that walking boosts creative inspiration. They examined creativity levels of people while they walked versus while they sat. A person's creative output increased by an average of 60 percent when walking. By May Wong L.A. Many people claim they do their best thinking while walking. Steve Jobs, the late co-founder of Apple, was known for his walking meetings. A new study by Stanford researchers provides an explanation for this. Creative thinking improves while a person is walking and shortly thereafter, according to a study co-authored by Marily Oppezzo, a Stanford doctoral graduate in educational psychology, and Daniel Schwartz, a professor at Stanford Graduate School of Education. The study found that walking indoors or outdoors similarly boosted creative inspiration. "Many people anecdotally claim they do their best thinking when walking. Walking vs. sitting Gauging creative thinking No link to focused thinking

Energetic Blockages and Transmuting Fear Back into Love – Fractal Enlightenment “If you wish to understand the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibrations.” – Nikola Tesla On a quantum level we are all just energy. Our bodies are energy, our feelings are energy and our thoughts are energy. Although the Universe is neutral to all energy, meaning that no thought or emotion is technically “good” or “bad” in a moral sense, there are energies that are of a lower vibration and more dense. So on one end of the spectrum we have high vibration or lighter energy which is energy that is based in “love” (or openness, expansion, acceptance) and on the other end of the spectrum we have the lower vibration which is energy that is heavier and based in “fear” (contraction, closed off, darker & more dense). When we have thoughts on a consecutive basis that are formed from the lower vibration energies we run the risk of forming energetic blockages in our energy field. So how do we go about identifying where there may be a blockage?

Can I increase my brain power? | Science What happens when you attach several electrodes to your forehead, connect them via wires to a nine-volt battery and resistor, ramp up the current and send an electrical charge directly into your brain? Most people would be content just to guess, but last summer a 33-year-old from Alabama named Anthony Lee decided to find out. "Here we go… oooahh, that stings a little!" he says, in one of the YouTube videos recording his exploits. The scientific establishment, it's fair to say, remains far from convinced that it's possible to enhance your brain's capacities in a lasting way – whether via electrical jolts, brain-training games, dietary supplements, drugs or anything else. One problem with Brain TonIQ is that it's disgusting, albeit not as disgusting as Nawgan ("What To Drink When You Want To Think"), which tastes so metallic, it's like drinking the can that it comes in. Yes, yes, I'm aware that this is all hopelessly unscientific.

Finding HOPE at Patrick Henry Community College | Pearson Learning Solutions Online & Blended Learning Can Less Successful Students Help with Retention? (by Dr. Gail Krovitz)by Gillian Seely | April 17th, 2014 By Dr. Workforce Education Finding HOPE at Patrick Henry Community Collegeby Gillian Seely | April 8th, 2014 Double-digit unemployment and a weak economy have long been the reality for residents of this southern Virginia community. Het wegoefenen van foutjes Deliberate practice, wat je zou kunnen vertalen als doelbewust oefenen, komt erop neer dat je geconcentreerd werkt aan (deel)taken waar jij nu nog niet betrouwbaar competent op kunt functioneren. Je zoekt hierbij dus de grens van je eigen competentie op, het punt waar het moeilijk begint te worden voor jou. Dat is wat je gaat oefenen. Je oefent kleine stukjes en je oefent ze steeds opnieuw. Daarbij is het belangrijk dat je één of andere vorm van betrouwbare feedback hebt om te beoordelen of je progressie boekt. Bij deliberate practice oefen je dus kleine stukjes en zo gauw je een foutje ziet, probeer je het meteen opnieuw te doen en nu beter, totdat het foutje weg is. Dit wegoefenen van foutjes is de kracht van deliberate practice.

NextGen Learning De plakfactor: de Vloek van Kennis In het boek De plakfactor (Made to Stick) van Dan en Chip Heath wordt de Vloek van Kennis genoemd als een van de belangrijkste oorzaken waarom er in de praktijk weinig 'briljant geformuleerde beklijvende ideëen' zijn. Bij de Vloek van Kennis gaat het om een natuurlijke neiging die ons tegenhoudt plakkende ideëen te lanceren. De gebroeders Heath illustreren de Vloek van Kennis met het Kloppen en luisteren-experiment van Elizabeth Newton uit 1990. Bij het experiment werden mensen ingedeeld in kloppers en luisteraars. Volgens de Heath broeders vallen de tegenvallende resultaten te verklaren omdat de klopper het lied dat hij of zij klopt in het hoofd hoort. De Vloek van Kennis is nu dat je als klopper kennis hebt (de titel van het liedje) waardoor je je niet meer kunt voorstellen hoe het is als je die kennis niet hebt. Een ceo die het heeft ‘aandeelhouderwaarde genereren’ heeft zelf een melodie in zijn of haar hoofd, maar de medewerkers kunnen deze niet horen.

20 Signs You’re Happier Than You Give Yourself Credit For Being happy can feel like a chore, especially when you're depressed, suffering from anxiety or stressed from life drama. Yet we keep trying, reaching, pining for that golden nugget to help us through the rough patches. The truth about happiness is that it’s not a destination. It’s an opportunity to be present and practice reaching joy in the moment. I've learned this truth firsthand from overcoming drug addiction, clinical depression and eating disorders, and from leaving a corporate career that suffocated my soul: Happiness is a choice we have to cultivate daily, moment by moment. Many of my life coaching clients express their dissatisfaction with where they are in life. When we can turn down the mind and drop to the heart, we can see many of us are actually doing a phenomenal job at navigating the treacherous trenches of our lives. Life is hard when you think it is, but consider the possibility that you’re doing so much better than you give yourself credit for. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Bespreking van Mindware: tools for smart thinking (2015) door Richard Nisbett. Psycholoog Richard Nisbett heeft een nieuw boek geschreven getiteld Mindware: tools for smart thinking. Ik vind het een must-read voor studenten psychologie. Hier is mijn bespreking van het boek. Als psychologiestudent in de jaren ’80 hoorde ik voor het eerst van het werk van Richard Nisbett. Samen met Lee Ross (die de term fundamentele attributiefout bedacht, waarover later meer) schreef hij de klassieker Human Inference (1980) over hoe mensen vuistregels gebruiken bij sociale oordeels- en besluitvorming en hoe we aan de lopende band systematische fouten maken in de manier waarop we gebeurtenissen en mensen beoordelen. Het werk van Nisbett & Ross bouwde voort op en was sterk verwant met het werk van Amos Tversky en Daniel Kahneman (auteur van Ons feilbare denken). Nisbett was onder psychologen ook bekend vanwege werk dat hij had gedaan met zijn voormalige student Timothy Wilson over hoe veel mentale processen ontoegankelijk zijn voor ons bewustzijn.

How Design Thinking Could Help Solve the Skills Gap | Education on GOOD This story is the final in a six part editorial series exploring the balance between student learning and job skills. We're asking leaders and thinkers in education and technology fields: Can America educate its way out of the skills gap? This series is brought to you by GOOD, with support from Apollo Group. Learn more about our efforts to bridge the skills gap at Coding for GOOD. What if I were to tell you that you could learn more about how to solve the skills gap from a dating site than from a quantitative international study? As a systems designer at IDEO, I'm always looking for innovative ways to go about understanding and framing problems. The first technique is using analogous illustrations as a source for critical problem solving. A second approach used by design thinkers that could help illuminate unconventional solutions to the skills gap is looking to extremes instead of the norm. The third technique takes into account the human experience.
