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Blueprint Magazine - Architecture & Design

Blueprint Magazine - Architecture & Design

Construction Moderne : la revue trimestrielle de référence en architecture Accueil > Publications > Bâtiment > Revue Construction moderne Je m'abonne gratuitement Cette revue d'architecture présente des réalisations à l'intérêt esthétique et à la qualité technique reconnus. Construction Moderne n°151 Noisy-le-Grand / Bry-sur-Marne (94) - Lycée international de l’est parisien / Vitrolles (13) - Médiathèque "La passerelle" / Bailly-Romainvilliers (77) - Data center pour un groupe bancaire / Nice (06) - Gymnase futsal de l’ariane / Ivry (94) - Réhabilitation des maisons-tours / Les Mureaux (78) - Hôtel de police en zone de sécurité prioritaire / Vienne (38) - Pavillon du tourisme au bord du rhône / Marseille (13) - Siège de la société index éducation SAS (mars 2017) Construction Moderne n°150 Construction Moderne n°148 Construction Moderne n°147 Numéro spécial. Construction Moderne n°146 Frontignan : médiathèque. Construction Moderne n°144 Groupe scolaire – Châtellerault / Vallet de Martinis Architectes. Construction Moderne n°143 Construction Moderne n°142 Hors Série.

Prosthetic Knowledge Picks: Contemporary Plotter Rita A collection of examples from the Prosthetic Knowledge Tumblr archive on the modern adoption of an older computer output technology - the plotter. Invented in 1953, the plotter was a vectorial drawing output device developed by Remington-Rand for the UNIVAC computer for technical drawing. As other forms of printers nor monitors were as ubiquitous as they are now, the plotter drawing became the main format for early computer art, which can be seen by the many examples produced by the Algorists. As new approaches and availability to technical means, plotter or vector drawing has over the last ten years had a renaissance, with various projects utilizing this method for 'live' drawings. Many move away from traditional pen drawing, utilizing other media such as lasers, spray paint, and brushes. Lunar Trails Project by Seb Lee-Delisle takes well known arcade game 'Lunar Lander', and documents every gameplay on an accompanying visual plot. Snail Trail Snail Trail from Cartoon Brew on Vimeo.

Maison container : une solution écologique ? L’une des solutions les plus emblématiques de la construction à partir de matériaux recyclés est la maison container. Ces bâtiments sont réalisés à partir d’anciens conteneurs maritimes reconditionnés pour l’occasion. Qui se serait douté un jour que ce mode d’expédition, normalisé et utilisé dans le monde entier, verrait son usage détourné par le secteur du bâtiment ? Malcolm McLean, ce nom ne vous dit peut être rien, mais cet entrepreneur parti de rien développa une flotte de camions fin des années 1930. Confronté au problème de chargement/déchargement sur les ports, il passa une grand partie des années suivantes à chercher un moyen de transport plus efficace. Mais pour que ces conteneurs soient adoptés par le monde maritime, il lui fallut acheter une compagnie maritime, qu’il renomma Sealand Industries. Ideal X, 1er porte container de la Sté Sealand Du container maritime à la maison container Beaucoup de professionnels du bâtiment se sont penchés sur le recyclage de ces containers.

غزة بلوز في مذكراته التي تحمل عنوان “اسطنبول” يخصص الكاتب التركي أورهان باموك، الحائز على جائزة نوبل للآداب قبل سبعة أعوام، فصلاً كاملاً للحديث عن مفهوم الحزن، وعلاقته بالمدينة التي أحبها و ترعرع بها. و يتطرق إلى (مركزية) الحزن في ثقافة اسطنبول، في الشعر، والموسيقى والفنون الجميلة، لأن أهل المدينة العريقة يعتبرونه، أي الحزن، شرفاً لهم. و يحاول باموك، وببراعة متناهية، فهم شدة هذا الحزن من خلال شرح تاريخ المدينة بعد سقوط الإمبراطورية العثمانية. ثم يتطرق الكاتب إلى فهمه الخاص للحزن الجماعي في مدينته، ليس من منطلق رومانسي غربي مرتبط بعزلة الفرد ووحدته وحنينه للماضي، و لكن لما أسماه (المزاج الأسود) الجمعي للملايين من البشر، حزن مدينة بأسرها! إذاً هو حزن مختلف عن رومانسية القرن التاسع عشر، حزن يرى سكان المدينة أنفسهم به ويقبلونه بشكل جماعي. وهنا أتحول إلى غزة والحزن الجماعي الذي تراه بسهولة واضحة في شوارعها، بيوتها، مدارسها، جامعاتها، سينماتها المدمرة، بحرها الأزرق، حدودها المغلقة، في عيون نسائها، ورجالها وأطفالها! في نظرة مريض سرطان يحتاج لحقنة يومية امتنعت إحدى وزارتي الصحة عن توفيرها!

Modules pour Firefox mosques on the banknotes [25 piasters from 1977 with Mahmoud Mukhtar’s Nahdet Masr sculpture] As the value of the Egyptian pound continues to fall, it maybe a good time to take a close look at those one pound bills as they may disappear soon. Not long ago bills for fifty and twenty-five piasters were common in daily use, today such bills, if encountered, are kept for souvenir. All the current bills from the 25 Piaster to the 200 pound have mosques from Cairo on one side. All these monuments are located within walking distance in the heart of historic Cairo, makes for a nice day out. Here is a map showing the bills with the corresponding mosques: LE100 Sultan Hassan Mosque and Madrasa مسجد السلطان حسن LE50 Abu Hariba Mosque مسجد أبو حريبة LE20 Muhammad Ali Mosque مسجد محمد على LE10 al-Rifai` Mosque مسجد الرفاعى LE5 Ibn Tulun Mosque مسجد أحمد بن طولون LE1 Sultan Qaitbey مسجد السلطان قايتباى 50 Piasters al-Azhar Mosque المسجد الأزهر 25 Piasters Sayyeda Aisha Mosque مسجد السيدة عائشة

The Turing Problem 100 years ago this year, the man who first conceived of the computer age was born. His name was Alan Turing. He was also a math genius, a hero of World War II and he is widely considered to be the father of artificial intelligence. But the world wasn't kind to Alan Turing. In 1952, he was arrested and convicted under a British law that prohibited "acts of gross indecency between men, in public or private." In 1936, a young Alan Turing devised a machine that would ultimately change the world. You: So? Us: So this was back when the only "computers" were people doing math by hand. Turing lived his whole life with machines. The idea that machines would become our equals was unsettling for many of Turing's peers. Alan Turing was arrested and convicted in 1952 for activities that are no longer illegal in England. Read more: Janna Levin, A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines David Leavitt, The Man Who Knew Too Much: Alan Turing and the Invention of the Computer

How to Build a Brand Bible & Visual Style Guide Every brand, from the smallest website or startup, to corporate giants such as Nike or McDonald’s, need a set of branding guidelines and rules to maintain their identity. This document, which can range from a couple of pages, to several hundred, is the thread that holds together what the public sees from a company. A brand bible establishes the voice and personality of a company, as well as who the public will see, and it governs every aspect of communication from the company. The brand bible is the basis for all interactions on behalf of a company – personal communications, social media, advertising and design. What Is a Brand Bible? A brand bible or book is a document that establishes distinct guidelines on how all aspects of a company’s brand will be handled. The brand bible is meant to help employees properly use and communicate the message of a brand. It also serves as a guide for designers. Logo Usage Fonts and Typography Select a few typefaces that will be used in design projects.
